Houzou Prénam, Kakpovi Kodjo, Mouhari-Touré Abass, Koffi-Tessio Viwalé ES, Fianyo Eyram, Tagbor Komi C, Oniankitan Owonayo and Mijiyawa Moustafa
Aim: To determine the epidemiological profile and semiological characteristics of osteoarticular manifestations in people infected with human immunodefienciency virus (HIV) in the northern region of Togo.
Patients and methods: It was a cross-sectional study conductedon the records of patients with rheumatic affection and infected with HIV, admitted in rheumatologic consultation in Kara teaching hospital (Togo) from April 2012 to February 2017.
Results: Fifty-eight patients (70.69% female and 29.31% male) were HIV positive. Their meanage during consultation was 47.94 ± 9.13 years old. Traders (37.93%) and workers of informal sector (22.41%) were the most affected. The HIV infection was known by the patientin 45 cases before the consultation among which 41have beenunder antiretroviral therapy (ART). The main rheumatic manifestations were: degenerative pathology of the spine (28 cases), infectious pathology (12 cases of which 7 were Pott's disease), reactive arthritis (9 cases) and osteonecrosis (5 cases). The mean body mass index in the 58 patients was 23.77 Kg/m2 ± 6.44.Fever(13.79%)and alteration of general condition (43.10%) were the main other signs observed. Anemia was present in 50% of cases. The erythrocyte sedimentation ratein the first hourwas higher than 50 mm in 62.06% of cases.
Conclusion: The degenerative pathology of the spine is common in rheumatic patients infected with HIV in Togo. However, there is an increasing part of the osteonecrosis directly related to HIV and the ART.
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