
Physical Mathematics

ISSN: 2090-0902

Open Access

Volume 12, Issue 5 (2021)

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

Utilizing Numerical Models to Comprehend Digestion, Qualities and Sickness

Kisakye Irumba

Numerical models are a valuable apparatus for researching an enormous number of inquiries in digestion, hereditary qualities, and quality climate communications. A model dependent on the fundamental science and organic chemistry is a stage for in silico organic experimentation that can uncover the causal chain of occasions that associate variety in one amount to variety in another [1]. We talk about how we build such models, how we have utilized them to research homeostatic systems, quality climate associations, and genotype-aggregate planning, and how they can be utilized in accuracy and customized medication.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

An Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Musa Ekon

Polynomial math at the further developed level is regularly depicted as current or dynamic polynomial math. Truth be told, both of these depictions are mostly deceptive. A portion of the extraordinary disclosures in the upper compasses of present-day polynomial math for instance, the alleged Galois hypothesis were known numerous years prior to the American Civil War; and the wide points of variable based math today were obviously expressed by Leibniz in the seventeenth century [1]. Consequently, "current" variable based math isn't so exceptionally present day, all things considered how much is it conceptual All things considered, deliberation is all relative; one individual's deliberation is someone else's meat and potatoes. The theoretical propensity in math is similar to the circumstance of changing good codes, or changing preferences for music: What shocks one age turns into the standard in the following.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

An Application of Stochastic Modelling; Describing Growth of COVID Infections

Anirban Goswami, Sudipta Basu, Proloy Banerjee and Shreya Bhunia

In this article it is tried to construct a stochastic model which looks a generalized stochastic version of Von Bertalanffy power law model and Richard’s model and one can use to describe biological growth phenomena according to the appropriate situation and suitability of this model. It is mainly constructed to explain growth dynamics of patients infected by COVID-19 in South Korea. Here it is attempted to find the expression of variable of interest at time t and also the MLE of growth rate parameter is worked out. This model is applied to a real life data of infected patients by COVID-19 in South Korea after observing the growth pattern. This model could be used to the data sets of other countries, where no lockdown was imposed as a precautionary measure to deal with this situation. Then a comparative study is made between some well-known models and special cases of the model, described here. It is found that the special cases of the model that is described in this article fits better to the data than others.

Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

Quantum Mechanics and its Evolution

Musa Ekon*

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