
Journal of Pharmacognosy & Natural Products

ISSN: 2472-0992

Open Access

Volume 7, Issue 2 (2021)

Commentary Pages: 1 - 2

Traditional uses and pharmacological Activity in Ferula asafoetida

Sesuna Madihah

Ferula asafoetida is a herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family. It is oleo gum sap to gain from the rhizome and base of the plant. The flavor is utilized as a stomach-related guide in food as fixing and in pickles and furthermore utilized in current herbalism in the treatment of delirium and some apprehensive conditions like bronchitis, challenging hack, and asthma. It was all at once utilized in the treatment of childish pneumonia and � pompous colic. The unstable oil in the gum is annihilated through the lungs, making this a great treatment for asthma. The scent of asafoetida is uncovered to the breath, emissions, � atus, and gastric eructations. The properties of it are antispasmodic, expectorant, energizer, emmenagogue, and vermifuge. It likewise diminishes the blood and brings down pulse and is broadly utilized in India in food and as medication like Ayurveda.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

Neuroprotective potential of phytochemicals

Kuntano Leonardo

Psychological brokenness is a significant medical issue in the 21st century, and numerous neuropsychiatric issues and neurodegenerative problems, like schizophrenia, discouragement, Alzheimer's Disease dementia, cerebrovascular impedance, seizure issues, head injury and Parkinsonism, can be severly practically weakening in nature. In course of time, various synapses and flagging atoms have been identified which have been considered as restorative targets. Customary also more current particles have been attempted against these objectives. Phytochemicals from restorative plants assume a crucial part in keeping up the cerebrum's compound equilibrium by in� uencing the capacity of receptors for the major inhibitory synapses. In customary act of medication, a few plants have been accounted for to treat intellectual issues. In this survey paper, we endeavor to illuminate the utilization of therapeutic spices to treat intellectual problems.

Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

Rubus fruticosus (blackberry) use as an herbal Medicine

Christiano Evens

Wild developed European blackberry Rubus fruticosus plants are far reaching in various pieces of northern nations and have been widely utilized in home grown medication. The outcome show that European blackberry plants are utilized for natural therapeutic reason like antimicrobial, anticancer, antidysentery, antidiabetic, antidiarrheal, and furthermore great cancer prevention agent. Blackberry plant (R. fruticosus) contains tannins, gallic corrosive, villosin, and iron; natural product contains nutrient C, niacin (nicotinic corrosive), gelatin, sugars, and anthocyanins and furthermore contains of berries egg whites, citrus extract, malic corrosive, and gelatin. Some chose physicochemical qualities, for example, berry weight, protein, pH, complete corrosiveness, solvent strong, lessening sugar, nutrient C, absolute cancer prevention agent limit, antimicrobial screening of natural product, leaves, root, and stem of R. fruticosus, and complete anthocyanins of four preselected wild developed European blackberry (R. fruticosus) natural products are examined. Sign cant contrasts on a large portion of the synthetic substance distinguish among the therapeutic use. Various cultivars filled in same area reliably show contrasts in cancer prevention agent limit.

Commentary Pages: 1 - 2

Phytoestrogens in Postmenopausal Indications: A Theoretical Perspective

Nouran Ahmad

The estrogen, androgen, and progesterone receptors, individuals from the atomic receptor (NRs) superfamily, go about as atomic vehicle proteins, cell cycle parts, and record factors. Most cell activities of sex steroid chemicals are intervened through restricting to atomic receptors that go about as ligand-inducible record factors. Estrogen assumes a significant part in the development, separation, and capacity of numerous real targets, including the female and male conceptive frameworks. Estrogen likewise has an assortment of pharmacologic capacities, Estrogens (particularly estradiol) draw out the female attributes, control regenerative cycles and pregnancy, impact skin, resistance, support of bone mass, cardiovascular security, and mind protection. Estrogen lack during menopause can prompt danger for some medical conditions, like resting messes, vaginal dryness, joint agony, disposition swings, decreased bone thickness, cardiovascular infection, etc.

Editorial Pages: 1 - 2

Therapeutic Potential and Phytoconstituents of Allium cepa Linn

Irene Adriano

In the present scenario,  herbal medicines have gained global importance with both medicinal and economic implications. Widespread use of herbs all over the world has raised serious concerns over their quality, safety, and efficacy. Thus, accurate scientific assessment has become a prerequisite for the acceptance of health claims. Onion (Allium cepa Linn.) is a member of the genus Allium, is the second utmost important horticulture crop all over the world. It is used as an important source of phytoconstituents and food flavor. Onions are the richest sources of flavonoids and organosulphur compounds. They possess a high level of antioxidant activity attributable to flavonoids quercetin,  kaempferol,  myricetin;  pigments such as anthocyanins,  and organosulphur compounds.  The most important among the sulphur compounds are the cysteine derivatives non-volatile  S-amino acids,  S-alk(en)yl-substituted cysteine sulphoxides, and their decomposition products such as thiosulfinates and polysulfides. 

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