
Journal of Clinical Research

ISSN: 2795-6172

Open Access

Prevalence of Traumatic Brain Injury and its Prognosis among Patients Admitted to Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital emergence Department, Addis ababa Ethiopia, 2018


Cheru Kore*, Girma Adugna and Yohannes Desta

Background; Traumatic brain injury is one in all the foremost devastating kinds of injury, and it leads to varied degrees of paralysis, loss of consciousness, cognitive state and even death. Head trauma accounts for the bulk of trauma deaths. Traumatic brain injury is taken into account a ‘silent epidemic, as society is essentially unaware of the magnitude of this drawback.

Objective: To assess the Prevalence of traumatic brain injury/TBI and its prognosis among patients admitted to TASH emergency department, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2018.

Method: Institutional based retrospective, cross sectional study was conducted at TASH, from May 23, 2018 to June 20, 2018, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Data was recorded on structured check lists through reviewing of patient chart retrospectively. The quantitative data was entered by using SPSS version 20.

Results: A total of 129 records were analyzed. Prevalence of head injury is 27.7%. The gender distribution is 106 males to 23 females, making the male to female ratio 5.6:1. The most commonly affected age group was from 16-29 years old. A total of 47 (36.4%) of the TBI patients came from the urban area. The causes of the TBI were fall down accident in 15.5%, interpersonal violence in 31.7%, and Road Traffic Accident (RTA) in 48%.

Conclusion: The risk factors were the male gender, motorcycle riding, trading, extremes of age and active night and day (afternoon) time period. The incidence rate was much higher than in the developed countries, but could reduce with the use of crash helmets, EMS care, speed limits and safety/protective vehicular devices, with better rehabilitation centers.


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