
Journal of Oncology Translational Research

ISSN: 2476-2261

Open Access

Volume 7, Issue 4 (2021)

Short Communication Pages: 6 - 6

Pandemic, anxiety, physical activity and breast cancer: Is there a correlation?

Otávio Augusto Soares Machado, Jader Brito Ramos da Silva, Giovanna Athanásio Chaves Machado, Karen W. Wonders, Alice Aparecida Rodrigues Ferreira Francisco

The pandemic of COVID-19 has been plaguing the world. The social distance and uncertainty about the future, brought changes in our life habits. As a
consequence, the level of anxiety seems to have increased during this period. The level of anxiety experienced by cancer patients may differ from an individual
healthy. Therefore, the main goal of this research was verify if the cancer patients are spending the minutes for week of physical activity (PAm) recommended by
World Health Organization (WHO), and correlate it with the anxiety level of them. An online questionnaire was applied among cancer patients, being evaluated 57
women diagnosed with breast cancer (BC), aged between 20 and 75 years. The questionnaire was sent by text message and in spontaneous demand on social
networks. As main results we observed that before pandemic 87.7% were exercising regularly, while only 70.2% of them could maintain this habit. Regarding
the amount of minutes spent for week with physical activity, we found a mean of 90.5 vs 69.4 minutes before and during pandemic respectively. Considering the
minimum of WHO’s recomendation to PAm (150-300 of moderate or 75-150 of vigorous PA) we found that, comparing before and during pandemic, 24.5% vs
14% of BC patients reached the necessary amount of minutes. Finally, the level of anxiety was negatively correlated with amount PAm. Therefore, regarding BC
patients, we conclude that during the pandemic of COVID-19: 1. the engaging with PA was reduced by 17.5%; 2. the amount of PAm was reduced by 23.3%; 3.
the minimum of WHO’s recomendation to PAm was not reached, neither before nor during the pandemic; 4. increase the PAm seems to be useful, not medicated,
option against anxiety.

Short Communication Pages: 5 - 5

Breast cancer detection using low frequency bioimpedance device

Sofiene Mansouri, Yousef Alharbi, Jamel Nebhen and Anwar Alshrouf

Introduction: Early detection of breast cancer saves lives. Existing detecting techniques are invasive. Electrical bioimpedance is a noninvasive technique and
has a high diagnostic potential.
Methods: An impedance value different from the normal can predict a physiological abnormality. Malignant breast tumors have lower electrical impedance than
surrounding normal tissues. The use of low frequency current (1 KHz, 0.9 mA) has permit to focus only on the breast the extracellular resistance. The difference of
the measured resistances of the right and left breast is a pertinent parameter to early detect the presence of a cancer. A difference greater than 50 Ω is sufficient to
decide whether to visit a cancer center for further investigations. In this case, the lowest resistance value (RR or RL) can provide information on the breast affected
by the cancer (Right or left). The idea is to use a designed bio impedance device to early detect breast cancer. A low frequency current is injected to each breast
to measure the extracellular resistances. The resistances of the two breasts are then measured and if there is a significant difference warning is displayed. The
performance was tested on a set of reference resistors and the validation was done in-vitro on (Na+Cl-) solutions and in-vivo on a group of forty volunteer women.
Results: The results confirm that electrical conductivity of an ionic solution is proportional to its concentration. The concentration and the resistance are strongly
correlated (correlation coefficient of 0.97). The accuracy and the repeatability of the measures were satisfactory. Early detection means that we can detect small
extracellular concentrations variations into the breast (from 0.6 g/l). In-vivo measurements made it possible to set the threshold at 50 Ohm. If the difference
between the two measured breasts resistances is greater than this threshold, we advise the patient to consult a doctor promptly.
Conclusion: The difference between measured resistances of the right and left breast is a pertinent parameter to early detect the presence of a cancer. The
lowest resistance value (RR or RL) can provide information on the breast affected by the cancer (Right or left). Various improvements in the system are possible
but already the results are encouraging. In the future, this system could be integrated into a bra. In order to improve our work, we will first carry out a measurement
campaign on subjects suffering from breast cancer as well as on normal subjects. This measurement campaign will help us to improve our system and choose the
best threshold. Then, we will increase the number of electrodes to accurately locate the tumor in the affected breast and to create an image that will be displayed on
the smartphone. Tests on digital phantoms are promising. Future work will allow us to complete this ambitious project. This will allow having a smart mammograph
by the electrical bio impedance method.
Author thanks the Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University. This project was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz
University under the research project # 2020/01/16495.

Short Communication Pages: 4 - 4

Immune modulation in breast cancer

Lamiss Mohamed

Background: Breast cancer is one among the foremost common malignancies in women worldwide, and one among the leading causes of cancer-related death.
The decimal prognosis of breast cancer subtypes including triple negative breast cancer has been linked with immune response. So our aim to evaluate the
programmed death and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in prognosis of breast cancer subtypes including triple negative breast cancer subtypes.
Methods: Systematic review for evaluating the prognostic ability of PD-L1 expression levels in predicting positive clinical outcomes in Breast Cancer. The
outcomes evaluated are going to be Overall Survival, Breast Cancer-specific Survival, Disease-free Survival, Recurrence-free Survival, Positive lymph gland, and
Distant Metastasis.
Discussion: Immunomodulation seems to be a promising strategy in solid tumors. Worldwide, breast cancer is the most common malignancies in women, and
one of the leading causes of cancer death. PD-1 and PD-L1 are key physiologic suppressors of the cytotoxic immune response.

Short Communication Pages: 3 - 3

Utility of 2014 Bethesda classification of Cervical Lesions

Manasa Gaddam and Nandini N M

Cervical cancer is the second commonest cancer in India. Early detection of cervical cancer has significant improvement on patient survival, morbidity and
decreases economic burden on treatment cost. Invasive cancer of the cervix has been considered preventable because it has a long pre-invasive state, cervical
cytology screening programmes are available and the treatment of pre-invasive lesions is effective. Cervical screening programmes aims to detect women who
have an epithelial abnormality. Screening for cervical cancer with conventional Pap smear (CPS) is still widely used investigation in low resource settings like India.
It has been the mainstay for screening which has led to substantial reduction in cancer incidence. The Bethesda System of Reporting Cervical Cytology- 2014
(TBS) has been widely accepted and used as it brings uniformity for reporting. CPS are required not only for the diagnosis and management of the malignant
lesions but it is also helpful in identifying the infectious etiologies and treatment in developing countries. Aims of TBS were to provide effective communication from
the laboratory to the clinical provider; facilitate cytologic-histologic correlation; facilitate research into the epidemiology, pathology of cervical disease; and provide
reproducible and reliable data for national and international statistical analysis comparisons.
Our study aims at categorization of cervical lesions according to TBS in a low to mid income country (LMIC) like India and to eliminate the diagnostic dilemma.

Short Communication Pages: 2 - 2

Study of histopathological features of invasive breast carcinoma in relation to hormone receptor status

Chandana Ullas and Nandini Manoli

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in urban Indian women with age adjusted rate of 25.8 and mortality of 12.7 per 1,00,000 women. Prognosis is
greatly determined by clinicopathological and molecular characteristics of the tumor. Hormone receptor status evaluation has become a critical determinant for
classification and management of breast cancer. Estrogen receptor (ER) status has emerged as important criteria in determining the prognosis and treatment as
it plays a major role in tumor metastasis.
Aim of this study is to assess the relationship between morphological features and hormone receptor status of invasive breast carcinoma. This is a retrospective
study of 25 cases of breast carcinoma diagnosed between July2020-December2020 in the department of pathology, JSS Medical college, Mysore. The tumors
were categorized into ER+PR+ (36%), ER+PR-(20%), ER-PR+ (0%), ER-PR-(44%). Well differentiated low grade invasive carcinomas were frequently ER+PR+
whereas high grade infiltrating carcinomas were mainly ER-PR-. Tumor necrosis, lymphovascular invasion, lymph node involvement, high tumor grade were more
frequently associated with ER-PR- status. Histopathological evaluation and grading of breast cancer substantiated by hormone receptor status forms a reliable
tool in determining treatment modality and prognosis of the patient.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 1

Immunohistochemical indicatotrs of Breast Lesionâ?? A one year case study

Prajwala Nagaraju and Nandini Manoli

Breast cancer has ranked number one cancer among Indian females with age adjusted rate as high as 25.8 per 100,000 women and mortality 12.7 per 100,000
women. Diagnosis of Breast lesion has leaped rapidly from FNAC to molecular methods .In some institutes, the best possible cost effective diagnosis is given,
whereas in others, molecular studies are done to provide the diagnosis . Immunohistochemical markers like ER, PR , Her2 neu, growth factor receptor -2, Ki- 67,
progesterone receptor and p53 are used in breast cancer. Most commonly used among them are ER, PR and Her2 neu , which have array of use in subtyping ,
treatment and determining prognosis.
ER(Estrogen receptor) serves dual roles in breast cancer by predicting favorable disease outcome and by facilitating tumor progression. Up-regulation of ER and/
or the selection of specific ER mutations are early events important for facilitating tumor progression.
Along with estrogen receptor (ER), HER-2 is an important gene for molecular targeting treatment . As compared with HER2-negative tumors, HER2-positive
breast cancer is aggressive subtype that demonstrates unique epidemiological, clinical, and prognostic differences with poor response to standard chemotherapy
regimens. The HER2 gene amplification in the breast cancer is closely related to tumor-cell multiplication ,invasion ,high mitotic count and positive-lymph node
metastases, resulting in focal progression and distant metastases leading to adverse survival outcome.
Our study aims at correlating Her2 Neu with ER status, mitotic count , lymph node status, lymphovascular invasion.

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