
Arts and Social Sciences Journal

ISSN: 2151-6200

Open Access

Volume 11, Issue 6 (2020)

Research Pages: 1 - 9

The Right to Self-determination under the FDRE Constitution: Issues, Challenges and the Way Forward

Belete Mehari*

The 1995 FDRE Constitution established ethnic federalism and restructured the regions along ethnic linguistic lines. Thus the constitution has given much protection to nation, nationality and people of Ethiopia to have the right to   self - determination up to and including secession as a solution to resolve past injustice and civil war. However, reality shows that Ethiopia is still very much controlled by central government, and the constitutional guaranteed rights of nationalities are not adequately implemented in a genuine manner. The most debating issue in the constitution has focused on the rights of nations, nationalities and peoples to secession and self-determination rather than establishing clear procedures for sufficient representation of the diverse ethnic groups in the government institutions. Really it is difficult to exercise secessionist self-determination in the context of Ethiopia which has been influenced by centuries of migration and interaction between ethnic groups, who have created a complex pattern of ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. The article thus attempts to highlight some of the outstanding controversial issues, and challenges of the external aspect of the right to self-determination. To this end, the study draws from extensive literature reviews, previous research works, and journal articles relating to the issue of the topic. And finally, conclusions and recommendations will be drawn.

Review Pages: 1 - 12

Art and Growing Artificial Intelligence

Ganesh Kushwah

Knowing the self apart from machine is the greatest ignorance of mankind and knowing the self as so called machine is also disaster of mankind. This whole existence is the greatest mechanism of nature including life with it and this life is the only experience where we can come out of all mechanisms. This existence or nature is called ‘Maya’(The Illusion) in Indian context, that’s what is being realized by modern physics also, the hole verity of existence is just thoughts and memory, really nothing exist ultimately.

On the level of survival this appeared real world is just a frequency of existence where language limits its boundaries; we call it conscious world of sensory experiences and its memories. The knower behind all our senses is governed as this so called reality. On the cellular level frequency of existence, where every individual living body is like a nation of vast verity of population with microorganisms. The Subconscious mind resides on this frequency same like our external societies, cultures and nations of collective consciousness.

 The last and unified level and frequency of the existence is the molecular functionality of our body where every physical verity apparels and deserves as different materials, chemicals and energies. In the end where no-existence remains beyond the all-time and space without any elemental or molecular memory, free from all size, weight, measurement and identification is the only non-dual element is called knower and ‘self’. The cosmic consciousness, The ‘Bramma’, the ‘Atman’, the ‘Shiva’ of Indian Philosophy, the ultimate subject where existence appears as object likes a wave of sound in utterly deep silence.

Human Body and mind is the highest advance robot and supreme example of intelligence, to mastering this instrument is called self-realization in yogic science. To protect it like ‘self’ and not able to use it properly is called ignorance and sense gratification. Now growing artificial indigence is challenging humanity for its narrow vision of ignorance and mental slavery. Now a machine is able to do everything in far more efficient way then many people can do it collectively.


Review Pages: 1 - -2

Action Research on Improving Wearing of Recommended Sport Materials during Sport Period among Grade 8 Female Students in Alem Berhan Primary School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Hana Baye

Based on observation during health and physical education out of class activity, majority of grade 8 female students didn’t come with necessary
equipment recommended for sport activities. The researcher tried to find out the reasons why grade 8 female students didn’t come with full sport
equipment during field activities compared to male students. Based on the above scenario, the researcher tried to improve wearing of sport equipment’s
during sport period among female students through awareness creation and close follow up in Alem Berhan primary school, Akaki kaliti sub-city, Addis
Ababa. Finally, the study was come up with valuable results.

Review Pages: 1 - 6

Health Service Utilisation and Coping Mechanisms of Urban Slum Dwellers: A Case of Mumbai Slums

Shruti R Pandey*

DOI: 10.37421/2151-6200.2021.11.458

India spends about 6 per cent of its GDP on health, but public (Central, State and Local Governments combined) expenditure as a percentage of total health expenditure amounts to a meagre 20 percent of total expenditure on health which is among the lowest in the world. Households account for almost 70 per cent of the total health expenditure, (MOHFW, GOI). A number of studies have established that poor faces both high amount of direct and indirect cost of expenditure in case of falling sick. It is also agreed upon that large section of urban poor live in slum areas, in overcrowded house, unhygienic condition, drink contaminated water and go for open toiletries. Therefore they are at greater risk of falling sick and more prone to epidemics than their rural counterpart. Therefore the present paper has focused on the health seeking behavior of urban poor. A survey was conducted among 300 households of three slum areas of Mumbai. The objective was to understand how urban poor utilize health and health care services in case of falling sick. It also tried to find out the coping strategy adopted by urban slum dwellers to meet health expenditure.

Editorials Pages: 1 - 2

History of Social Sciences Cursors

Daniele Suzete*

The history of the social sciences has origin in the common stock of Western philosophy and shares various precursors, but began most intentionally inthe early 19th century with the positivist philosophy of science. Since the mid-20th century, the term "social science" has come to refer more generally,not just to sociology, but to all those disciplines which analyse society and culture; from anthropology to linguistics to media studies.The idea that society may be studied in a standardized and objective manner, with scholarly rules and methodology, is comparatively recent. While thereis evidence of early sociology in medieval Islam, and while philosophers such as Confucius had long since theorised on topics such as social roles, thescientific analysis of "Man" is peculiar to the intellectual break away from the Age of Enlightenment and toward the discourses of Modernity. Socialsciences came forth from the moral philosophy of the time and was influenced by the Age of Revolutions, such as the Industrial revolution and theFrench revolution. The beginnings of the social sciences in the 18th century are reflected in the grand encyclopedia of Diderot, with articles fromRousseau and other pioneers.The development of social science subfields became very quantitative in methodology. Conversely, the interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary nature ofscientific inquiry into human behavior and social and environmental factors affecting it made many of the natural sciences interested in some aspects ofsocial science methodology.

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