
Journal of Electrical & Electronic Systems

ISSN: 2332-0796

Open Access

Analog Multiplier Based Single Phase Power Measurement


Pandey S and Singh B

Present paper proposes a power measurement technique of a single phase electrical load. The proposed method is a low cost power measurement technique. The load which is taken into consideration is either resistive load such as bulb or inductive load like single phase induction motor. This method is based on a low cost analogue IC (AD633) which does the analogue multiplication of the two input signals. In fact, AD633 is well suited for applications such as power measurement, modulation and demodulation, automatic gain control, voltage-controlled amplifiers, and frequency doublers. In present work AD633 is employed for power measurement. The AD633 output voltage give the multiplication of corresponding current and voltage signals of the load and produces pulsating signal/voltage at the double of the supply frequency. The higher frequency output of AD633 is attenuated by a low pass filer of an appropriate cut-off frequency (90 Hz). The corresponding DC component of the multiplier IC output obtained at the output of the active RC low- pass filter is found to be proportional to the average load power consumed. The output of RC low pass filter was plotted against different values of load using MATLAB code. The linearity of these plots was checked through the linear curve fit and the original plots for the validation purposes.


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