
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review

ISSN: 2223-5833

Open Access

Volume 11, Issue 2 (2021)

Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

A Study on Administrative Agencies under Regulatory Law

Udhaya Kumar and Malaimagal

Government managerial offices are bodies certainly approved by the US Constitution and made by Congress to implement resolutions and create guidelines in facilitation of those rules. That is, authoritative offices help the administrative branch in creating and the official branch in executing laws. Authoritative offices incorporate divisions, offices, commissions, agencies, sheets, government partnerships, and councils. Most regulatory organizations fall under the influence of the official branch. There are, nonetheless, a couple of regulatory offices that are legitimately under the influence of Congress, for example, the Congressional Budget Office and the Library of Congress. The specialist of the President over a regulatory office relies on the beginning of the office and whether it is an "official organization" or "free office". At government and state levels, managerial organizations increase whatever power they have by designation that is to state, that they don't have inalienable, intrinsically ordered capacity to act. Or maybe, a, larger amount of government, ordinarily the lawmaking body, must delegate its very own portion capacity to the office. It depends. All together for an organization to exist, it should initially be made by the empowering enactment. This rule is a gadget that sets up the essential system for the office, and the arrangement of standards and impediments by which it should live. These may incorporate an assortment of things including hierarchical issues, staffing, pay rates and methodology for leading business. The most significant is the appointment of intensity and its impediment. The appointment might be very expansive, giving the organization for all intents and purposes total power inside a zone (e.g., all tax assessment matters inside a ward), or it might be very explicit and limit the office's position to a thin scope of exercises, for example, working a solitary toll street.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 4

An Analysis of the Labor Process Theory: from Marx to Post Braverman Debate

Ishfaq Majeed

The roots of labor process begins with Marx analyses of how the labor process shifted from simple cooperation to manufacture and modern industrial stage, which resulted in the elimination of the skilled craft workers ability to exercise his judgment and authority over their labor power. Braverman take a new look at the skill, technology and work organization. He argued there is a greater possibility for managerial control which resulted in the wide-range deskilling of the workers. The Labor process debate in late 1970s attempts to include into discussion the important changes in the labor process. The debate over the development of the labor process led to a developing body of theoretical and empirical literature in the sociology of work. The present paper reviews the theoretical contribution of various thinkers to the labor process and to analyze the roots of deskilling or Upskilling of the workers in the labor process.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 3

Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Coffee Production and Adaptation Mechanisms; The Case of Small-Holder Farmers at Dara Woreda, South Ethiopia

Aneteneh Shiferaw* and Demelash Kefale

This study was carried out with the objective of examining the extent of climate variability and its effect on coffee production and identifying determinants for
farmers’ decisions to undertake adaptation measures in Dara woreda. A multistage sampling technique was employed to select peasant association. Qualitative
data were gathered through focus group discussion, key informant’s interviews and quantitative data were also collected from 145 sample households. Logit
model was used to identify the determinants for farmer’s decisions on adaptation measures, while linear regression and Pearson’s correlation were used to
identify relationships and effects of climatic variables on coffee production. The results of this study reviled that, 93% of the respondents perceives the existence
of reduction in rainfall, while 85% believes an increase in temperature over the last 20 years. The analysis of linear trend also show not only inter-annual and
seasonal variability, but also a decreasing trend of rainfall in the area. The meteorological data also confirmed the increase in both maximum and minimum
temperatures. Similarly, the annual yield of coffee productivity showed a decreasing tendency in the area for the period 1995-2014. Besides, the results of linear
regression showed that, the amount of rainfall received and increased temperature significantly affected coffee production. Similarly Pearson’s correlations
indicated negative relationship between temperature and coffee yield, and strong correlation between rainfall and coffee yield. On the other hand, results of the
logit regression model illustrated that; education level, farm size, access to credit service and family size being the major determinants for the farmers’ decisions
on adaptation measures in the area. Thus it would be vital to acknowledge the impacts of climate variability on coffee production in Dara woreda and considere
the determinant factors to implement appropriate adaptation measures in order to address the impacts of climate change and variability in the area. Keywords:
adaptation • climate variability •climate change •Dara woreda •logit model

Research Pages: 1 - 5

The Dynamics of Foreign Direct Investment in Economy of Saudi Arabia

Mohammad Naquibur Rahman

The present research paper is to investigate the futuristic dynamics of resurgence of the economy of Saudi Arabia in the wake of the introduction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) creating high impact particularly on GCC countries and generally on the world. It is strongly believed among the economists of the world that FDI is the irreversible impact of globalization and liberalization in the 21st Century. It goes without saying that the impact of FDI can be measured through the economics tools. Rather than while dealing with this subject, other factors also affect the behavior of economic dividends in the process of implement the FDI especially infrastructure of the country, geo-political position of the country and its clout over the world’s financial institutions apart from domestic governance of the country. The very FDI plays a very significant role in ensuring the behavior of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country, taking the country towards trade surplus destination and removing unemployment by creating jobs. The main conclusion of the study sheds light over the inflow of FDI and determining the GDP and taking Saudi Arabia towards balanced trade players in the world.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 3

The Guidelines of Shariah Compliance and the Balanced Scorecard Measurements for Improvements in the Islamic Banks Performance in Malaysia

Raed Ahmad Abu Eid

The assessment of the performance of the Islamic banks is still an unexplored area, and there is a limited perspective of performance evaluation, which affects the level of Islamic banking performance and remains arguable. This study has tried to conceptualized Kaplan & Norton's (1996, 2001) Balanced Scorecard and its comparison with the current presentation calculation structure of the Islamic banks. This study has introduced guidelines to the better output of Islamic banks for Shariah Compliance by using BSC measures. This study has found a useful connection among BSC estimates, attributes of Shariah Compliance, and Islamic banks' performance. Tremendous improvement has been seen by Banks, which used both; the BSC and Shariah estimates. The research was limited in its scope of investigation for implementation and applicability of the stabilized Scorecard theory (Kaplan and Norton, 1992) in the Islamic Banking Sector only due to time constraints. For future researchers, this study can also form a basis for establishing a more coherent model and an aspiration to improve the findings and results of this study.

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