
Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism

ISSN: 2165-7912

Open Access

Volume 5, Issue 2 (2015)

Research Article Pages: 1 - 7

How does Doctor-Patient Communication Differ Based on the Gender of Doctor and the Gender of Patient? An Analysis of Entertainment- Education Based Network Medical Drama Grey’s Anatomy

Pokhrel L

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000240

This study content analyzed the total of 12 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy of season six. Total of twenty-four episodes of the season six, in which total of sixty eight (N=68) units of doctor-patient (characters) interactions were coded. This study aimed to find whether there is any significant difference in the communication between doctor and patient due to their gender difference. This study didn’t find a significant difference in terms of doctor-patient communication influenced by the gender of the doctor. The study found that the patients have interacted more to the female doctor characters than to the male doctor characters; however, the difference is not significant except in two categories: patient providing information on past medical diagnosis, and patient seeking information on adjustment/ coping (p<.05). In average, patients have communicated more with the female doctor characters than the male counterparts (Male: n=28, Female: n=40).

Research Article Pages: 1 - 11

Gender Matters: Eritrean Women and Mediated Messages of Foreign Television Channel

Indira M and Vijayalakshmi P

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000242

Eritrea is a tiny Northeast African country in the horn of Africa that was under series of colonial aggressions and conflicts. Italian, British, and Ethiopians have colonized Eritrea approximately for hundred years. Eritrean independence came at a heavy price, as Eritrea waged one of the bloodiest wars in the modern times. Two splinter groups, Eritrean People Liberation Front (EPLF) and Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) waged guerilla warfare to free Eritrea. 35% of the liberation army was women that played key roles and fought on par with men from beyond the trenches. Women are playing crucial role in the post-war reconstruction of the country. 50% of household in Eritrea are female headed today in the absence of men due to war and compulsory military service. Eritrean independence came at a time when the liberal policies of trade, economy and communication revolution were sweeping the countries of the world. Global media with its digital images started its operation in the Gulf Region had profoundly changed the way the people of Middle East and Africa used to view and interpret messages out of media, particularly from across the borders via satellites. War in the Gulf could get the digital media images from across the borders to the Gulf region via satellite and people could see the live telecast of the war on the Gulf. Middle East Broadcasting Company (MBC) started its operation with Dubai as its base. Eritrea, which is adjacent to the Rea Sea could capture these images and sounds and foreign TV Channels started beaming into Eritrea since 1996. Eritrea, a mosaic of religion, languages, geography and culture is exposed to a culture that is truly align and the Eritrean women that are nurtured in colonial aggression, revolutionary ideology and the orthodox patriarchal feudal set-up are exposed to the messages from across the borders. Following an exploratory survey, the researchers would like to examine the role of gender in perceiving the messages from foreign TV channels. The researchers are interested in exploring the way aspects like family norms, Lifestyles, Sexual norms, Social roles of Women and the Music preferences of the young Eritrean women in the age group of 18-25 are affected as a result of exposure to the mediated messages across borders.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 4

Portrayal of Punjab Emergency Service Rescue 1122 in Leading Ur du Media of Pakistan (A Content Analysis of News Coverage of Nawai waqt and Express)

Hussain S, Naz AA and Shabir G

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000243

This research aims to measure the Portrayal of the leading Pakistani Print Media pertaining to the image of Punjab Emergency Service (Rescue 1122) in view of the public opinion. This research paper also analyzes the image of aforesaid emergency service and may further show concern of elite Pakistani Urdu Media including Daily “Nawaiwaqt” and Daily “Express” regarding Rescue 1122, Punjab. The researchers have adopted Content Analysis as a quantitative research methodology. The data was collected through coding sheet from 2011–12. The data was analysed through Special Package for Social Science to ensure possible objectivity in the findings of the research and to minimize any type of ambiguity. The results have endorsed that the Pakistani Urdu Media has positively portrayed Rescue 1122. The findings of this research project have further endorsed that the chosen Urdu newspapers have given positive and neutral press coverage regarding Punjab Emergency Service as compared to negative news coverage. In short, the news coverage of both Urdu newspapers “Nawaiwaqt” and “Express” have shown Pakistani leading Urdu Media has positive tendency towards image and the role of emergency services delivery of the said Emergency Service in Punjab-Pakistan. Similarly, the findings of the study also strengthened the thesis that assumed as Daily Express gives more positive coverage as compared to Nawaiwaqt. Both of the newspapers also gave more positive and neutral coverage to the news related to emergency service–Rescue 1122 –published on all pages said newspapers.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 8

The Effects of Web Site Sequence: Moderating Role of Personalit y Difference

Chung H

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000244

This study examines the effects of website structures in terms of advertising effectiveness – memory, attitude, cognitive thoughts. The primary research question for this study is what type of website (web ad) structure is more effective. In the pilot study, we test the difference between two different website structures – linear vs. interactive – in terms of traditional advertising effectiveness. The results were not supportive to our research expectations. However, there were the differences in terms of memory between two structures. After re-creating the website based on subjects’ comments, in the final experiment, we examine the differences among the different structures and the moderating role of personality difference on the effects of website structure. The results confirm that there were significant differences by the website structures on subjects’ attitude, memory and cognitive responses. However, some research hypotheses were not supported by the current data.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

The Role of Community Radio in Empowering Women in India

Yalala N

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000245

Community radio is a third tier broadcasting along with public and private radio broadcasting. Community radio is managed, run, controlled and owned by a community for the benefit of the community and serves the needs, interests and aspirations of a community. CR (Community Radio) gives marginalized communities where their voice is not heard earlier, the CR gives them an opportunity to express their views where in the mainstream media these voices are not provided any space or time. Voluntary organizations, civic groups, NGO’s, Women’s groups/organizations, etc. are now entering into broadcasting to share, express, empower, give voice, to many communities to benefit them with the broadcast. In community radio the public are voluntarily participating and producing programmes for themselves for their own benefit. CR plays an important role in the lives of women as it creates awareness, provides information and education, improves their skills and on the whole it promotes social, cultural, political and economic development or empowerment of women. Many studies have proved that community radio is an instrument of power in changing the lives of women.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

Social Media, Indian Youth and Cyber Terrorism Awareness: A Comparative Analysis

Narula S and Jindal N

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000246

Cyber Terrorism is one of the most ignored and under estimated activities in India. Indian Youth which is the third highest number of Internet and social media users after China and the U.S. with an estimated over 381 million mobile phone subscriptions with Internet connectivity. Cyber Terrorism has now become a gruesome activity, it leads to killing someone financially and India is becoming its latest victim. Everyday various newspapers are filled with the stories of cybercrimes. It is not a future threat or a prospective threat; it is an ongoing, current threat. With increasing dependence on cyber space and the Internet, vulnerability to aggressors — whether it is terrorists, criminals or hostile countries, is also increasing. In this study, the habits of teenagers all around India shows the compulsive type of behaviour of text messages but very less knowledge and awareness about the threat of cyber terrorism. These facts not only outline in clear terms the immense popularity of the internet and the use of social media but are also indicative of the fact that Indian youth is very less concerned about the threat of cyber terrorism.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 7

The Effects of Web Site Structure on Attitude: Moderating Effec t of Surfing Behavior

Chung H

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000247

This study examines the effects of types of information on website in terms of advertising effectiveness – memory, attitude, cognitive thoughts. The primary research question for this study is whether information quality and quantity have different effects on consumers’ attitude toward the website. In this study, we manipulate information quality and quantity to see its impact on ad effectiveness. Also, we tested moderating effect by people’s surfing behavior.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 7

The Impact of Negative Endorser Information and their Facial Appearance on Advertising Effectiveness for Profit and Not-for- profit Organizations

Roozen I and Raedts M

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000248

This study compared consumer reactions to positive and negative information about endorsers. We analysed the effects of positive versus negative publicity about a fictitious male or female endorser with either a cold or warm facial appearance in two conditions: an ad for a profit organization versus an ad for a non-profit organization. The results show that consumers’ attitude towards the ad and the brand/charity organization is negatively affected by negative information about the endorser. Moreover, the impact of negative information of the same endorser is significantly greater for ads of profit organizations than for ads of not-for-profit organizations especially for endorsers with a warm facial appearance. These results suggest that the risk of negative endorser information is much higher for profit organizations than for not-for-profit organizations.

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