DOI: 10.4172/:2223-5833.2022.12.431
DOI: 10.4172/:2223-5833.2022.12.431
The implementation of environmental regulations in our nation would undoubtedly improve quality of life and decrease excessive environmental exploitation. However, certain factors must be considered, such as the inflationary effect, the fact that these funds are not always used for environmental reasons, and raising costs to a producer within a country or region. The goal of the study is to determine how aware are respondents of environmental regulations and their importance, if it acts as an incentive to minimize pollution, and the many benefits it provides. The empirical research approach was used in this study, along with a simple sampling strategy. According to research, eco taxes benefit society and the business community because they generate money that can be used directly to protect the environment, to provide incentives to others to do so, or to reduce other more costly taxes with the goal of improving employment and overall economic wellbeing.
Shital Vakhariya
The port facility will be expanded to a greater deal in order meet the growing world demands for commercial purposes. DP World is constructing a quay which will be extended and it will increase the overall capacity of the regional port. With the boom in maritime industry and new technology improvements in the shipping services sector, machinery repair services have become an attractive platform for many service companies in the UAE region. Competitive services along with less lead time and high quality is now one of the key factors that can lead to better business prospects. However, there seems to be more factors that influence the ship owners operating in Gulf waters. The fast development of shipping industry has made it feasible for many business individuals to set up their own service companies thereby increasing the competition. It is highly recommended to understand the needs of our customers and partners in the maritime sector. Thus, we will be able to guide our team to provide the best solutions that will serve the maritime sector in the UAE. The focus of this study is on understanding the factors that could help to increase the clientele and also to identify the key factors for customer satisfaction and retention
Falah Abu, Muhamad Zameri Mat Saman*
The purpose of this paper is to address the accompanying lean manufacturing (LM) implementation barrier issues and their future outlook. In the article “An SEM approach for the barrier analysis in lean implementation in manufacturing industries,” the barriers that hinder the implementation of lean manufacturing are discussed based on three factors; culture and human attitude, knowledge, and resources. The authors examine why Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) companies refuse or are unable to implement lean using the wood and furniture industries as a case study. This mini review summarizes the reasons for not implementing LM practices from the perspective of LM practice selection and contextual factors.
Komal Jain
E-Recruitment, likewise called as Online Recruitment, is the way toward employing the potential possibility for the empty occupation positions, utilizing the electronic assets, especially the web. E-Recruitment incorporates the whole procedure of finding the imminent up-and-comers, surveying, meeting and employing them, according to the activity necessity. Through this, the enrollment is accomplished successfully and effectively. For the most part, the activity opening is publicized on the World Wide Web (www), where the candidates append their CV or resume, to get perceived by the potential spotters or the employers. The organizations embrace their online special exercises by means of their official sites, wherein the total data about the partnership is encased. Through this data, the forthcoming competitor could conclude whether to be a piece of a firm or not. Along these lines, the company's legitimate site is viewed as a basic component of E-Recruitment. E-enlistment is a simple and a straightforward method of recruiting workers in an organization, when contrasted with the customary strategies. Web has had an immense effect on the overall working of the HR office. With the idea of E-HRM in an organization, the working of the HR office turns out to be simple. There is a decline in the use of paper, less capacity is required, less time gets squandered in documentation process, decrease in labor use, spares time and information can be utilized as and when required and in a few different ways. Through analysis, it is evident that there is no significant relation between the source of hiring and the % of selections made. Choice of an applicant depends on different factors too, for example, the quantity of long periods of experience one has, the educational qualifications, relational abilities
Mirza Hammad Ghazanfar Baig*, Muhammad Mutasim Billah Tufail and Mirza Jawad Ghazanfar Baig
DOI: DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2022.12.456
Pakistan has been standing up to the inadequacy of housing units like any other underdeveloped country across the world. The enormous deficiency is rapidly increasing; in 1998 the housing stock was 19.2 million whereas the shortage was about 4.3 million. According to the population poll of 2017, it reaches to 32.2 million as housing stocks, whereas the shortage increased to 10 million and currently the housing deficiency reaches to more than 12 million (World Bank 2018). The housing industry remained neglected by all stakeholders including government itself in past. If at all the leadership got any attention, it ends up as a mere political rhetoric. Even though if the work was done, it didn't go beyond a certain desire or discussion and didn't even set a drafting table. The fate of the few launched housing schemes for lowincome populace created an environment of mistrust. The bold initiative taken by current political party for construction industry and especially towards the construction of Low-cost housing units for under privileged citizens by giving them a chance of having their own home. This dictates identification of risk factors associated with the failure of low-cost housing schemes launched previously. These factors need to be analyzed thoroughly for success of the initiative taken thus keeping a strong sociopolitical relation. The procedure for low-cost housing scheme presented by NAPHDA was explored. The study is encompassed by a poll-based survey comprising variables placed using the Relative Importance Index (RII). The results of this investigation allow appropriation by the customers, contractor, and employees and suggest bold dynamic measures to manage these identified risks for the achievement of the planned project.
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2022.12.461
Artificial intelligence is playing a significant role in all sectors of the economy, including the higher education sector. This study focused on the rising roles of artificial intelligence in higher education through a methodical evaluation of the literature. Data were gathered via a systematic review of scholarly articles on artificial intelligence published in higher education institutions from 2011 to 2021 from the Web of Science, ERIC, and Scopus. The review used a systematic qualitative research methodology. Based on the date, language, reported outcomes, setting, and type of publications, a rigorous inclusion and exclusion process was followed. The following themes were used to screen and code the articles that were chosen: future careers, course/program assessments, learning and teaching, and education quality. The findings demonstrate the enormous contribution artificial intelligence makes to improved quality educational services, hands-on learning and teaching, and teaching assessment methods for a better future job. All of this helps universities evolve digitally to meet shifting global needs. According to the study, artificial intelligence will likely have an impact on employment in the future. As a result, higher education institutions should integrate AI into every aspect of their operations to produce graduates who are well-equipped to meet future market demands and who are in step with the fourth industrial revolution. The report also suggests further research on effect evaluations of artificial intelligence.
Amir Khushk*, Liu Zhiying, Xu Yi, Zhang Zengtian and Yang Hui
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2022.12.462
One of the most researched concepts in industrial and organizational psychology is employee performance. Drawing from Social Exchange Theory (SET) this study was conducted to examine the impact of workplace envy on task performance with the mediating role of counterproductive work behavior in the banking sector. Data were collected from 269 participants using survey questionnaires and for data analysis, Smart PLS was used. The finding show workplace envy has a significant relationship with task performance and counterproductive work behavior in mediates the relationship between workplace envy and task performance. Furthermore, selfefficacy moderates the relationship between workplace envy and counterproductive work behavior. Companies should employ the crucial psychological skill of self-efficacy to deal with the negative aspects of workplace envy and counterproductive work behavior to achieve overall organizational success. Managers should adopt approaches from other industries for resolving envy based conflicts through effective human resource management strategies.
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.467
The paper aims empirically investigate the impact of government interventions during COVID-19 pandemic on stock returns in Bahrain. Using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds test method in the analysis and daily data from 24 Feb 2020 till 12 Feb 2021, empirical results demonstrate that Bahrain stock market responded negatively to the growth in confirmed cases. The significant results indicate the strong reaction of stock markets towards the COVID-19. In addition, the direct impact of social distancing policies on stock market return appeared positive and significant suggesting that the social distance policies did not have a negative impact on the performance of Bahrain stock markets. Whereas, the interactive impact of government interventions on stock market return through the growth in confirmed cases was found positive but not significant. This outcome suggests that the adverse effect of growth in confirmed cases on stock market returns do not dampen with further stringent social distancing policies. Therefore, our findings imply that government interventions impact related to social distancing measures is not channeled through the dropping in confirmed cases. Our findings provide valuable insights and the guiding light to the governments and policymakers to devise their economic response to the pandemic and to manage the impact of COVID-19 disease on Bahrain stock markets.
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.468
The basic aim of the research is to examine behavior of consumer and their purchasing decisions on retail marketing in Anantnag town. For fulfilling this study 200 questionnaires were distributed among the respondents for recording their responses accordingly. The objectives of this study is to know the retail marketing factors Influencing public purchasing actions and how the various factors influence their decision making, for accomplish the objectives of this research study. Study has overtaken various statistical tools like mean, percentile method etc. As we know the buying behavior of the consumers varies from person to person as per their perceptions on day to day due to changes on the factors like psychological factor, demographic factors, geographic factors etc. and accordingly consumers react towards the market similarly as per their need, income, attitude, personality, learning etc. To complete the purpose of this study this research study has brought up the questionnaire as mentioned earlier and questions like subsumed there like, does outer appearance of product influences you to make purchase decision? The conclusion is given bottom.
Fanisi Temitope Babatunde* and Edward David Onoja
DOI: 10.37421/2161-5833.2023.13.481
Employees are the most valuable assets of any organization. It is therefore profitable for an organization to treasure and do everything possible to keep and safeguard those assets. While employee turnover at the end is inevitable, it should however be minimized to the barest minimum. This is because investments on human capital can only be productive when an employee remains with an organization for a longer period of time. Human resource managers have a whole lot of work to do in formulating strategies that will not only reduce employee turnover but also eradicate it if possible. This study attempts to clarify views and explanations on employee retention and strategies for retaining employees using relevant literatures and previous views on the concepts.
Riktesh Srivastava* and Rajita Srivastava
DOI: 10.37421/2161-5833.2023.13.482
Consumers are growing relying on online product reviews to make purchase choices. Although reviews are provided directly on e-commerce websites, for higher quality reviews, people are accessing vast resources like Twitter. Social media might be a wonderful resource for checking for product reviews since consumers write about their newest purchases on social media. However, it is hard to hunt for evaluations on social media and combine them. For in-store purchases, seeking up reviews gets tricky since there are relatively few reviews for in-store items. Consumers need to browse many websites while standing in front of the goods to receive reviews and synthesize all the information themselves to make a choice. The suggested 4A framework pulls up reviews across four distinct social media networks, consolidates them, and shows the findings. The flexibility in the suggested framework our findings demonstrate that social media reviews are beneficial in making purchase choices. Although the suggested framework has yet to be adopted by businesses, the findings are fairly favorable and will undoubtedly boost the adoption of social media by enterprises for engagement with consumers.
Uzzal Hossain* and Intekhab Alam
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.497
The main purpose of the study was to examine whether deficit financing and various components of financing affect the money supply in a country. A total of 20 years (from 2000 to 2020) time-series data has been utilized to examine whether there exists a significant relationship between deficit financing in national budget and money supply. It showed that there is a significant relationship between deficit financing and money supply. Moreover, foreign financing, financing through “National Savings Scheme” (NSS) and other non-bank financing are significantly related to money supply but there is no significant relationship between short-term and long-term borrowing and money supply.
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.498
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.500
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.501
This study was motivated by the need in company management for capabilities that enable all decision-makers and organisational leaders to autonomously put their BI and A knowledge and skills to use. This study intends to give evidence of potential gaps, patterns, and emphasis on domains of strategic leadership competences in BI and A by analyzing the evolution of scientific production during the last 20 years. There were two methodological stages to the investigation. Application of informetrics analytical techniques is the first stage of the methodology. Second phase of methodology machine learning and natural language processing. On August 16, 2021, 1231 articles were collected from the Web of Science and Scopus databases.
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.502
This paper is going to highlight the purchasing perceptivity of the consumers and their perception over the shopping from the retailers at different area of the Kashmir if we look after the world wide consumers are the real king of the markets either the wholesale level or at the retailer level it all by the orientation of the consumer whatever consumer demands market should present the same to the general public, in this paper this study is going to present the purchasing perception and on behaviour related traits of consumers over the same marketing, it needs questionnaire to find out and I had organised the same for the data collection on the basis of the followings objectives like to study about the perception of consumers over the retail markets of Kashmir on the base of random sampling and by the distribution of questionnaires among the 250 respondents to assess the core objectives of the study and in this paper I am going apply the chi square test for checking the significance of the reliability of the data with the help of percentile method, average method.
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.502
As this paper is going to highlight the profitability analysis of NMDC from the year 2019-2020 in this paper we had selected two years only to compile the related information about these two stated years to cover up the objectives of the research study like to study the profitability analysis of NMDC and even prevailing the pandemic conditions too for sake of feedback under the shadow of suggestion to point-out the drawbacks of company actually on based of this research with the help of average method system percentile method system and ratios analysis system to give a clear information about profitability of NMDC.
Roshan Bashir*, Muhammad Ramzan Sheikh and Tabassum Arshad
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.532
Nowadays e-banking via different platforms of bank is very common in European countries. In Pakistan, the intention of digital payment services is very useful and common nowadays. However, some people’s intention is that the payment through mobile services is not trusted for that reason the adoption of digital payment services is still in the initial stage. This study is based on the diffusion of the invention theory and inculcates the experiences of intention to use digital payment services by a trust-facilitating role. The survey method is used to collect data from ordinary consumers who are using the digital payment services of Easy paisa and Jazz cash within a Pakistan and the current study’s aim is to give guild lines to administrators of digital payment services to strengthen the customization, security features, flexibility, and which wins the trust of customers.
DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.533
In the past year, human beings have lived in an increasingly more connected world. On average, we communicate almost every minute of our lives. Social distancing and lockdowns are changing our lives dramatically. In these very different times, change management practices can be helpful in overcoming change resistance. This article summarizes the best change management practices for COVID-19, in times of uncertainty and lockdown. COVID-19 has brought with unprecedented change. In every direction, organizations are in turmoil. Change is natural but unprecedented change brings turmoil and unpredictable and sometimes difficult to manage. Change is an inevitable and continuous phenomenon. Organizations must be proactive in affecting change. Organizations must keep a close watch on the environment and incorporate suitable changes if the situations so demand. Management properly anticipates or responds to the forces for change. It is important for management to manage the change properly for the survival and stability of the firm. It becomes very difficult for the firm to survive and stabilize in the current environment of Coronavirus. COVID-19 poses so many challenges for the firm and to some or other extent destabilizes the functioning of the firm and affects the vitality of the firm. The firms face the various types of challenges and crises at this time of COVID-19 and find out the ways to fight with the crisis and apply the various types of techniques of crisis management and practices in change management. The study undertakes to find out the best practices applied by the firm at the time of Coronavirus. The various sources of management of the firm are studied to find out the best practices applied by the firms.
Elanguoud Wassil*, Harraki Mehdi, Rachidi Yassine, Aqqaoui Mohammed, Achour Mehdi and El Haraoui Ilham
Recent advancements in the digital gaming industry have sparked interest in exploring the interplay between online mobile gaming addiction, loyalty, and purchase intention, shedding light on the underlying mechanisms that drive consumer behavior in this immersive virtual realm. This study investigated the influence of addiction on loyalty and purchase intention among Moroccan university students. A quantitative approach was employed, utilizing a 5-point Likert scale survey instrument. The data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 24 and Smart PLS. A two-step Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach was applied to examine direct and indirect effects and test the proposed hypotheses. Additionally, a Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was conducted to compare addiction levels between male and female participants. The findings revealed a positive relationship between online mobile gaming addiction and loyalty, as well as a positive influence of addiction on the purchase intention of in-game mobile applications. These results highlight the importance of emphasizing the need for game developers and operators to carefully consider their engagement strategies and ethical responsibilities. While fostering customer loyalty is essential, the findings raise ethical concerns about the potential exploitation of addiction to increase purchase intention.
Varatharajan Pooja*
The National Pension System (NPS) is an intentional characterized commitment pension framework controlled and managed by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), made by an Act of the Parliament of India. The NPS began with the choice of the Government of India to stop characterized advantage pensions for every one of its representatives who joined after 1 January 2004. While the scheme was at first intended for government representatives just, it was opened up for all natives of India in 2009. NPS is an endeavor by the administration to make a pensioned society in India. In its general structure NPS is nearer to 401(k) plans of the United States. Today, the NPS is promptly accessible and charge productive under Section 80CCC and Section 80CCD. Under the NPS, an individual can add to his retirement account. Additionally, his manager can add to the welfare and government managed savings of the person. Commitments to NPS get charge exclusions under Section 80C, Section 80CCC and Section 80CCDof the Income Tax Act. Beginning from 2016, an extra tax break of Rs 50,000 under Section 80CCD(1b) is given under NPS, which is over the Rs 1.5 lakh exception of Section 80C. Private Fund supervisors are significant pieces of NPS.NPS is viewed as a standout amongst other expense sparing instruments, after 40% of the corpus was made tax-exempt at the season of development and it is positioned just underneath Equity-connected reserve funds scheme(ELSS). Descriptive research is used and convenience sampling method is used to collect the samples. The sample size is 1559. The statistical tools used here is chi-square test.
Haifa Bouras*
The study of knowledge sharing appears to be very interesting for HRM researchers. This enthusiasm is justified by the fact that knowledge sharing seems to be beneficial for subordinates as well by allowing them to broaden their fields of knowledge and skills and consequently to be more innovative and creative than for the whole company. by improving its managerial and or ganizational performance and ensuring its sustainability. In this vein, we can consider that empowerment is likely to be a factor in knowledge sharing. Thus, by granting more power and responsibility to “knowledgeworkers”, by sharing governance with them, by allowing them to seize opportunities and take initiatives, these individuals would become much better involved in their organization, would help each other more. and would now become psychologically “empowered” and as a result, they would become more willing to share their different knowledge, skills and expertise. In order to examine the link between psychological empowerment and knowledge sharing, we aspire to carry out a quantitative study on a sample made up of "Tunisian knowledgeworkers".
Raed Ahmad Abu Eid
This study explored the impact of BSC on the financial performance of Palestinian banks on four standpoints: innovation; growth and learning; the financial point of view; internal business processes; and customers. The population taken in this study was 14 banks of Palestine. 130 participants were given questionnaires. They included directors, departmental heads, managers, and controllers of finance. The confidence interval was 95% and the test used was Multiple Linear Regression. There were three important variables named financial viewpoint; inside the business procedure viewpoint; and revolution, the perspective of knowledge and development. It was the most significant outcome of this study that (1) the financial development of the Palestinian banks can be enhanced by the BSC model, (2) the effect of customers’ viewpoint in the BSC model is not similar to that of other standpoints. Furthermore, (3) the banks in Palestine use clear measures of strategic performance for measuring performance including conventional financial and non-financial measures and it was noticed that this use of measures doesn’t indicate that they utilize them in the supervision of BSC concern. These measures can be classified under the four major classes of perspectives of the BSC model. The important suggestions are as follows (1) BSC should be executed as a unified system of strategic management in banks. (2) There is a need to give additional attention to strategy and measures included in the BSC’s perspective of customers. (3) There is a need to carry out more exploration of the impact of using BSC as a premeditated development tool on the financial work performance of Palestine’s banks.
Raed Ahmad Abu Eid
In line with the principle of corporate governance (CG) as outlined by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), this study aims at determining the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance (ROE, ROA, and EPS) of listed companies on the Palestine stock exchange. 32 listed companies are sampled and the data on their performance is sourced from their annual reports and the Palestine stock exchange database for the periods 2006, 2013 and 2017. The study using questionnaire is adapted and modified from OECD, (2004). Fixed and random effect model is employed to analyze the data. The study has found negligible relationship between corporate governance and firm performance. However, when the study is controlled for financial leverage and total assets, a significant relationship between corporate governance and firm performance has been found.
Muhammad Imran Hanif, Muhammad Irfan, Sonia Yasin
Multi-specialization is among the main management subjects that earned important research attention and support from many scholars
and was seen as a primary method for improving organizational performance. To ensure long-term success, it is imperative to know
what the main factors which determine specialization are. This study looks the impact of multi-specialization on employee’s productivity in
telecom industry. To achieve this, primary data we used the online and self-administrative survey instrument to accumulate data. The
number of respondents was 305 from telecom sector of different Pakistan's cities. The data collected and analyzed on SPSS. The
conclusion showed that multi-specialization had a major positive impact on efficiency of employees. In addition, this research supports the
idea that multi-specialization, flexibility of work and innovation of employees have major positive implications on productivity of employees.
Joshua Simuka
Entrepreneurship is a multi - dimensional task and a creative activity which results in economic development if pursued
passionately. It has been a male-dominated phenomenon from the very early age but time has changed the situation and brought women as
today's most memorable and inspirational entrepreneurs transforming countries. In today`s world, women are equally competent in running
businesses but they still lag behind in spite of women empowerment initiatives by the government of Zimbabwe. In spite of having
the potential and talent to embrace entrepreneurship, women are deprived of opportunities, information and education. The main
objective of this study was to determine and assess the challenges which were being faced by women entrepreneurs that hinder their
performance and limit them to start their own enterprises. This is necessary because, despite the considerable government support and
support from private and non-governmental organizations interested in promoting gender equality in all areas (business included), many
of female-owned businesses still fail and some women still have fear to venture in entrepreneurship. In addition, an attempt was made to
understand the role of government to accelerate the growth of women entrepreneurship in Zimbabwe. Researchers in the past have
suggested that focusing on addressing women entrepreneur challenges may give their businesses a better chance of success and as a result
it will assist in making Zimbabwe a middle-income economy by 2030. The study adopted the case study methodology and 90
questionnaires were distributed to women in Gwanda community. The study concluded by giving recommendations to policy makers and
other stakeholders who have influence to women entrepreneurs.
Mohammad Ziaul Hoq
Information Technology (IT) became a vital part of our modern-day activities. In contemporary years, the usage of IT in expediting the human resource management (HRM) activities augmented considerably. E-HRM has the ability to develop managerial competency and influence the role of Human Resources (HR) as a strategic business partner. E-HRM is essential for firms because of its encouraging effect on staff productivity. Speedy technical modifications revolved E-HRM into a substantial theoretical and professional agenda. This study delivers an exploration into the contemporary level of improvements of the theoretical knowledge connected to E-HRM. Numerous features of E-HRM, specifically descriptions of E-HRM, the academic perceptions around E-HRM, the role of E-HRM, the numerous categories of E-HRM, the requirements for effective E-HRM etc. are scrutinized. It will contribute into HRM literature and regulate the effectiveness of E-HRM and its practices. This research would support the scholars and the practitioners to have the comprehensive portrait of the modern matters linked to E-HRM. The articles concluded by delivering some suggestions for future studies.
Gwangwava Edson, Zororo Muranda
The paper studies the impact of competitive strategies and innovation on firm performance. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire designed on a five point liker scale. One hundred and fifty employees, mainly those in charge of operations up to Chief Executive Officers who were knowledgeable about competitive strategies participated. Fifty firms operating in textile and clothing manufacturing provided the basis for the research. The structural equation modeling was employed using the least squares. The results show that focus and differentiation strategies have a positive direct relationship with firm performance and innovation. However cost leadership has indirect relationship with firm performance and a positive relationship with innovation which in turn improves firm performance. Implementation of the three generic strategies enables managers to gain competitive advantage for their firms although attention needs to be paid to innovation which acts as an enabler between the competitive strategies and firm performance.
Iqbalshaukat Iqbal
Business management is the integral part of our corporate world. Success full business can be run only with the help of business management. In the early age man doing the business for earning and necessity With the passage of time the man regularized the all the eighteen century many business institutes came in 1819the first business came in to being in France In 1857in hungry USA The Hass Business school came Into being in 1898 in university of California and Watson school came in to being in Pennsylvania USA 1898.The Harvard university established started master’s program and establish research center regarding the Business management studies in1908.In 1916 university of Chicago started the Doctorate(PHD) program In 1946 first business school in Indian state Jharkhand In the 17&18 Century colonization of various part of world expended by few countries Many multinationals was established during the eighteen century For example Nestle, Lever Brothers, City, Colgate, and Barclay The role of business is very important in various ways We can make planning with the Tool of master, increment, Capital budget With the practice business management With the help of practice of business management we can scan the idea easily and development of product according to need of time period With the best practice of business management we can run every system effectively which is introduced in market for the innovation and development such as ERPS.
Hala El Hadidi*
The study seeks to examine the impact of microfinance institution on economic growth using Egypt as a case study. The study employs the multiple regression analysis given the data is cross-sectional and time series in nature. Secondary data of all commercial banks were extracted from the Central Bank of Egypt and Annual Reports. Data used in this model are time series secondary data for the period 2003 to 2018.The findings of the study show that microfinance loans have a significant positive impact on the short run economic performance in Egypt. Microfinance loans enhanced consumption per capita in short-run with an impressive coefficient, although these banks’ loans do not have a significant impact on economic growth in the long-run. Microfinance investment however, has a significant impact on economic performance in Egypt in the long-run. Although microfinance loans are relevant in growth process in Egypt, other measures such as boosting agricultural production and taking appropriate steps to enhance per capita income are equally important in boosting the Egyptian economic growth. It was recommended that microfinance institutions should loan to improve consumption in the short- run, while the long-run goal should be to improve investment and other capital accumulation.
Andrew Ibbi*
Ramadan not only has a religious value to the community but also adds value to the economy through formal, structured as well as informal unstructured employment. As during Ramadan, food consumption patterns change as well as people's tendency to buy religious items also heightens, it is an important month for the street vendors and impacts their socio-economic position for the year. This paper deals with gaining insight on social orientation, business modality, perception on the effect of festivals and the real effect of Ramadan and pandemic on the revenue and cost. The evidence suggests that despite the presence of other religious and non-religious festivals, Ramadan remains the most critical time for street vendors to generate additional revenue. However, the effect is greater for carts selling processed foods and religious items. The selling of religious items usually face a steep downhill during non-Ramadan times which makes it unsustainable throughout the year. However, although the pandemic hit the regular review of the street vendor, during Ramadan times they didn’t have to lower the prices of items being sold due to the persistent demand.
Jovana Skoric* and Miljana Maric Ognjenovic
The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and practical outcomes of social welfare employees in the territory of the Republic of Serbia when it comes to skills of cultural competence, as well as to analyze the capacities of organizations/institutions in this domain. That is, the main focus of the paper is the effort to better understand the complexity of challenges and barriers faced by employees in social welfare in relation to the knowledge and skills acquired so far through formal and informal forms of professional development. In the first part of the paper, a brief overview of the importance of cultural competence skills is presented, as well as the potential challenges in social welfare in that domain. The main part of the paper is focused on the interpretation of research results and discussion, pointing to the need to build cultural competence when it comes to professionals, but also their organizations/institutions. Finally, the main contribution of this paper is to point out the importance of permanent education and professional development of professionals in the field of cultural competence, which has as its ultimate goal services that are in line with the best interests of users and their real needs.