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Advances in Robotics & Automation

ISSN: 2168-9695

Open Access

IIT Kharagpur Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: Conceptual Design Report of Kraken 4


Ayush Srivastava*

Kraken 4 is the unmanned undersea vehicle being developed by AUV IITKGP, a team of 20 undergraduate students at IIT Kharagpur. Kraken 4 is an advanced version of our previous AUV, Kraken 3. This report describes the design and development of an AUV for the STUDENT autonomous underwater vehicle event, organized by NIOT, Chennai. This document discusses the general design methodology, modelling and simulation of the proposed conceptual design. With numerous improvements, this design presents a more agile vehicle with increased capabilities over previous vehicles. New advancements include a stronger frame, an improved electrical system and momentous software changes which affords improved mission reliability. The proposed model has 6 degrees of freedom with allowances for a robust navigational payload.


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