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Article Name - Advancements in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice: A Journey towards Improved Management and Prevention

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  • Keywords Diabetes research • Clinical practice • Prevention ... 2023-08-25
  • Introduction Early detection plays a crucial role in managing diabetes effectively and preventing complications. Recent research has focused on the development of novel diagnostic tools and screening metho ... 2023-08-25
  • Literature Review The concept of precision medicine has emerged as a promising approach in diabetes management. Researchers have made substantial progress in understanding the genetic and molecular underpinning ... 2023-08-25
  • Discussion In recent years, therapeutic advancements have diversified the treatment landscape for diabetes. The development of new classes of antidiabetic drugs, such as glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor ... 2023-08-25
  • Conclusion The field of diabetes research and clinical practice continues to witness remarkable advancements, driven by technology, genetics and a deeper understanding of the disease. From early detectio ... 2023-08-25
  • Acknowledgement None. ... 2023-08-25
  • Conflict of Interest None. ... 2023-08-25
  • References Hovorka, Roman. "Closed-loop insulin delivery: From bench to clinical practice." Nat Rev Endocrinol 7 (2011): 385-395. Google Scholar, Crossref, Indexed at Lau, David CW, James D ... 2023-08-25