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Article Name - Forecasting Emerging Technologies with Long Short-term Memory

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  • Introduction In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, the ability to anticipate future trends and innovations is paramount for staying competitive and driving growth. Traditional methods of f ... 2024-06-05
  • Description LSTM is a type of artificial neural network designed to process and predict sequences of data while retaining information over long time intervals. Unlike traditional feedforward neural networ ... 2024-06-05
  • Conclusion Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks offer a powerful tool for predicting emerging technologies and trends in a wide range of domains. By capturing temporal dependencies and patterns ... 2024-06-05
  • Acknowledgement None. ... 2024-06-05
  • Conflict of Interest None. ... 2024-06-05
  • References Belk, Russell. "You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online." J Bus Res 67 (2014): 1595-1600. Google Scholar, Crossref Belk, Russell. "Sha ... 2024-06-05