
Journal of Environmental Hazards

ISSN: 2684-4923

Open Access

Volume 5, Issue 6 (2021)

Opinion Pages: 1 - 2

Modern Wastewater and its Harmful Effects

Sumitha Nandan*

The expanded populace has prompted an increment in the interest for merchandise which thus has caused quick industrialization. Thus, the increment in modern set-ups has prompted the expanded creation of modern squanders.

Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

Air Pollution and its Impact on Human Health and Environment

Garima Sharma*

One of our period's most prominent scourges is air contamination, on account of its effect on environmental change as well as its effect on open and individual wellbeing because of expanding grimness and mortality. There are numerous toxins that are central point in infection in people. Among them, Particulate Matter (PM), particles of variable however tiny measurement, infiltrate the respiratory framework through inward breath, causing respiratory and cardiovascular sicknesses, regenerative and focal sensory system dysfunctions, and disease. In spite of the way that ozone in the stratosphere assumes a defensive part against bright light, it is destructive when in high fixation at ground level, additionally influencing the respiratory and cardiovascular framework. Besides, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), dioxins, and polycyclic fragrant hydrocarbons (PAHs) are completely viewed as air poisons that are destructive to people. Substantial metals like lead, when assimilated into the human body, can prompt direct harming or ongoing inebriation, contingent upon openness. Illnesses happening from the previously mentioned substances incorporate chiefly respiratory issues like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, bronchiolitis, and furthermore cellular breakdown in the lungs, cardiovascular occasions, focal sensory system dysfunctions, and cutaneous infections.

Perspective Pages: 1 - 2

Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical and Household Waste Management

Mandira Aggarwal*

The regulation of the spread of COVID-19 pandemic and impediments on business exercises, versatility and assembling area have essentially impacted waste administration. Squander the executives is basic to human turn of events and wellbeing results, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The important assistance given by the waste administration area guarantees that the strange stacks of waste that presents wellbeing hazards and heighten the spread of COVID-19 is kept away from.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 1

Disease Outbreaks and Manmade Disaster in Ethiopia

Kaleab Tesfaye Tegegne*, Medhin Geta, Abiyu Ayalew Assefa, Wosenyeleh Semeon Bagajjo, Demelash Zeleke, Eleni Tesfaye Tegegne and Mekibib Kassa Tessema

Manmade disaster in Ethiopia occurred starting from November of 4/ 2020 as a result of TPLF terrorist groups. The real cause of TPLF terrorist group’s conflict with Ethiopian government is the Manifesto 68 of TPLF.

Research Pages: 1 - 6

Application of Soft Computing for Evaluation of Bismuth Adsorption onto Coconut Skin in Kinetic Aspects

Mohammad Gheibi*

Bismuth has been on sale since ancient times but was sometimes confused with lead, until 1753 when it was distinguished from lead. The origin of the word bismuth is not clear. It may be derived from the Arabic word "biasemutum" (similar to kohlrabi) or the German words Weisse Masse and Wismuth meaning white mass, which became the Latin, word Bisemutum in the 16th century. Isolation and measurement of small amounts of bismuth are of particular importance in two ways, including environmental hazards and industrial applications. This study investigates the synthetic parameters of the process of adsorption of bismuth by coconut skin. In the first step, the order of the bismuth adsorption synthetic reaction was obtained based on nonlinear regression analysis, and then the reaction constant-coefficient was calculated using a combination of MATLAB and GA Simulink environment. The results and calculations showed that the relevant reaction which is quadratic and the constant coefficient of bismuth adsorption reaction is equal to 0.0076 L\mg.h.

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