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Business and Economics Journal

ISSN: 2151-6219

Open Access

Industrial, Trade and Innovation Policies within the Perspective of Industry 4.0: The Case Portugal and Brazil


Luciana Peixoto Santa Rita*

This study aims to identify the new contexts in which industrial, trade and innovation policies are being developed, with a focus on the changes inspired by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The following questions will be investigated: What are the limits and impacts of industrial, trade and innovation policies from an Industry 4.0 perspective in Brazil and Portugal? The study is descriptive, being carried out through documental research and by using secondary data. As results, it highlights how industrial, trade and innovation policies in both countries were impacted by the crises that occurred in the period under analysis. Furthermore, there are limits to technological overflows and to an increase in the participation of both countries in global trade outside the logic of economic integration or insertion into blocks and free trade agreements.


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