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Journal of Electrical & Electronic Systems

ISSN: 2332-0796

Open Access

A Study on Orthogonal Space-time Block Codes for Cooperative Function


Sabran ON

Space-time block codes alone generally have little or no coding gain. To extract coding gain, space-time block codes have been previously concatenated with an outer trellis to generate simple and powerful codes, recognized as superorthogonal codes. That work has two main themes: it explores methods and algorithms that generate coding gain in block codes exclusive of a trellis, as glowing as improve the coding gain in the presence of a trellis. At what time an external trellis is obtainable, our results simplify the super-orthogonal codes by finding new code supersets and corresponding set partitioning, resulting in improved coding gain. New algorithms are developed to efficiently build trellises for various full-rate MIMO codes, for that reason they extend the concept of trellis-block MIMO coding beyond orthogonal and quasi-orthogonal codes. In the absence of a trellis, a technique called single-block coded modulation is proposed to improve the coding gain of all varieties of space-time block codes. In that thesis they discuss coded modulation schemes designed for multiple antenna wireless channels without information of the channel at the transmitter. Space-time coding reduces the detrimental effect of channel fading. The space-time receiver takes advantage of diverse propagation paths between transmits and receive antennas to improve the performance of wireless communication. It contains a literature survey of the recent developments in MIMO signaling. The main types of spacetime codes are block and trellis codes. Space-time block codes (STBC) operate on a block of input symbols, producing a matrix output. Space-time block codes do not generally provide coding gain. Their main feature is the provision of diversity with a very simple decoding scheme. Concatenation of orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC) with an outer trellis has led to simple and powerful codes, known as super-orthogonal codes or STB-TCM.


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