DOI: 10.37421/2150-3494.2021.12.250
DOI: 10.37421/2150-3494.2021.12.251
DOI: 10.37421/2150-3494.2021.12.252
DOI: 10.37421/2150-3494.2021.12.253
Background and Objective: Contamination with aflatoxins in raw milk is a burning issue in the World regarding human health. Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites of toxigenic fungi, and are potential mutagens, carcinogens, teratogens, genotoxins and other health hazards to human. These toxins are produced by fusarium, penicillium and aspergillus Spp. Aflatoxin M1, hydroxylated forms of Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), predominantly present in milk.
Materials and methods: ELISA technique was us to check the quantity of aflatoxin M1 in milk samples. Aflatoxin M1 test kit was used for the detection of AFM1 in milk by carrying out the procedure of Competitive Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELIZA). Competitive Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELIZA) is a cost effective, quick and reliable technique for the quantitative analysis of AFM1. German Federal board of Health (Kaniou-Grigoriadou, Eleftheriadou, Mouratidou, & Katikou, 2005) also included this process in their official collection of test procedure.
Results and discussion: The results showed that every sample was contaminated with AFM1. The results from the test shows that every sample was contaminated with AFM1. According to the findings of different farms all samples were found positive with Aflatoxin M1 but only 15% were found higher value than European Commission while all 100% samples were below value according to the Pakistan Standard and Quality Control Authority acceptable limits Maximum concentration was shown in Seth Shahmeer Dairy Farm and Zumurd Dairy Farm 0.585 μg/l and minimum in Al Hadi Dairy Farm with value 0.252 μg/l.
Sehrish Rashid Niazi
DOI: 10.37421/2150-3494.2021.12.254
The preliminary introduction of synthetic polymers in the 1830’s is today reflect by an inestimable number of structural variations that have finished in key components in products to rally the requirements of contemporary society. Due to their practical applications in the field of biology, chemistry, and medical field. Hyper cross-linked polymers are of great importance. Synthetic hyper cross-linked polymer will have high surface area with improved pore size and mild operating condition that can be used for amputation of dyes. Hyper crossed linked polymer is synthesized by using Friedel craft reaction used for aromatic network for the formation with highest surface area and microprousity which is suited for the Methane and carbon dioxide even at low pressure and temperature starting from the anthracene and Formaldehyde Dimethyl Acetal (FDA) with different concentration yield highly porous polymers which approximate the separation and Storage for the adsorption of carbon dioxide and methane. This polymer exhibits several elementary properties like that biodegradable property, regeneration property, separation efficiency and high adsorbent capacity. FTIR technique is used to study vibrational energy levels of molecules. As each atom in a molecule or functional group has its unique vibration so they can absorb different wavelength of IR.
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