Karuna Ramesh Kumar, Sampath Kumar and Muralidhar Pai
Aim and Objective: To observe pattern of disease and death in elderly as a reflection of epidemiological transition reported by WHO. Material and Methods: The study was cross sectional and hospital based. All deaths reported in the hospital for one year were reviewed for demographic details, diagnosis, and course of disease and cause of death. Whenever post mortem details were available, they were also recorded. Results: Among 275 deaths, 43% was observed in patients above 60 years. Heart related ailments and diabetes with complications were leading causes of death followed by infections. Malignancy and liver related disorders including alcoholic liver disease were third common causes of death. The other causes included renal conditions, trauma and poisoning. Comment and Conclusions: The pattern is consistent with changes seen globally. The impact of urbanization probably reflects in alcoholic liver disease being the third common cause of death. Trauma as a cause of death was the least common compared to patients below 60 years. The pattern implies a significant burden on the economy as there is a paradigm shift in diagnostics and management. As geriatric population increases, continuous modification of health care services is required to address needs created by changing pattern of disease and death.
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