DOI: 10.37421/2161-0525.2022.12.671
The expansion in the recurrence and force of perilous hydro meteorological peculiarities is one of the most hazardous results of environment precariousness. In this review, we sum up the information on serious climate peculiarities involving the information from 23 meteorological stations in Crimea from 1976 to 2020. Specific consideration was paid to the precipitation peculiarities depictions. Throughout the previous 45 years, a critical positive pattern of inter annual fluctuation of the yearly event of extreme climate peculiarities was assessed to be +2.7 cases each ten years. The pattern for serious precipitation peculiarities was assessed to be +1.3 cases each ten years. The plausible greatest yearly everyday precipitation as a quantitative mark of risky occasions was assessed for each station by utilizing both the fixed and the non-fixed GEV models.
DOI: 10.37421/2161-0525.2022.12.672
DOI: 10.37421/2161-0525.2022.12.673
DOI: 10.37421/2161-0525.2022.12.670
Following quite a while of treatment, the water contamination circumstance in the Huaihe Stream Bowl (HRB) is as yet horrid and rural nonpoint source contamination has turned into the main source of the issue. Be that as it may, rural nonpoint source contamination in the HRB is convoluted because of the intensifying impacts of different variables. In this review, we originally applied the product coefficient model to appraise the all-out nitrogen (TN) and all out phosphorus (TP) loads utilized as two contaminations source markers in HRB. Then, at that point, we built a record assessment arrangement of nonpoint source contamination risk by coupling the two source markers with five extra markers: precipitation disintegration, stream network dispersion, soil erodibility, incline length and land use. The essential wellspring of TN and TP loads is compost application, trailed by animals and poultry reproducing and rustic home-grown squanders. The gamble appraisal results show that 66.43% of the HRB is at medium to high take a chance of nonpoint source contamination, 12.37% is at high gamble and 11.20%. In addition, the medium-to-highrisk regions are predominantly packed in the Henan and Anhui territories. Conversely, the medium-risk districts are for the most part conveyed along the standard of the Huaihe Waterway. At long last, the noticed water quality classifications were utilized to check our discoveries. The controlling areas of nonpoint source contamination in HRB are recognized. This study could give a logical premise to successfully forestalling and treating water contamination in the HRB.
Apeksha Kumari* and Prashant Chaudhry
DOI: 10.37421/2161-0525.2022.12.674
Climate change can often appear as a distant, abstract issue. Evidence of climate change is often presented in terms of long-term averages, such as the fact that the earth is currently, after accounting for natural fluctuations, 1.1°C warmer than the 1880-1920 average, or that India has warmed by about 0.8°C since 1901. Invaluable as the science has been and grave as these numbers are, abstract data often does not adequately communicate the impacts of these changes on people’s lives. Overwhelming evidence shows that climate change presents growing threats to public health security from extreme weather-related disasters to wider spread of such vector-borne diseases as malaria and dengue. The impacts of climate on human health will not be evenly distributed around the world. The author attempts to analyse the health hazards due to climate change in the environment and how it really impact the lives of people to negotiate it in the already existed inadequate public health infrastructure as nearly 700 million of population living in rural areas directly depends on climate-sensitive sectors (agriculture, forests and fisheries) and natural resources (such as water, biodiversity, mangroves, coastal zones, grasslands) for their subsistence and livelihoods. Heat wave, floods (land and coastal) and draughts occur commonly. Malaria, malnutrition and diarrhea are major public health problems. The author also discusses that if there is any further increase in the climate change disasters, then it may cripple our inadequate public health infrastructure leading to urgent responding of situation, thereby by suggesting and exploring some response options to reduce the risk of climate change on the health of the people.
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