
Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research

ISSN: 2155-6113

Open Access

Magnitude and Factors Affecting the Fertility Desire of People Living with HIV Infection in Ethiopia- A Cross Sectional Study


Mesoud M Ahmed, AlemayehuBKahsay, GebremeskelMiruts and KalayouK berhe

Background: Sub-Saharan Africa remained the most affected region in the global AIDS epidemic which is 22.4 million and whereas in Ethiopia 980000 of people living with HIV. ART enables a return to normal life, including a resumption of sexual activity and a new or renewed desire for children. Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the magnitude and factors affecting fertility desire among people living with HIV infection in WoreiluWoreda at Worailu health center. Methods: A facility based cross-sectional study design was used to collect data from 392 HIV positive patients/ clients which is supplemented by qualitative in-depth interview. Study subjects were selected using systematic random sampling. univariate analysis such as percentages, frequency distributions was used to describe the data . bivariate analysis usedto cheack association and finally binary logistic regression model was fitted to examine the effect of the independent variables on the fertility desire. Result:The study subjects consisted of 206 (52.55%) females and 186 (47.45%) males. among the study subjects, 155 (39.54%) respondents had fertility desire.Generally, respondents who were single, widow/widowed and divorced were 0.158 (95% CI=0. 035, 0.716),0.042(95% CI=0.004, 0.469) and0.140 (95% CI=0.028, 0.714) times less likely to desire fertility when compared with those respondents who were marriedrespectively. Conclusion:This study revealed that a high number of HIV positive men and women desired children. Fertility decisions in peoples living with HIV are not only affected by their HIV status but depends on different predictor factors. Those who desire fertility are having no children or less number of children, married or in relationship and have partners who also desire children.Therefore concerned body should expand PMTCT service in all health centers including private sectors.


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