
Journal of Genetics and Genomes

ISSN: 2684-4567

Open Access

Volume 6, Issue 6 (2022)

Mini Review Pages: 1 - 3

Adopting an Antiracist Stance in Publications in the Fields of Human Genomics and Genetics

John Carpten*

DOI: 10.37421/2684- 4567.2022.6.27

From its earliest days, the field of human hereditary qualities has had a complex, and on occasion disturbing, association with bigoted belief systems. Albeit the cutting edge field of human hereditary qualities and genomics has made considerable progress from those prior mistakes, fundamental prejudice stays imbued in its establishments and practices. Albeit different endeavors are expected to extract foundational bigotry, we center in this analysis around the work that should be finished in logical distributing in hereditary qualities and genomics. We propose eight rules that are both logically grounded and antiracist that we trust will act as an establishment for the improvement of strategies by distributers and publication sheets that address the special requirements of the field of hereditary qualities and genomics. Distributers and diaries should go past simple arrangements, be that as it may. Editors and commentators will require preparing on these approaches and standards, and will profit from assets like rubrics that can be utilized for assessing the adherence of entries to these rules.

Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

Clinical Genetics Integration in Cardiology: Current Approaches and Educational Suggestions

Kenji Martínez*

DOI: 10.37421/2684- 4567.2022.6.28

Ongoing advances in hereditary qualities can work with the distinguishing proof of in danger people and determination of cardiovascular problems. As an early field, more examination is expected to enhance the clinical act of cardiovascular hereditary qualities, including the evaluation of instructive necessities to advance fitting utilization of hereditary testing.

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