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Journal of Textile Science & Engineering

ISSN: 2165-8064

Open Access

A Study on the Effects of Pre-treatment in Dyeing Properties of Cotton Fabric and Impact on the Environment


Asaduzzaman, Miah MR, Hossain F, Li X, Zakaria and Quan H

Pre-treatment of cotton fabric prior to dyeing mainly involves a combined process consisting of scouring and peroxide bleaching. In this study main focus on to find out the major problem facing during dyeing of cotton fabrics. Pretreatment process has a greater impact on whiteness and dyeing properties of fabrics and also on environment. There are two process of pretreatment which is alkaline scouring and bleaching process and another is enzymatic scouring and bleaching process, between this two processes comparison and also observation its effects on whiteness of fabric, dyeing also impact on environment. It is also observe that the 3 gL-1 hydrogen peroxide and 2 gL-1 sodium hydroxide give the good result on fabric whiteness with low environmental impact. Different pre-treated sample of cotton fabric dyed with reactive dye. The result obtain from dyed samples the combine pre-treatment by enzymatic scouring and bleaching gives good alternative of alkaline scouring bleaching process. Since it produce low BOD, COD and TOC impact on ecological factor. Furthermore it is also added advantages that it produces same whiteness and lower hydrolysation of dyestuff and good exhaustion.


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