
Journal of Electrical & Electronic Systems

ISSN: 2332-0796

Open Access

Volume 9, Issue 4 (2020)

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 1

Advanced Energy Materials 2019: Material synthesis and optimization forhigh performance triboelectric nano generators - Jikui Luo - University of Bolton

Jikui Luo

In the long history of humankind, materials have consistently been the foundation of human culture advancement, even from Palaeolithic age up to now. Without embellishment, they can arrive at each corner and spread practically all viewpoints in our day by day life, for example, dressing, feasting, settling and voyaging. Among them, polymer materials (PMs) are of specific essentialness since falsely combined PMs showed up in 1830s.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 1

Advanced Energy Materials 2019: Synthesis of vertical graphene network as platform for electrochemical applications - Mineo Hiramatsu - Meijo University

Mineo Hiramatsu

Graphene based materials, for example, carbon nanotube and graphene sheet itself have a wide scope of potential applications. Among this grapheme based materials, carbon nano walls (CNWs) are self-upheld organization of few-layer graphenes standing vertically on the substrate to shape 3- dimensional structure. The mazelike design of CNWs with huge surface region graphene planes would be valuable as anodes for vitality stockpiling gadgets, electrochemical and biosensors and framework for cell refined. CNWs and related materials can be blended by a few plasma upgraded concoction fume testimony (PECVD) strategies on warmed substrates utilizing CH4 and H2 blends. Control of CNW structures including dividing between adjoining nano walls and crystallinity is noteworthy for the common sense applications. Besides, surface functionalization including surface end and design with synergist metal nanoparticles ought to be set up. We report the current status of manufacture and structure control of CNWs utilizing a few PECVD methods. Additionally, CNW surface was enlivened with Pt nanoparticles by the decrease of chloroplatinic corrosive or by the metal-natural concoction affidavit utilizing supercritical liquid. We likewise report the exhibitions of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) sensor and energy component, where CNW terminal was utilized. For the H2O2 detecting application, CNWs were developed on carbon fiber paper (CFP) utilizing PECVD with CH4/Ar blend to build the surface zone. At that point, CNW surface was enlivened with Pt nanoparticles by the decrease of H2PtCl6 in arrangement.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 1

Advanced Energy Materials 2019: Semiconductor nanostructureengineering for solar hydrogen production - Sabiha Akter Monny - The University of Queensland

Sabiha Akter Monny

In the perspective on the boundless asset of sun oriented vitality and the plenitude of water on earth, delivering hydrogen through photo catalytic and photo electrochemical water parting under sunlight based illumination has the incredible potential to bring to the table an ease, ecologically neighborly, green fuel that doesn't add to ozone depleting substance discharges. Since the spearheading work of Fujishima and Honda in 1972, gigantic exploration on semiconductor-based photo catalysis and photo electrolysis has yielded a superior comprehension of the cycles engaged with photo catalytic and photo electrochemical water parting, just as remarkable upgrade of vitality change proficiency for sun powered hydrogen age.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 1

Advanced Energy Materials 2019: Magnetic instability in heavily n-dopedFe-based full Heusler compounds: Origin and impact on thermoelectric properties - Fabio Ricci - University of Liege

Fabio Ricci

Thermoelectricity is a promising road for collecting vitality yet huge scope applications are still hampered by the absence of exceptionally efficient minimal effort materials. As of late, Fe2Y Z Heusler com-pounds were anticipated hypothetically to be fascinating competitors with enormous thermoelectric power factor. Here, we show that under doping conditions viable with thermoelectric applications, these materials are inclined to a startling attractive unsteadiness impeding to their thermoelectric execution. We legitimize the material science at the source of this unsteadiness, give rules for avoiding it and examine its effect on the thermoelectric force factor. Doing as such, we likewise point out the weaknesses of the inflexible band estimate ordinarily utilized in high-throughput theoretical searches of new thermo electrics.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 1

Editorial Note of JEES


am pleased to introduce Journal of Electrical and Electron System, (JEES) ( a rapid peer reviewed Journal which has key concerns about multidisciplinary topics that includes emerging areas of wireless communication systems, biosensors & actuators, quantum computers, biomedical electronics, robotics, mobile communication, embedded system, Journal main aim is to encourage the latest developments and innovations for publication on the open access platform as research articles, reviews, case studies, commentaries, short communication and the letters to the editor.

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