
Cancer Science & Therapy

ISSN: 1948-5956

Open Access

Volume 15, Issue 4 (2023)

Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

Colorectal Cancer and Prostate Cancer Have Different Risk Factors and Molecular Characteristics

Lorenzo Livi*

DOI: 10.37421/1948-5956.2023.15.595

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men, with an estimated 248,530 new cases and 34,130 deaths in 2021 in the United States alone. However, prostate cancer is just one of many types of cancer that can affect both men and women. In recent years, cancer consortia have been established to study multiple cancer sites together, with the aim of improving our understanding of cancer biology, identifying commonalities and differences across cancer types, and developing more effective treatments.

Research Pages: 1 - 8

Expression of Embryonic Stem Cell Markers in Childhood Neuroblastoma and Glioblastoma Cancer Cell Lines

Mohammed Al Mohaini, Fatima Al Hejji, Zahrah Al Hamar, Salah A. Abohelaika, Fadhel A. Al Omar, Nasir Al Awwad, Ali H. Al Turaifi and Hussain R. Al Turaifi*

DOI: 10.37421/1948-5956.2023.15.586

Cancer in childhood ages have significant differences from adult cancer in the incidence rate, type and location of cancer, pathophysiology, progression of tumor, management plan and recurrence rate. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) theory hypothesize the presence of small subset of cells within tumor mass that have the ability to renew them cells and differentiate to multiple cell types. In addition, these cells resist conventional chemotherapy and give rise new tumor cells causing relapse and metastasis. We tried to study the expression of pluripotent transcription factors in childhood cancer cell lines.

The pediatric cell line, SJ-GBM2 and LAN-5, were obtained from the Children's Oncology Group Cell Culture and Xenograft Repository. RNA is extracted from confluent cultured cells. RT-PCR reaction from both cDNA was done for embryonic and adult stem cell markers. Proteins are separated and western blotting of specific markers was carried out. In addition, immuncytostaining was performed for some of these markers.

The main pluripotent stem cell markers OCT4, SOX2, Nanog and CXCR4 were detected in all samples. Adult stem cell markers were tested as well. HGFR and CD117 were detected in both cell lines. While, heamopiotic stem cell markers, CD133, CD31 and CD34 were expressed by SJ-GBM2 cell line only.

Embryonic pluripotent stem cell markers could be used to identify pediatric cancer stem cells. Selection of these cells will enable us to treat them with targeted therapy to prevent or decrease the recurrence rate.

Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

Breast Cancer Patients in Coronary Illness

Haomin Yang*

DOI: 10.37421/1948-5956.2023.15.587

In patients with bosom disease, cardiotoxicity linked to therapy is developing. The purpose of this study was to determine when and how often bosom disease patients developed ischemic coronary disease, cardiovascular breakdown, and arrhythmia. Flexible parametric models were used to compare the time-subordinate risks of arrhythmia, cardiovascular breakdown, and ischemic coronary disease of Stockholm-Gotland breast cancer patients to those of matched controls from everyone in a register-based matched partner concentrate that was followed up until 2017. The Cox model was used to estimate the treatment-specific effects on breast cancer patients. Systemic adjuvant therapies appear to be linked to heart disease. In oncology, decision-making regarding adjuvant therapy and patient counseling may be aided by the risk estimates found in this study.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 3

Oncology Advancement Technologies Focus in Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment

Xue Yang*

DOI: 10.37421/1948-5956.2023.15.589

Through the integration of radiomic and pathomic signatures from the MRI (T2-weighted imaging, contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging, and diffusion-weighted imaging) image and H&E-stained whole-slide images, they developed a radio-pathomics integrated prediction system With progressively investigated belief systems and advances for possible utilizations of computerized reasoning (man-made intelligence) in oncology, we here depict a comprehensive and organized idea named wise oncology. Oncology, radiology, pathology, molecular biology, multi-omics, and computer science are all included in the definition of intelligent oncology, which aims to promote cancer prevention, screening, early diagnosis, and precise treatment. The rapid advancement of AI technologies like natural language processing, machine/deep learning, computer vision, and robotic process automation has made it easier to advance intelligent oncology. We are optimistic that intelligent oncology will play a pivotal role for the future of basic, translational, and clinical oncology despite the fact that the concept and applications of intelligent oncology are still in their infancy and face numerous obstacles.

Review Pages: 1 - 2

Treatment of Cancer Involves a Combination of Therapies

Monika Leja*

DOI: 10.37421/1948-5956.2023.15.592

Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, including in Lithuania. The treatment of cancer is complex and often involves a combination of therapies, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. In this article, we will discuss the therapy of Lithuanian cancer patients, including the current state of cancer treatment, challenges facing cancer patients, and potential future developments in cancer therapy. In Lithuania, cancer is the second leading cause of death, after cardiovascular disease. The incidence of cancer has been increasing in recent years, with over 13,000 new cases diagnosed in 2018. The most common types of cancer in Lithuania are lung, breast, and colorectal cancer.

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