
Journal of Pharmacognosy & Natural Products

ISSN: 2472-0992

Open Access

Volume 9, Issue 2 (2023)

Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

Geriatric Pharmacology: Optimizing Medication Use in Older Adults

Eric Heather*

DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2023.9.234

Geriatric pharmacology, also known as geropharmacology or geriatric pharmacotherapy, is a specialized field of study that focuses on the use of medications in older adults. As people age, their physiology and pharmacokinetics undergo significant changes, which can affect the way drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted in their bodies. These changes can lead to altered drug responses and an increased risk of adverse drug reactions in the elderly population. Therefore, understanding the principles of geriatric pharmacology is crucial for healthcare professionals to ensure safe and effective medication use in older adults.

Mini Review Pages: 1 - 1

Recent Discoveries on Acmella Oleracea: A Review

Fathima Rabwa*

DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2023.9.245

The genus Acmella Rich. (Asteraceae) comprises 30 species and 9 additional intraspecific taxa that are mainly distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions around the world. One of the most distinct and recognizable members of the genus is Acmella oleracea. In particular, this species is famous as a traditional remedy for toothache and for throat, gum infections, that’s why it is known in the English nickname, “toothache plant.” The whole plant is used as a medicinal remedy in various parts of the world. It is suggested that the origin of A. oleracea is linked to the cultivation of Acmella alba. However, in some cases, its nativity has been attributed to Brazil, where the plant is called jambù and is grown as an ornamental or medicinal plant. Even though its origin is unclear, it is certain that it is cultivated throughout the year, and is widespread as a crop in the world.

Brief Report Pages: 1 - 1

Documentation of Medicinal Plants from B.V.M. College of Pharmacy Campus, Gwalior Madhya Pradesh, India

Amit Upadhyay*, Mohana Lakshmi and Naveen Sharma

DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2023.9.240

Gwalior-Chambal area is known as rich herbal diversity region of M.P state in India because variety of medicinal plants is being found here. Various parts of these medicinal plants like root, stem, bark, leaf, fruit etc may used traditionally as indigenous medicine., current research work is a useful account on medicinal Plants in B V M college of Pharmacy campus, Gwalior,(M.P). Medicinal Plant diversity Survey was carried out in the Period of October 2021 to June 2022 in the institution. After the field survey, observed medicinal plants were identified and their medicinal uses were searched from available literature, total 93 medicinal plant species were identified which belongs to 55 families. Out of 93 medicinal plants 19 were trees, 35 shrubs and 39 were herbaceous species. It was also observed that the institution is rich in plants of Liliacace family, and the leguminosae family is the second largest plant family of this campus. Lamiaceae and solanaceae families are third largest group of the plants in the campus.

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