Mengistu T Alemu, Yadeta Dessie, T Tesfaye, Abdu Oumer, Yohannes Teka
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus highly affected young peoples in developing countries, of which sexual transmission was the major route including vaginal, oral and anal sex. Understanding the full range of sexual behavior among young people especially anal sexual experience is very crucial to design appropriate intervention strategies.
Objective: To assess oral and anal sexual experience and associated factors among preparatory school youths in Dire Dawa city, Eastern Ethiopia, 2016.
Methods: School based cross sectional study was conducted among 1067 school youths attending preparatory schools. Systematic random sampling method was used to select study participants. Data were collected using selfadministered questionnaire and entered in to Epi-data version 3.3.1 and exported to SPSS 20 for analysis. Descriptive and bivariate logistic regression was done. Variables in bivariate analysis with P<0.25 were entered to multiple logistic regression analysis to determine predictor variables. P<0.05 was considered statistically significance and AOR with 95% CI used to assess strength of association.
Results: The proportion of youths who reported having anal sex was 6.7% (66). Having multiple sexual partnerships was reported by 56.5% of youths who ever engaged in anal sex. From those who ever engaged to anal sex, 34.8% consistently used condom. Anal sex experience was significantly associated with intimate partner ever engaged to anal sex (AOR=5.34, 95% CI: 4.2-26.98), ever engaged to vaginal sex (AOR=10.64, 95% CI: 2.39-11.9), ever watching pornographic movies (AOR=3.86, 95% CI: 1.45-10.29) and parental monitoring of youth’s sexual behavior (AOR=2.63, 95% CI: 1.12-6.19).
Conclusion: Significant proportion of youths had engaged in anal sexual practice and multiple sexual partners were common among youths for anal sex practices. In the contrary consistent condom use was very low. A combination of Sexual health education intervention strategies should be implemented at family, school and community level.
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