
Arts and Social Sciences Journal

ISSN: 2151-6200

Open Access

Volume 7, Issue 2 (2016)

Research Article Pages: 1 - 3

Agreement on Declaration of Principles on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Project: A Reaffirmation of the 1929 and 1959 Agreements?

Bayeh E

The central objective of this study is to assess whether or not the declaration of principles agreed between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan in 23March 2015 reaffirms the past colonial agreements on the Nile. To achieve this objective, the researcher employed qualitative methodology. In order to gather data to the study, a secondary source was used. Accordingly, books, journal articles, reports and internet sources were used. Based on the data analyzed, findings of the study show that despite the seemingly positive development in the two countries’ relations on the issue of Nile, the current agreement has incorporated many elements which corroborate the 1929 and 1959 agreements on Nile. It reaffirms the past colonial agreements by compromising the sovereign power of Ethiopia, recognizing Egypt’s right on the management of the dam, vaguely obliging Ethiopia to give priority to downstream countries, granting Ethiopia a very restricted utilization of the Nile water, and including the tributaries of Nile river in the ambit of the agreement.

Editor Note Pages: 1 - 1

Development of Various Civilizations in the World

Iqbal U

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Research Article Pages: 1 - 4

Modern and Vernacular Settlements in Doha: An Urban Planning Strategy to Pursue Modernity and Consolidate Cultural Identity

Furlan R

Scholars and researchers, who investigate the extent to which spatial form and livability are mutually interconnected, stress that the built environment provides the space for the enhancement of social interactions, which in turn have a deep impact on the level of livability of cities. Namely, in relation to this relationship, to which extent the built environment of (1) the contemporary business district of ‘West Bay’ and (2) of the heritage site of the ‘Souq Waqif’ in Doha contributes to the enhancement of social interactions and/or livability has not been comparatively investigated yet. This study aims at investigating how the spatial form of the two selected precincts contributes to create a livable environment. The analysis indicates that while West Bay’s contemporary built environment contributes to the image of Doha as a modern city, the traditional settlement of the Souq Waqif contributes to the formation of a sense of community, increase occasions for social interactions, enhance livability and finally consolidate cultural identity

Research Article Pages: 1 - 8

The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Rangeland Management in Yabello Woreda, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia

Dika Godana G

This study was conducted with the main objective of assessing the role of indigenous knowledge of Borana pastoralists in managing rangelands. The study hopes to contribute ideas (or methodology or facts or data) to policy makers, planners and or anyone who intends to conduct a study in the similar theme. To this end, the main data for this study were emanated from both primary and secondary sources. In order to analyze qualitative data the researcher was called for discussion of the ideas, opinion and concepts of collected data. But, for quantitative analysis of data Microsoft Excel program were applied to present the results in the form of charts, graphs, percentages and tables. The study has showed that the mobility, herd splitting, customary institutions and traditional enclosure (kaloo) are identified as the main indigenous knowledge of Borana pastoralists in rangeland management. The problems affecting the productivity of rangeland should explicitly be regarded as community and societal problems and not simply the only concern of pastoralist. Communities and concerned bodies should stand beside pastoralist in supporting and integrating indigenous and technical knowledge for sustainable management of rangeland.

Opinion Article Pages: 1 - 1

Hamas: The Fighter of the Holy City of Jerusalem (Malay Version)

Iqbal U

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Opinion Article Pages: 1 - 1

Malaysia Japan Relations: Diplomacy and Education (Malay Version)

Iqbal U

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Opinion Article Pages: 1 - 4

Doping is Bless or Curse in Sports

Muhammad A and Jalil-U-Rahman B

The best athlete of the world in sports contests are certainly trained for extreme powers at their sports. The entire athlete utilizes all of their resources in getting the peak performance level, of being they know the sports rules, to which they must abide. Doping remains bless for athlete in primitives, while it is turned to curse at the back foot. The study examines the impacts of doping in relation to the history of doping, keeping in view the objectives, Doping is dangerous for young and vulnerable sportsman. Doping is contrary to the spirit of sports. In order to hand best results a likert type scale with three options and ten questions was constructed regarding ‘Doping Is Bless or Curse in Sports’ responded by the players and physicians of district karak.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 6

Built Form and Culture: Italian Transnational Houses in Australia

Furlan R and Faggion L

Accordingly to Wagner, “Dwellings stand as the concrete expressions of a complex interaction among cultural skills and norms, climatic conditions and the potentialities of natural materials”. This study, beginning with an enquiry into the way trans-national houses are the physical expression of interacting cultural factors, provides a theoretical framework grounded on cross-cultural studies for understanding the way cultural needs have influenced the form of the archetypal post WWII ‘house on a quarter-acre block’ built in Brisbane by Italian migrants.

The findings reveal that while the architectural form of the Italian Trans-national houses built in Brisbane is influenced by the need to continue architectural cultural traditions in the host country, the spatial distribution of the artifact was influenced by socio-cultural factors and urban fabric, from both the native and hosting built environment, in the attempt of re-establishing and enhancing the native way of life.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 7

Influence of Henrik Ibsen on the Social Drama of Rachel Crothers

Hossain MA

This study attempts to look at having an influence of Henrik on the social drama, Susan and God of Rachel Crothers, where it focuses on social themes and moral problems affecting women, including- sexual double standard, trial marriage, free love, divorce, and prostitution. Crothers gains a reputation as a young dramatist of serious potential with a very keen interest in an Ibsen style, “Social Problem Drama.” This study highlights Ibsen as a major 19th century Norwegian playwright, who is often referred to as the “Father of Modern Drama.” Today, Ibsen is considered to be the greatest Norwegian author; and is celebrated as a national hero by the Norwegians. However, there was a time when Ibsen was an object of criticism and condemnation not only in his contemporary Norway, but also in the continental Europe, and in the conservative bourgeois society in particular. Moreover, Crothers was an American playwright and theater-director known for her well-crafted plays which deal with the women’s questions and social themes. Among theater-historians, she is recognized as the most successful and prolific female dramatist writing in the first part of the 20th century. Anyway, this study aims to expose Ibsen’s and Crothers’ core philosophy of feminist message as well as social problem. It highlights Ibsen’s prose styled plays, including-Ghosts and A Doll’s House as a model-play with a view to prioritizing on the dominant discussion of Crothers’ play-text, Susan and God. In this regard, it would like to apply the critical comments made by prominent critics and scholars for presenting the influence of Ibsen on the social drama, Susan and God.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 5

The Advent of Dogras Rule in Kashmir and Initial Approach to Agriculture

Sheikh SA and Gill BG

Maharaja Gulab Singh built up the State of Jammu and Kashmir on the ruins of the Sikh Kingdom. The Kashmir valley came under Gulab Singh with the ominous terms of the treaty of Amritsar signed between the British and Maharajah Gulab Singh of Jammu in 16 March 1846. He worked very hard to acquire territory and he succeeded in consolidating his gains. He got handed down the system of the government from the Sikh governor, Sheikh-Imamud- din. Good or bad he taken the administrative system and he customized it here and there to safe his own ends. The few reforms that he introduced to recognize the shawl industry, He recognized the revenue and police administration of the valley into four wazarats or districts. Experienced and trusted law officials were placed incharge of key department like the Audits and Accounts, the Dagshawl, commissariate and police. The Maharaja in order to relive the peasants of serious injustice undertook the reform of the beggar system. An officer was appointed to take charge of this work. Another important reform undertaken by the Maharaja was the rationing of rice in the valley (Kashmir). Owing to its extreme inaccessibility and the undoable difficulties of weighty transport, was always liable to sudden famines owing either to failure of the rice crops or the cornering of the grain market. In order to meet this situation the Maharaja established a rigid monopoly of rice and had it sold at a fixed price to the people.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 4

The Middle East between Fiction and Reality: TV News and their Effect on U.S. Perspectives

Al-Asadi F and Al-Zubaidy AG

Television and news programs exaggerate the real life events and political situation in Middle Eastern countries. This exaggeration affects the way people in the United States look at the Middle East. This problem is a product of the policies of news stations in framing their news reports and to the limited resources American people have as a window to that region. This article explores the influence of U.S. news and Al-Jazeera news in shaping the perspectives of the people in the United States toward the Middle East.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 6

Meeting in the Ring Strength versus Weakness, Balance of Power and Control: Supervision in Body Psychotherapy

Klapisch-Cohen O and Bartuv Y

The body acts as a source of and resource for clues about the emotional state of the patient, as well as the supervisor, as a seismograph for the mind. The developmental stage characterizing the patient, as expressed by their bodies, shapes the therapeutic relationship and affects it through the changes that the figures in the therapeutic field undergo. This article describes body psychotherapy supervision which deals with corresponding relationships between therapy and supervision and their resonance through the body. The article addresses the changing power balance in therapy and supervision while using projective tools such as psychodrama, work with metaphors and movement elements, in order to raise awareness and deal with intra and inter-personal processes. The supervision discourse refers to the transference relationships in supervision and therapy, including erotic transference, parallel relationships and body resonance, all shaping the relationships between the three participants. Conceptualization is given through the Psycho-Sexual theory and passage of the pre-Oedipal stage. Demo videos are added to the text for demonstration.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 5

The Role of Higher Education in the Formation of the Professional Capacity of Young People

Sarsenovaa AB, Abdikerovab GO and Sadyrovac MS

This article defines the research methodology and measurement technology of the professional capacity of young people, and substantiates the concept of ‘professional potential of an expert’. Taking into consideration person’s professional qualification, the professional capacity is seen as a form of human capabilities in the field of labor relations, which is formed only as a result of training in high school. The article reveals the problems of the future experts associated with employment in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the relationship between the labor market and education. This publication provides the major indicators, identified through sociological research, contributing to the formation and development of the professional capacity of graduates of Kazakhstan.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 6

Ethnography of Talk in Wollo

Hassen R

This is a study on ethnography of talk in Wollo. Talk plays a significant role in the lives of most of the Ethiopian community, especially of the Wollo, the study group of this particular research. A large body of data was collected from live talk of casual and non-casual speech events. These talks range from marked and more serious formal talks to casual and carefree non-marked talks collected from real language used by the community in question. Talk appears as a ‘chunk’ or in a form of discourse. Hence different discourses of casual and non-casual live talks were collected for the purpose of this study. The particular places for data collection were Kutaber, Kombolcha, Wogdi, Haik, Woldiya, and Dessie. Large corpuses of live talks were collected from 2012 to 2014. The data were recorded, transcribed, coded and used for the purpose of this study. The result of the study revealed that talk plays significant roles for this speech group. It is used as a means and end of social practice on its own right. ‘Talk’ of people uncovers thought, action and knowledge expressed through language. Through the casual talk of people, their thought, action, language and knowledge is revealed, produced, and reproduced. Access to real life talk of people gives information about what they think, do, use their language for and their knowledge to sustain their life. Access to talk of people gives almost everything there is to know about the people. Talk produces people’s thought, action, knowledge and language and people’s thoughts, actions, knowledge and language, in turn, reproduce talk.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 7

Intimate Partner Violence in Hawai i: Communities in Distress

Guruge S, Morrison LA, Jayasuriya-Illesinghe V and Mock TA

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major health concern for women worldwide. Many studies have explored IPV within the (mainland) United States but very few have explored the topic in Hawai’i. Thirteen women from Hilo, Hawai’i who had experienced IPV participated in one-on-one interviews. An intersectionality perspective and an ecological or ecosystem framework guided the data analysis. IPV was considered common place, a norm, and part of larger ‘societal’ problem. For some of the women, the need to belong was so strong that taking alcohol or drugs and experiencing IPV could be seen as a sign of acceptance into local culture. Multiple contextual factors acting at individual, relationship, community, and societal levels seem to increase women’s vulnerability to IPV. Similarly, individual, family, community, organizational, and societal level barriers prevented women from seeking services and leaving abusive relationships. Once certain neighborhoods become labeled as ‘violent,’ people living within and outside it (including law enforcement officials), become indifferent to incidents of violence in these communities. Preserving the strong sense of interdependence within the family, and strengthening the ideal of reciprocity and balance at home could be highly influential in preventing perpetration of IPV and helping women access IPV-related services in Hilo, Hawaii.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

Gender and University Teaching

Mousa A

Research has found that the rate of female students is higher than the rate of male students. Where this level will change in the work as teaching in the university level. These facts about women in the university could affect the academic movement and can result in a stereotype that women are always behind, and this sometimes makes a women work very aggressively to present her effort, which can also have a negative effect. The main idea of this paper is to introduce women in the university setting and answer some questions related, such as has feminization reduced the professional status of teaching? Do Teacher-Student Interactions Vary As a Function of Student Sex? The study showed that there is a gender stereotype in the level of academic setting that make female students and female teachers feel that male receive more tension and care, and this occurred clearly in different cultures such as Arabic countries and America.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 6

The Social Function of Swearing in a Miraa Market Environment

Mukuni DM, Ireri AM, Nthiga PM and Owili FA

The study aimed at evaluating the social motivations behind the use of swearwords in the language of miraa traders. The study was carried out in Kῖrῖtirῖ open-air miraa (khat) market in Mbeere South sub-county within Embu County. Twelve negotiations involving both male and female traders were recorded and subsequently analyzed. The analysis indicates that swearing is an intricate social practice that is highly gendered, and which is used to not only socialize but also to achieve highly precious transactional goals in the miraa market. Significantly, swearing is a way in which the Miraa traders establish both their social and linguistic identity.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 20

Cause and Consequence of Cross Border Illegal Migration from South Wollo, Ethiopia

Mohammed YA

Developing countries such as Ethiopia the phenomenon of cross border Illegal migration which is mainly triggered by rural 'push' causes than urban 'pull' causes is the main cause of unbalanced rate of population growth and distribution between urban and rural areas in origin and destination states. This situation in turn affects the healthy development of both urban and rural areas. In spite of this fact, not much in known on many of the recent aspects of illegal migration. The present study of migration from Kutaber is mainly concerned with an assessment of the major causes and consequences of cross border illegal migration of people from rural- urban areas to foreign countries mainly to Gulf States. To achieve the objective 120 household heads were selected randomly from three kebeles of the woreda to Schedule interview. Both primary and secondary data were employed and were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Key informant interview and focus group discussions were prepared to generate information about the cause and consequences of illegal migration from Kutaber Woreda. Some of the causes of illegal migration are: land fragmentation, poverty, drought, need to join friends and relatives, income generation, the search for job and urban amenities, un coordinated activity of legal emigration process, and facilities in desired state are the most important. The study shown that the large family size and small land holding exposed to cross border illegal migration. Many of the migrants encountered problems at the initial period of adjustment and adaptation and even while traveling in night forest and coastal areas. While negative side of illegal migration is moral deterioration, Dept crisis, work load on migrant and remaining family, rejection by their families, and the community as they failed to meet expectations to return with adequate material wealth.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

Learning English for Employability

Sankar G and Rajan RT

There was a time to conduct seminars, workshops, conferences on Indian Writing English, Immigrant Writings and so on. Now it is the trend to focus on ‘Employability’. As citizens of global village or in a country where westernization is adopted in faster pace, it may be easy to adopt education culture of western countries also. Now in India, youngsters are somewhat matured than those of previous generations. They need living role models not guidelines. This paper will discuss on ‘learning English for employability’ not ‘teaching English’. Now teachinglearning process is learner centered. Therefore, becoming employable can also be learner centered. How much important it is to make the students realize the need of English language, how a learner can be exposed to a work culture, what the role of stakeholders like government, universities, institutions, parents and teachers is in that.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 6

The Distinctive Features of Menzuma as a Genre of its Own and the Functions it Serve for the Muslim Community of Wollo: An Ethnographic Approach

Hassen R

This is a study on manzuma; its attributes and roles for Wollo Muslim Community. The data collected was part of the six month participant observation for my PhD work entitled ‘Ethnography of Communication of the Amharic Speaking Muslim Community of Wollo’. The first section illustrates the features of manzuma which mark it as a distinctive genre of its own kind. The basic features of lexical set, script, content, accompanying instruments, rhyme and rhythm. The second section states about the different functions of manzuma. It explores the roles of manzuma in the speech community with reference to the situation, setting/scene and the participants. Menzuma is used for different purposes in Wollo. It is part of cultural, religious and artistic rituals and performances. It is a tool for prayer, religious chant, cultural music, historic narrative, medication and so on. The people of Wollo are accustomed to expressing their culture, history, love, and overall lives through poetry and music. Songs and Menzuma are typical lifestyles of the Wollo society.

Opinion Article Pages: 1 - 2

Opinion on SSKM and Sabah Country Myth

Iqbal U

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