
Journal of Oncology Translational Research

ISSN: 2476-2261

Open Access

Volume 6, Issue 1 (2020)

Case Report Pages: 1 - 5

Balloon-Occlusion TACE for Treatment of HCC Complicated by Arterio-Portal and Arterio-Hepatic Venous Shunts

Maria del Pilar Bayona Molano, Adam Swersky, Bradley Fox, Jay Vasani, Jason Salsamendi and Shivank Bhatia

      Trans-arterial chemoembolization is a well-supported treatment option for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who are not surgical or transplant candidates. The efficacy relies on the ability catheterize the arteries directly feeding a tumor and inject chemo-embolic particles directly into the tumor under fluoroscopic guidance. In the presence of a vascular anomaly such as an arterio-portal or arteriohepatic shunts, the flow dynamics within the tumor are altered and may compromise conventional or drug-eluting bead trans-arterial chemoembolization. We present the case of a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma complicated by arterio-portal and arterio-hepatic vein shunts who was treated with a modified trans-arterial chemoembolization utilizing balloon-occlusion.

Editor Note Pages: 1 - 1

A Scope of Knowledge towards Present and Future Cancer Research

Engin Ulukaya

      Journal of Oncology Translational Research with ISSN: 2476-2261 is a peer reviewed online open access journal publishes articles that includes a wide range of topics in this field of cancer and creates a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal. The journal covers all aspects of modern research on cancer, from the more basic discoveries dealing with both cell and molecular biology of tumour cells, to the most advanced clinical assays of conventional and new drugs including risk assessment, cellular and molecular characterization, prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment of human cancers with the overall goal of improving the clinical care of oncology patients and creates a platform for the authors to contribute towards the journal.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

Constructing Kinetic Mathematical Models to Predict Cancer Behavior: A New Mirror Image as a New Medical Hypothesis

Ahed J Alkhatib

Biological behaviour is still dilemma irrespective to highly advancements in tumor knowledge due to diverse and interacting underlying mechanisms, an issue that stimulates researchers, practitioners, and scientist to explore more and more thoughts, ideas, and mechanisms. Based on my experience in the cancer research, I have constructed the mirror image model that predicts cancer behaviour. The expression of biomarkers is a very important feature of biological cancer behaviour. In this model, the expression of two biomarkers using immunohistochemistry was implemented. We have previously published an article about the use of digital imaging techniques for better understanding of cellular reactivity, in which we showed how can the expression of biomarkers be changed from qualitative to quantitative through the use of imaging analysis properties provided by adobe Photoshop software. The idea depends in calculating the total pixels per image, then an option to select a color of the image to compute its distribution as pixels. The obtained number is divided by the total pixels in slide. The resulting number is recorded. Using these options gave us the possibility to shift our knowledge in following the biological behaviour of cancer (Al-Jarrah et al., 2010; Bani-Ahmad et al., 2018). However, we have previously conducted several studies to follow the biological activities of several diseases including diabetes and neurological diseases (Al-Jarrah et al., 2013; Alkhatib et al., 2013; 2014;Amawi et al., 2019;Ali Alsarhan et al., 2020).
Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

Optional Treatment with Homeopathy for Children Suffering from Cancer

Erfried Pichler

Homeopathy is medicine for the individual person. In my lecture I present the treatment of a young boy and a young girl. She was suffering from Burkitt’s lymphoma with her ups and downs and in the end with a satisfying outcome. The boy got aggressive during chemotherapy. A homeopathic remedy was able to calm him down during the following chemotherapies. Homeopathic medicine is used in addition to conventional medicine. Usually we treat patients by choosing a homeopathic remedy as a result of a complete anamnesis which include patient’s biography, the current complaints and the psychic and physic possibilities of reactions on daily life. During follow-ups we can clearly evaluate the efficacy of our treatment. In this presentation the suffering of a five-year old girl with a B-Non-Hodgkin Burkitt like Lymphoma will be described. The first consultation via phone was during her stay at the Intensive Care Unit because of an organic shock syndrome. Getting Phosphor and Mercurius corrosivus in homeopathic preparation extubation was possible within one day. Conventional treatment combined with homeopathic remedies was completed five months later. Some months later she got a relapse and a stem cell therapy was necessary. Severe fever attacks, abdominal pains, loss of appetite and psychic disorders could be cured by homeopathic drugs. Main remedies had been Phosphor, Scropholaria nodosa, Acidum arsenicosum. That form of Integrative Medicine enabled her survival. This case encourages us to treat patients in our practice or hospitals. The efficacy of homeopathy is also seen in calming of a young boy who got angry during chemotherapy delivering him Strychnos nux vomica.

Young Research Forum Pages: 1 - 1

Young Researchers Awards - Young Scientist Awards and Best Poster Awards at Cancer Conference

Chen Yangchao

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