
Clinical Gastroenterology Journal

ISSN: 2952-8518

Open Access

Life Threatening Chronic Enteritis Due to Colonization of the Small Bowel with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Rare Case Report


Asala M Awaysa*, Areen E Ershaid, Arein AM Abufara, Jenan E Ershaid, Shereen Ershaid, Layth Al Karaja and Mosab Samamra

This case report discusses a chronic enteritis case which is a challenging disease marked by an inflammation in the small intestine. As well as, it may involve gastroenteritis and enterocolitis. Through the report, a clinical course of an adult 46-year-old male patient free past illness has showed multiple complicated GI issues after a series of checkups started on October, 2022. Such as, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and CT. Due to his complain of abdominal pain and diarrhea started 5 months ago before the diagnosis and receiving the proper treatment as a patient suffers from Crohn’s disease. Several lab tests have been taking in aim to identify the causative agent of signs and symptoms the patient showed. The clear result appears in the blood CX which indicated the presence of S. maltophilia sensitive on suprim. This type of obligate aerobic bacteria is classifying as gram negative bacillus which is opportunistic pathogen-uncommon cause of chronic enteritis disease found mostly as causative agent among hospitalized patients. This case shows importance in medical field due the presence of a rare pathogen as a dominant cause of chronic human gastrointestinal infection that should be treated urgently.


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