
Journal of Oncology Translational Research

ISSN: 2476-2261

Open Access

Volume 6, Issue 2 (2020)

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

Current Issue in Genetic Colorectal Cancer Syndrome

Abhiyanth S

Introduction: large intestine cancer is that the third common cancer within the world. Regarding 3-5% of the patients area unit carrier of genetic syndrome with high risk of large intestine cancer (CRC) et al malignancy. 20-30% of the patients with new diagnosed large intestine cancer had a case history of large intestine cancer. The foremost common hereditary syndrome is kill Syndrome (HNPCC hereditary non-polyposis large intestine cancer). Alternative syndromes with accumulated variety of polyps embody Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), attenuated FAP and MUTYH associated Polyposis (MAP). Genetics: kill syndrome is characterised by a germline mutation at a defective deoxyribonucleic acid couple repair (MMR) genes, with a high level of microsatellite instability. The foremost common genes concerned within the syndrome area unit MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 and EpCAM. FAP caused by APC cistron defects and MAP caused by a defect within the MUTYH cistron. Kill syndrome and FAP area unit genetic chromosome dominant, whereas MAP genetic chromosome recessive. Designation is created by genetic investigation, founder mutation and cistron sequencing. Cancer risk: Mutation carrier of the various varieties of the syndromes has accumulated risk of colonic and extra-colonic tumor. The time period CRC risk is calculable to be 50-80% in HNPCC and regarding 100% in FAP. The chance of the malignancy development is betting on mutation and cistron. Clinical setting: Dutch capital criteria and revised Bethesda criteria were developed to spot persons and families with high risk kind kill syndrome. Patients with FAP area unit characterised by thousands of polyps and MAP patients by 10-100 of polyps. Universal screening for kill syndrome: ought to patients with large intestine cancer or endometrial carcinoma bear screening by assay (IHC) or microsatellite instability (MSI) for kill syndrome. Affirmative, many recommendations embody the universal screening for all diagnosed patients below age seventy years. The police work recommendation and treatment with Empirin or cox2 are going to be mentioned. All the higher than points are going to be updated and mentioned throughout the lecture.
Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

Elucidative Intersects and Divergences Involving Cancer and Malaria


In a comparative appraisal of the courses and end points (terminal) taken by both ailments, we noticed the existence of intersects and divergences in malaria and cancer infections. Examining areas of intersections connoting similar trends: Malaria is a disease resulting from infection by a Protozoan Plasmodium parasites (various species exist), and it has been found that one of the causes of cancer is through infection by a virus (Human Papilloma Virus HPV) leading to cancerous conditions of various types, a prominent one of which is cervical cancer. Invariably, both malaria and cervical cancer could be treated. Malaria is a progressive disease, following initial infection and the disease could be very invasive if untreated or ineffectively treated. It is capable of progressing from a mild condition referred to as uncomplicated or mild malaria, into the severe form as the parasite multiplies, migrates and invade other tissues. As the parasite gain access to the tissues of the brain, they cause damages, leading to one of the deadly forms particularly in children, called cerebral malaria, which has the potentials of being severe. The parasite in other organs of the body such as the liver and spleen causes various health affecting conditions such as spleenomegaly. Invariably, commencing from its route of entry, principally through infectious bites รข?? it is shed into the blood stream, move along with the blood, first into the liver where several cells of the parasite are replicated (likened to a place where there is a boost in the number of parasites) in preparation for its onwards dissemination or spread of its disease state, with capacity to afflict and cause pathologies to several other tissues, organs and various regions in the human or mammalian body.
Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

Program against Cancer in Myanmar, Burma

El Hadji Seydou Mbaye

Introduction: Worldwide, one in eight deaths is thanks to cancer. Cancer aim more deaths than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. When countries are grouped consistent with economic development, cancer is that the leading explanation for death in developed countries and therefore the second leading explanation for death in developing countries. Rates of cancers common in Western countries will still rise in developing countries if preventive measures aren't widely applied. Projections sustained the GLOBOCAN 2012 appraisal predict a substantive merger to 19.3 million new cancer cases per annum by 2025, thanks to growth and ageing of the worldwide population. Incidence has been increasing in most regions of the world, but there are huge inequalities between rich and poor countries. More than haulable cancers (56.8%) and cancer deaths (64.9%) in 2012 occurred in less developed regions of the planet , and these proportions will increase further by 2025. By 2030, the worldwide burden is predicted to grow to 21.4 million new cancer cases and 13.2 million cancer deaths. Rates of cancers will continue to rise by 2035 with 23,980,858 new cancer cases.
Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

Perioperative use of NSAID Might Prevent Early Relapses in Breast and Other Cancers: An Upstream Approach

Michael Retsky

A bimodal pattern of hazard of relapse among early stage breast cancer patients has been identified in multiple databases from US, Europe and Asia. We are studying these data to determine if this can lead to new ideas on how to prevent relapse in breast cancer. Using computer simulation and access to a very high quality database from Milan for patients treated with mastectomy only, we proposed that relapses within 3 years of surgery are stimulated somehow by the surgical procedure. Most relapses in breast cancer are in this early category. Retrospective data from a Brussels anesthesiology group suggests a plausible mechanism. Use of ketorolac, a common NSAID analgesic used in surgery was associated with far superior disease-free survival in the first five years after surgery. The expected prominent early relapse events in months 9-18 are reduced 5-fold. Transient systemic inflammation accompanying surgery (identified by IL-6 in serum) could facilitate angiogenesis of dormant micro metastases, proliferation of dormant single cells, and seeding of circulating cancer stem cells (perhaps in part released from bone marrow) resulting in early relapse and could have been effectively blocked by the perioperative anti-inflammatory agent. If this observation holds up to further scrutiny, it could mean that the simple use of this safe, inexpensive and effective anti-inflammatory agent at surgery might eliminate early relapses. We suggest this would be most effective for triple negative breast cancer and be especially valuable in low and middle income countries. Similar bimodal patterns have been identified in other cancers suggesting a general effect.

Extended Abstract Pages: 1 - 2

Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Waves Induce Cancer Cell Death

Muhammad Bhatti, Juan Lopez and Megan Keniry

The primary objective of this research is to study and interpret the natural physics phenomenon of electromagnetic resonance in one end closed cavity for the eventual purpose of cancer treatment. Radio Frequency waves are released into a coaxial cavity filled with a small amount (1.6 mL) of breast cancer cells (BT549) and the reflection as well as the power input is measured to determine the absorption power into cancer cells. When the reflection of the RF waves from the uploaded sample of cancer cells is at its lowest power, the RF Frequency is noted and seen to be approximately close to the resonant frequency of that cavity. This cavity can potentially be used as a control method of testing RF frequencies on various types of cancer cells, such as the available BT549 cancer cell line obtained from the UTRGV Biology Department. 70% confluent basal breast cancer BT549 cells were grown in RPMI mammalian cell culture media with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 5% penicillin/streptomycin (P/S: from 10,000 U/mL stock solution) in 5% CO2. Samples were treated with 2 mL of 0.25% trypsin solution to detach cells from petri plates; cells were centrifuged at 100 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature to pellet. After this, cells were then re-suspended in fresh RPMI media (with 10% FBS and P/S). The cell density was 250,000 cells per mL at the time of RF treatment. The determined frequency for 1.6 mL of sample article was found to be within the range of radio frequency, but there is much room for improvement in our method, depending on the coaxial cavity design such as length and the radii of the coaxial tubes which is currently under investigation. Some initial results were obtained which showed that the electromagnetic waves induced cancer cell death as assessed by MTT cytotoxicity assays. These assays measure the reduction of MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) by mitochondrial reductases leading to the formation of purple formazan. MTT assays are commonly employed to detect decreased mitochondrial metabolic activity and cell death. The ability of RF waves to induce death in BT549 cells highlights a potential new intervention for poor prognosis basal breast cancer cells in the future.

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