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Article Name - The Dual Threat: Understanding the Link Between Diabetes and Kidney Disease

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  • Introduction Diabetes and kidney disease often go hand in hand, forming a dangerous duo that can significantly impact an individual's health and quality of life. As both conditions continue to rise in prev ... 2023-08-25
  • Description High blood sugar levels associated with diabetes can gradually impair the small blood vessels and tiny filtering units within the kidneys. This damage affects the kidneys' ability to filter wa ... 2023-08-25
  • Conclusion Individuals with diabetes and kidney disease require regular monitoring of their blood glucose levels, blood pressure and kidney function. This typically involves routine laboratory tests, suc ... 2023-08-25
  • Acknowledgement None. ... 2023-08-25
  • Conflict of Interest None. ... 2023-08-25
  • References Oktay, Ahmet Afşin, Halis Kaan Akturk and Eiman Jahangir. "Diabetes mellitus and hypertension: A dual threat." Curr Opin Cardiol 31 (2016): 402-409. Google Scholar, Crossref, I ... 2023-08-25