Dionney Albuquerque da Costa, Maria Rogéria Menezes da Silva, Natália Freitas de Souza, Washington Luiz ;o Pereira Assunçã and Adriana Maciel de Castro Cardoso
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7099.1000463
The incidence of cancers in domestic dogs has increased greatly in recent years, drawing interest from areas such as oncology, clinical and veterinary pathology. Among these tumors, it has been highlighted the ovarian neoplasms such as ovarian teratoma, rare in domestic animals and it is characterized by the composition of multiple tissues foreign to the ovary, such as skin and appendages, bone, fat, nerve, occurring more frequently in young animals. This study aimed to report a case of ovarian teratoma in a German Shepard dog, two years old, which received treatment in the Veterinary Hospital at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia. The animal was euthanized and the complete necropsy examination was performed. The thoracic cavity was inspected and it was evident the presence of serosanguineous fluid aspect. In the abdominal cavity, it was observed a large intra abdominal mass rounded in shape and irregular surface, lobulated, firm consistency with cystic aspect structuresOn histopathological examination of the abdominal mass, it was observed several types of tissues such as adipose tissue, cartilaginous plates and presence of cysts containing keratin material. The results corroborate those reported in the literature studied.
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7099.1000464
Haemangiomas and Vascular malformations of the maxillofacial region are alarming lesions which cause considerable cosmetic deformity and psychological problems. Their surgical excision is difficult and fraught with complications like intraoperative blood loss, incomplete excision, disfigurement and recurrence. Sclerotherapy is the percutaneous or permucosal intralesional endovascular instillation of an irritant agent/sclerosant, which helps to reduce their size and make them more amenable to surgical excision later. This case series demonstrates the efficacy and safety of a single session Sclerotherapy with undiluted Polydocanol in the management of medium sized vascular malformations involving the maxillofacial regions (lip, nose and buccal mucosa), which completely resolved within four weeks of the intralesional injection, without any need for surgical excision. The gratifying results achieved, support the fact that single session sclerotherpy with Polydocanol may be considered as the primary modality in the treatment of these challenging lesions.
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7099.1000465
Organ is composed of special type of tissue and cells. Deficits in functionality and number of particular cells lead to the development of various type of human disease such as diabetes, neurological disease, cardiovascular, hepatic disorder and cancer etc. In the world of chronic disease there is a need of new branch of medicine that might help in the regeneration of tired and failing organ system. Present scientific community is giving emphasis and hope that regeneration of tired and failing organ system which results into various disease and disorders, might be cured/mitigated by special type of cells known as stem cells.
Siddig EE and Ahmed Hassan Fahal
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7099.1000466
Mycetoma is a unique neglected tropical disease which distributed worldwide and endemic in tropical and subtropical regions. This disease is caused by a large number of micro-organisms of fungal (eumycetoma) or bacterial (Actinomycitoma) origins. The disease is characterized by a swelling in the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues, with the formation of sinuses tract in some patients with numerous deformities and disabilities. Mycetoma infection affects all ages. The diagnosis of the mycetoma is based on identification of the causative organism and the disease extension which in turn considered as the first steps in the management of the affected patients and eventually predicting disease treatment outcome and prognosis. Different diagnostic tools were developed that aimed to identify the causatives agent. These include direct microscopy, Fine needle aspiration, Imprint cytology, histopathological, culturing techniques and molecular identification. Since histopathology is continues to be a rapid diagnostic tool as well as cost effective means of providing a presumptive or/and in some instances a definitive diagnosis of an invasive mycetoma infection, as well as it able to detect the causative agents invasion of tissues and vessels as well as host tissue reaction to the causative agents, however no way to replace the culture and molecular diagnosis that remain the most powerful tools for the definitive diagnosis of the causative agents. In our clinical setting at Mycetoma Research center the histopathology report, considered as a powerful tool as it include a comment stating the morphological appearance of the causative agents and the type of the host tissue reactions as well as it stated clearly the possible differential diagnosis. In this review we will discuss varies histopathological appearance of mycetoma causative agents as well as the common used histochemical stains that can aid in the diagnosis and the host tissue reaction to varies causative agents.
Prakash JP, Singh Royana and Pani Sankarsan
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7099.1000467
The most important and worldwide utilized nanomaterial is silver metal nanoparticle which after synthesis changed to colloidal or powdered form. After successful characterization different sizes of these particles measured if intermixed and confirmed to different size ranges. Different sizes segregates into various size groups. Specific small or large size silver in powder form also readily available in market for various applications and experiments after biological or herbal synthesis and characterization. 1 to 20 nm size ranges are grouped under inconsiderable or smaller size range whereas 20 to 100 nm size ranges or above sizes are grouped under considerable or bigger size range. Following serial oral ingestion for experiment, aqueous and magnetic stirred synthesized AgNps of less than 20 nm of null account size accumulate in mature and developing kidneys of pregnant Swiss Albino mice and their freshly born fetuses after passing through blood vessels of pregnant mice and after absorption from gastro intestinal tract and accumulate in mature kidney due to trap inside. These particles also crosses blood placental barrier reaches fetus body in womb and accumulate in developing kidney due to same mechanism. These particles also surprisingly execute sex specific corrosive manifestation. We have examined the corrosive and hazardous effect of 10 gestational days (5 to 15 gestational days) serial oral bolus ingestion of 2.75 to 18.5 nm size range AgNps colloidal solution in a lower dose of 0.35 (1), 0.55 (2) mg/kg. b.w, in an in between dose of 4 (3), 8 (4) mg/ kg. b.w. and in a higher dose of 12 (5) and 16 (6) mg/kg. b.w. treatment on mature and developing right and left kidneys of pregnant mice and fetuses. Groups were designated as 1(Control); 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Treated). At lower dose we report negligible histological findings and at higher bolus dose we report marked histological findings. This particular size range group silver nano particles (AgNps) treatment turns into insignificant reduction in kidney weight and height at higher dose, with some hemorrhagic focuses along with histological alterations. Predominantly agenesis and severe atrophy of renal corpuscles, increase of urinary space, generalized anasarca of podocytes, degeneration and dysmorphology with congestion of proximal convoluted tubules and distal convoluted tubules, loss of brush border membranes and damage of squamous epithelium of loop of Henley with severe congestion in medullary rays and collecting ducts are observed in routine histology. The in between dose demonstrated in between results. These manifestations are found quite same to chronic and acute renal failure with hematuria. All these alterations, in prolong sustain, could land up to beginning of apoptosis and progress of cell necrosis in these vital organs.
Pani Jyoti Prakash, Singh Royana, Pani Sankarsan and Shrivastav Rajeev
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7099.1000468
Repeated oral gavages silver nanoparticle colloidal solution ingestion procedures for AgNps neural toxicity have been investigated in Swiss albino mouse fetuses’ brain at the ultra-structural (TEM) level by transmission electron microscopy and Nikon bright field microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy probe identified neural toxicity in the brain of mice fetuses in the form of mitochondrial autophagy, dysmorphology & dysfunction of cellular organelles vacuolization of neuronal cell, blood brain barrier inflammation, astrocytic swelling, Gliosis and a well visualized differentiation to the reaction products. Multiple reaction product localization was visible in the form of smaller size silver nano particles (1 to 20 nm range) percolation and perimembranous multiple patchy condensations focuses appeared from inside and outside of neuronal cell membrane. Histologically cell and tissue dysmorphology was observed in the form of unipolar brush cell and lugaro cells degeneration with dysmorphology of corticomedullary layers of cerebrum, cerebellum and hippocampus. In twice, lower dose (0.5 and 1 mg/kg b.w./ day) and higher dose (10 and 15 mg/kg b.w./day) small size silver nano particles were found adhered both side of cell membrane, mitochondria and endocytotic vesicle. Neural histochemistry of fetal cortex by Golgi staining procedure showed reduction number of dendrite arborisation and unipolar neuron with basket cells degeneration and dysmorphology. But the intensity of such was found almost low or equal to control in lower dose and high in higher dose and concentration. Small size silver nano particles exhibits more neurotoxic effect comparatively to other metal nanoparticles because of easy penetration and disintegrity to BBB.
Sherin Singnarpi, Pratibha Ramani, Anuja Natesan, Herald J Sherlin, Gheena S, Giffrina, Abhilasha, Don and Archana
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7099.1000469
Abstract Experimentally red beet additionally referred to as beet root (Beta vulgaris L.) used as vegetable stain. Objective: To organize a dye extract from beet root to stain the buccal smear as substitution low cost and simple obtaining material. Material and method: Collected buccal smear from patient in Saveetha dental faculty around ten buccal smears every and glued in alcohol for half-hour. Then the staining was finished beet root extract answer. Results: The cells were stained brown in color with beet root. This study showed that the preservation of cellular morphology was gift and clarity of cellular details was moderate. Additionally showed delicate staining uniformity and background staining was gift. Conclusion: Beet root is accustomed stain buccal smear in exfoliative microscopic anatomy.
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7099.1000470
Schizoaffective disorder is a psychiatric disease with schizophrenic and affective, i.e. depressive, manic or bipolar symptoms. Three cases are presented, while the course of the disease and a different pharmacological treatment are described. The first patient suffers from a recurrent form with bipolar symptoms. The antipsychotic treatment was switched from haloperidol to clozapine with a superior antipsychotic effect and the two moodstabilzing drugs lithium and carbamazepine. The second patient suffers from recurrent schizomanic symptoms and finally the patient is administered the second-generation antipsychotic drug olanzapine, which reduces negative schizophrenic symptoms. The third patient shows recurrent schizomanic symptoms as well. The antipsychotic treatment was switched to quetiapine with a high affinity for the 5-HT2A receptor. The mechanism of action and the adverse effects of the prescribed drugs are pointed out. The patients remained stable, because they adhere to the pharmacological treatment and because they are socially integrated.
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