
Journal of Pharmacognosy & Natural Products

ISSN: 2472-0992

Open Access

In Vivo Effect of Medicinal Plants on Some Serum Biochemical Parameters in Laying Hens


Muhammad Mushtaq*, Naila Chand, Sarzamin Khan, and Umer Saddique

Effect of medicinal plants on overall performance and serological parameters were explored in the laying birds. Forty weeks old 210-egg type birds were used as tested criteria. Birds were randomly alienated to 7 experimental groups with 3 replicates, consisted of 10 birds/replicate. Data were recorded for serology and haematology of laying birds. Serum hepatic, lipids, kidney function parameters, serum antibody titre against Newcastle disease and haematological parameters were estimated at the end of trial. Significantly lower egg yolk and serum cholesterol was recorded in group Bl-1. Medicinal plants supplementation significantly lower the triglycerides level over the control group. Significantly improve/high level of high density lipoprotein was recorded in Tg-1, Bl-1 and Ta-1, while low level of low density lipoprotein was recorded in Bl-1 and Ta-1.  Haematological parameters significantly improved in medicinal plants treated groups except haemoglobin and red blood cells counts. Hepatic biomarkers ALT and AST were recorded non-significant in all treated groups, while serum ALP and total protein was significantly altered in groups Bl-1 and Ta-0.5. Non-significant observations were recorded for nephro-protective effect of medicinal plants in laying birds. It is concluded from the results that medicinal plants possess hypolipidemic, haematological and hepato-nephro protective effects.


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