
Telecommunications System & Management

ISSN: 2167-0919

Open Access

Building a MPLS Based Telecommunication Network


Chreighvon Rodgers

Broadband internet has provided a way for people to connect across the country in almost real time. People have started hosting servers and media so they can access their files anywhere. They have also given access to friends who may use their servers to stream files. The rise of broadband internet has also revived the videogame industry and has opened the door to new possibilities. Broadband internet has allowed gamers to connect and play with people all over the globe. The boon of broadband internet has also led to an increase in competitive gaming. Competitive gaming requires minimal lag time, minimum drops, and very low latency to provide a robust experience. Schools and businesses have tapped into the power of broadband internet by creating WANs and hosting their own servers and services. Building a network to provide internet services to these customers is a large and complex endeavor. Similar to a campus LAN or building LAN the telecommunication service provider must be wary of the cost of providing the services. Similar to data center network, the company will need to handle obstacles like collocation and bandwidth utilization. This paper will explore how telecommunication companies can better serve customers like the video game industry and LAN administrators, through a range of technologies and services. This paper will look at MPLS, VPLS, DWDM, and BGP technologies to see how the telecommunication companies can use them to increase customer satisfaction without straining the company’s network. This paper will compare and contrast different protocols, technologies, and design modules to aid in determining what will be the best fit for the company.


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