
Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

Predisposing Factors for Hamstring Tightness among University Students


Chellapillai FMD, Wijayalath WPLD, Dayarathna WMS, Safinaz ZMFZ, Ihsan AN, Neranjan EPL, Ariyasinghe AS and Kariyawasam AP

Hamstring is the muscle which makes the posterior compartment of the thigh. It is the most common muscle which gets injured easily due to the tightness of the muscle. This study aimed to determine whether extended sitting, body composition, Hamstring to Quadriceps strength ratio (H/Q Ratio) and level of physical activity predispose to hamstring tightness. This study also focused on identifying the influence of gender and leg dominancy on hamstring tightness.

Hamstring muscle tightness was significantly higher in males than that of females. Non-dominant leg (right or left) did not show a difference in tightness than the dominant side. The association between extended sitting and Hamstring tightness was significant while the association between Hamstring tightness with body composition, H/Q ratio and level of physical activity was not significant. It is important that we take measures to minimize the risk of developing hamstring tightness among university students.


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