
Research and Reports in Medical Sciences

ISSN: 2952-8127

Open Access

Not Always Just Two Sides to Every Story: Stroke in Peripartum Cardiomyopathy and Hyperthyroidism- Christie Anne I Pabelico- De La Salle University Health Sciences Institute


Christie Anne I Pabelico

Peripartum cardiomyopathy, in itself, is a rare condition. Often undiagnosed early, most cases are those already with complications, usually in decompensated heart failure. The symptoms are not recognized promptly because of the close resemblance to the normal spectrum of pregnancy. In rare occasions, this form of cardiomyopathy can be the etiology of stroke.

A 33 year old female G5P4, known hyperthyroid, admitted in labor and delivered to a live baby boy, with no complications. On the 12th hour postpartum, noted sudden onset of right-sided body weakness. Imaging showed infarct of varying ages on the left frontal lobe. Suspecting a probable embolic origin, electrocardiogram revealed sinus tachycardia but 2D echocardiogram showed global hypokinesia with ejection fraction of 30%. During ICU stay, the patient had difficulty breathing with concomitant desaturations, associated with tachycardia. With a background of hyperthyroidism, thyroid storm was also entertained, thus, the debate regarding the etiology of heart failure secondary to thyrotoxic heart disease versus peripartum cardiomyopathy was raised. Currently, there are no related literature regarding the incidence of all entities occurring in the same setting. 

The case presented a gray area in stroke in the spectrum of pregnancy, peripartum cardiomyopathy and hyperthyroidism because the incidence of these in the same setting is rare. It is unfortunate that the patient already suffered the devastating consequence leading to morbidity on diagnosis. The importance of a high index of suspicion and prompt diagnosis are keys, as well as adherence to medications and patient education, to guide proper management and prevent complications.


Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a rare cause of cardiomyopathy that occurs during late pregnancy or early postpartum periods. This condition can be life-threatening and is characterized by severe left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure. [1][2][3] [3]

PPCM is not a specific entity. In 2010 , the European Society for Cardiology identified PPCM as an idiopathic cardiomyopathy with the following characteristics:

  • Development of heart failure towards the end of pregnancy or the postpartum period.
  • Absence of another identifiable cause for heart failure.
  • Left ventricular systolic dysfunction with left ventricle (LV) ejection fraction almost always less than 45 percent. The LV may or may not be extended.


The etiology behind PPCM is as yet muddled. Connection with eclampsia and hypertension during pregnancy has been found. In any case, the fundamental component is muddled. Hazard factors for PPCM are African drop, age, pregnancy-related hypertension issue, multiparity, different developments, stoutness, constant hypertension, and delayed utilized of tocolytics. A few examinations have been proposed different theoretical instruments identified with the improvement of PPCM.[4][5] This will be clarified in the pathophysiology segment.


The occurrence of PPCM is dubious, maybe due to the misdiagnosis of this character. In spite of this, the accessible data from various investigations has indicated that PPCM differs geologically. In the United States, the frequency has been accounted for to be as low as 1 case for each 4,000 live births in examination with the higher rate in Nigeria of 1 case in each 100 live births.

Ladies more established than 25 years with a mean age of 30 years were discovered bound to create PPCM. Other significant components identified with the nearness of PPCM incorporate hypertensive issue related with pregnancy, the nearness of iron deficiency, and African drop.

In the other hand, Hispanic ladies are the ethnicity with the least PCCM frequency. [6][7]


The etiology behind PPCM is as yet hazy yet is likely multifactorial. In the writing, potential factors that may add to the etiology of PPCM have been assessed.

Huge hemodynamic changes happen during pregnancy. There is an expansion in preload optional to the increment in red cell mass and blood volume. This likewise builds the cardiovascular yield by 20% to 30% because of an expansion in pulse and stroke volume by 15% to 25%. Every one of these progressions present during the first and second trimester, the second when the patient with basic coronary illness will create manifestations. Contrasted and PPCM, these side effects create during the peripartum. Consequently, it isn't evident that hemodynamic anxieties are the primary purpose behind PPCM.[8][7]

Different etiologies, for example, myocarditis has been speculated because of the nearness of viral genomes in biopsy of patients with PPCM as echovirus, Coxsackie, and parvovirus B19. An error among different investigations exists, and therefore, the explicitness of this discoveries is poor, and further examinations are essential.

Studies have improved our comprehension of the etiology of PPCM as the job of a harmful hormonal condition that produces in late pregnancy and the relationship with hereditary variables that can add to the advancement of PPCM.

Critical hormonal changes happen toward the finish of pregnancy. Prolactins levels increment during late pregnancy and in the puerperium stage. A few experts have been contemplating the impact of prolactin digestion in the mouse model of PPCM. One of these models had a knockout articulation of STAT3; a chemical was found in the myocardium of patients with end-stage cardiovascular breakdown auxiliary to PPCM. This catalyst shields the heart from receptive oxygen species that, when expanded, creates by a component not known the emission of a peptidase known as cathepsin D that cleavage prolactin into an angiostatic N-terminal 16 kDA prolactin section that advances apoptosis in endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes apoptosis.

Hereditary factors likewise have been involved in the etiology of PPCM. Proof of bunch of families with PPCM has been watched, and it is conceivable that the statement of the qualities with the harmful condition during late pregnancy because of oxidative pressure can expand the weakness of PPCM. A few investigations have recognized transformations in certain patients with PPCM.

A professional fiery state may assume a job in the advancement of PPCM. Expanded degrees of cytokines, for example, TNF-alpha and interleukin-6 have been found in patients with PPCM and cardiovascular breakdown.

Worry for an immune system reaction as a potential reason for PPCM has been depicted, particularly on the grounds that elevated levels of antibodies against certain heart tissue could be the reason immune system myocarditis as the etiology behind PPCM. The proof supporting this hypothesis depends on another hypothesis that depicted changes in the resistant arrangement of the mother during pregnancy (immunosuppression) driving the mother's body presented to antigens from the baby that can cause age of an insusceptible reaction after pregnancy when the invulnerable framework recuperates.


In heart examples found in the post-mortem examination of ladies with a past filled with PPCM, seems, by all accounts, to be pale, heavier and enlarged. In the hearts with cardiovascular brokenness, variable nearness of wall painting thrombi has been found. Inside the heart, the valves look ordinary and the coronary vessels are patent more often than not except if know history of ischemia exists. Pericardial emission is once in a while found. In the minute perspective on the heart, proof of interstitial edema and cell expanding, fibrosis, and hypertrophy is every now and again found in the myocardium with frequently territories of bounteous assortment of eosinophils.

Expanded the quantity of glycogen and mitochondrias is generally found in myocardial cells assessed with electron microscopy.

History and Physical

PPCM will introduce following 36 weeks of development, and most of cases is found in the main month after conveyance. A prior introduction can happen in patients with fundamental heart comorbidities as valvular or ischemic cardiomyopathy.

Introduction of PPCM can change contingent upon the level of the sickness right now of introduction. Indications identified with cardiovascular breakdown and identified with pregnancy are paroxysmal nighttime dyspnea, pedal edema, orthopnea, and dyspnea on effort. Different manifestations incorporated a dry hack, palpitations, increment of stomach circumference, dazedness, and chest torment.

Discoveries in the physical test like jugular venous expansions, uprooted apical motivation, third heart sound, and mitral spewing forth mumbles are normal.


The analysis of PPCM requires a high list of doubt dependent on the three clinical measures since manifestations are like those identified with physiopathologic changes auxiliary to pregnancy. PPCM is a conclusion of rejection, and point by point examination is required to preclude other progressively regular reasons for cardiomyopathy. [1][9]

Beginning assessment comprises of routine blood work to assess for different reasons for those side effects, for example, iron deficiency, electrolyte variations from the norm, endocrine conditions as thyroid brokenness, and renal or liver brokenness. Height of cerebrum natriuretic peptide (BNP) is usually discovered raised in patients with cardiovascular breakdown and patients with PPCM.

Radiography of the chest can be a piece of the underlying assessment, indicating cardiomegaly as well as aspiratory edema. These discoveries are vague for PPCM yet reminiscent of cardiovascular breakdown.

Cardiovascular examinations, for example, an electrocardiogram and echocardiogram are a piece of the underlying assessment.

Electrocardiographic discoveries can be vague. The regular discoveries are sinus tachycardia, supraventricular tachycardia (counting atrial fibrillation or vacillate), and every so often ventricular tachycardia. ST portion and T wave irregularities have been accounted for yet are vague. Widening of chambers by electrocardiogram can be available as well. In spite of this vague discoveries, QRS prolongation of more prominent than 120 milliseconds is identified with expanded mortality in patients with PPCM. Echocardiography is the principle study to assess the life systems and usefulness of the heart in patients with suspected PPCM. Assessment of the left ventricular launch portion (LVEF) is critical to preclude PPCM, as a feature of the standards requires a LVEF under 45%. Echocardiography additionally assesses for different reasons for cardiovascular breakdown such valvular maladies or some other auxiliary variations from the norm. Expansion of the ventricles and chambers can be available, and LV blood clot or atrial apoplexy can be found.

Further cardiovascular testing should be possible with heart MRI; this methodology can assist with diagnosing different reasons for cardiovascular breakdown not related with PPCM and can decide the volume of the chambers and ventricular capacity in a more exact manner than echocardiography. A further job of cardiovascular MRI in PPCM is to be resolved.

Heart catheterization is just for chosen patients. Left heart catheterization is shown in patients with doubt of ischemic cardiomyopathy. Right heart catheterization is less every now and again utilized for the assessment of PPCM. Echocardiographic boundaries for chamber weight can be utilized at first, and if further evaluation is fundamental or patient disease is extreme and progressively precise estimation is required, a correct heart catheterization can help with these circumstances.

Endomyocardial biopsy isn't prescribed and is for the most part used to assess for infiltrative maladies that can be causing the bombing heart.

Right now, there is a particular test for finding of PPCM.

Treatment / Management

The underlying clinical administration of PPCM is like different reasons for cardiovascular breakdown with the uncommon regard for how the condition can influence the pregnancy. Extra remedial contemplations for this populace may incorporate arrhythmia the executives, anticoagulation treatment, mechanical help, and investigational therapies.[10][11][12]

As a feature of the objective of treatment for patients with PPCM, enhancing the preload or volume status is done through suitable diuresis and keeping an equalization of intra-and extravascular volume. Liquid limitation is basic to accomplish this objective. Prepartum PCCM has unique contemplations for treatment because of reactions of prescription that may cross the placenta and influence the baby. For instance, utilization of diuretics during pregnancy ought to be done cautiously and in exceptionally low portions as they may hinder perfusion of the placenta and cause likely damage to the hatchling. Both hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide are sheltered during pregnancy and lactation, with close observing for diuresis and at low dosages. Deficient information exist about potassium-saving diuretics for PPCM during pregnancy.

Angiotensin-changing over protein (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) are contraindicated during pregnancy because of the notable teratogenic impacts whenever administrated during pregnancy. Both of these drugs can be utilized after conveyance, yet breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Beta-blockers can be utilized with alert during pregnancy (beta-1 particular specialists are liked) and are contraindicated during breastfeeding in light of the fact that this is discharged in the breastmilk. Carvedilol is a joined beta-blocker with an extra alpha-barricade impact that permits a diminishing of the afterload and is compelling in the treatment of PPCM.

Hydralazine, a vasodilator, is sheltered during pregnancy. A nitroglycerin dribble can be utilized to oversee afterload in the intense setting. Nitroprusside is contraindicated during pregnancy for worry of cyanide's harmfulness.

In sick patients with hemodynamic flimsiness, the utilization of inotropes may be fundamental. Utilization of inotropes, for example, dobutamine, dopamine, and milrinone is limited for this basic circumstance with close checking and with quick weaning off prescription if conceivable.

Digoxin is another medication that can be utilized for the treatment of PPCM. It is protected during pregnancy and can be utilized when the ionotropic and chronotropic impact is fundamental, particularly in the setting of uncontrolled atrial fibrillation.

Anticoagulation treatment in patients with PPCM is dubious. As a general suggestion, patients with PPCM without LV clots or atrial fibrillation ought not be in anticoagulation. Patients with PPCM and atrial fibrillation as well as LV blood clot ought to be anticoagulated as indicated by the rules for anticoagulation and the trimester of pregnancy.

Choices in regards to the utilization of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and heart resynchronization treatment in patients with PPCM ought to think about the characteristic history of these ailments, including the potential for the recuperation of ventricular capacity.

Utilization of mechanical circulatory help has been depicting in patients with fulminant PPCM. Position of left ventricular colleague gadget (LVAD) can be a scaffold for transplant or recuperation.

Trial meds, for example, pentoxifylline, bromocriptine, IVIG, and immunosuppression are still under scrutiny, and vague suggestions exist for these medications.

Differential Diagnosis

PPCM is an exclusion diagnosis. It is necessary to evaluate other causes of heart failure. Pregnancy valves or pre-existing cardiomyopathies that decompensate with pregnancy-related hemodynamic changes, and more symptoms can be seen later in pregnancy.


Recuperation regularly happens three to a half year baby blues however has been portrayed until four years after conveyance.

Good Prognosis Factors

A few elements are related with acceptable anticipation, these include:

Little LV diastolic measurement (under 5.5cm)

LVEF more prominent than 30% to 35% and fractioning of shortening more noteworthy than 20% at the hour of analysis

The nonattendance of troponin rise

The nonattendance of LV blood clot

Non-African American ethnicity

Poor Prognosis Factors

The accompanying components may demonstrate a poor anticipation:

QRS more prominent than 120 milliseconds

Deferred finding

High NYHA class


African plunge

Repeat of PPCM in resulting pregnancies is raised, and the patient ought to be exhorted against further pregnancies and observed intently.


Maternal complications



Progressive heart failure

Misdiagnosis as pre-eclampsia

Fetal complications

Fetal distress from hypoxia




High-risk obstetrician


Deterrence and Patient Education

Patients should be provided with information on the potential for adverse effects during pregnancy. Most patients blame the physician for presenting cardiomyopathy without prior knowledge.

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Peripartum cardiomyopathy is an uncommon however intense confusion. The general anticipation relies upon the launch division. Around 50-70% of patients have progressive improvement in ventricular capacity and manifestations by a half year. Be that as it may, embolic occasions convey a mortality of 30%. For ladies who endure, a subsequent pregnancy ought not be attempted if the discharge part is low. Before a subsequent pregnancy, the female ought to be altogether animated with a reverberation or a pressure test. Indeed, even patients with a total recuperation ought to be cautioned that the condition can repeat once more. The planning of conveyance and the executives require an interprofessional approach and individualization of the patient. [13][14] (Level V)

The job of the obstetric medical attendant is basic. These patients need an exhaustive training regarding the matter with the goal that they have practical desires. Most patients never think about that as a pregnancy will be unfavorably influenced, and when cardiomyopathy happens, the patient as well as the family generally accuse the medicinal services suppliers for absence of data.

Throughout the years, numerous rules have opened up on the determination and the executives of peripartum cardiomyopathy. Accordingly, all human services laborers who care for these patients must be all around educated about the treatment. [15][16](Level V)


Ladies with a negligible abatement in discharge part will in general have a decent visualization, yet those with a poor launch division have a high danger of death. What's more, any female who requires a help gadget will in general have antagonistic occasions and a low endurance. A heart transplant isn't generally an alternative in light of an absence of contributors. Much of the time, while the pregnant female may endure, the baby may not. Given this dismal measurements, all human services laborers ought to instruct the patient and family about the confusion and its results. [17][18] (level III)

Note: This work is partly presented at 31st European Heart and Heart Failure Congress June on 18-19, 2020 held at Paris, France


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