
Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies

ISSN: 2161-0673

Open Access

Volume 10, Issue 2 (2020)

Extended Abstract Pages: 1 - 2

Nutrition and Health: The availability, affordability and consumption of fruits and vegetables in 18 countries across income levels: Findings from the prospective urban rural epidemiology (PURE) study- Andrew Mente-Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University

Andrew Mente



Most nutritional guidelines mention the consumption of at least two servings of fruits and 3 servings of vegetables per day. However, a large quantity of individuals do not meet these targets An improved understanding of the factors that affect fruit and vegetable consumption is important to improving the diet quality of populations.

Determining the afford of the ability to the important foods such as fruits and vegetables in countries with the different stages of economic development is important. In this education, we aimed to file the availability cost of the fruits and vegetables in community grocery stores and market places, and the afford ability of the meeting dietary guidelines for fruits and vegetablse consumption in 18 countries with different income levels. We also aimed to the relate the afford ability of fruits and vegetables to their feeding.


Study design and sample selection

For analyses of food the availability and the affordability, we collected the  information on the cost of at smallest one fruit and one vegetable in each PURE community in  between Jan 1, 2009, and Dec 31, 2013. A 1 km observation walk was done by the research staff in a centrally located area within each and every community. Additional grocery foods or market places in the 1 km area was visited if research staff were unable to collect the cost of the all fruits and vegetables. The total number of types of fruit and vegetable available for sale in each community was calculated to the assess diversity (see add on p 7 for methods used to estimate fruits and vegetables availability and afford ability). Additionally, we collected household income data from the participants in these communities.

Statistical analysis

The afford ability of 2 portions of fruits and 3 portions of vegetables per day was assessed using the least expensive fruit and vegetable available for the sale within each community. Moreover, the afford ability of purchasing 5 portions of the inexpensive fruit or vegetable was assessed to the estimate most positive situation of afford ability that is reflective of substituting the either type of produce to reach five daily servings.

We used Spearman association co efficient to test the strength of the association between the  country gross national income and  the mean percentage of household income spent on food. At the community level, we did an analysis of alteration, with tests for linear trend, to compare the mean number of different types of fruits and vegetables and they mean cost, to adjust by buying the price equality of one serving of fruits and vegetables in each economic region.

Role of the funding source

The funder of this study is no role in the study project data collection, statistics analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report. All the authors had full access to all the facts in the study and had last responsibility for the choice to submit for publication.


These study of 18 countries with a range of all  income level and  we found that individuals in countries with low uncultured national income consume rarer fruits and vegetables and spend a greater amount of their income was  purchasing food than those in high income countries. Absolute fruit price was the highest in societies of LICs, while the vegetable cost was lowest in these communities used to by purchasing price parity. Households in  the LICs and LMICs spend a considerable proportion (roughly half) of their income on food (compared with 13% in HICs), with households in some countries These findings are reliable with previous work showing that food spending ranges from 35% to 65% in MICs23 and from 55% to 77% in LICs.23,  24 However, our findings of the qualified costs of fruits and vegetables could not be compared with  the previous work in LICs or MICs because few of countries systematically monitor  to the cost of food and disclose national data.25 Furthermore, the national estimates of the cost of major food supplies available from the World Bank 26 and the UN Food and Agriculture Society 27 do not include fruits and vegetables.

The ingesting of a variety of fruits and vegetables are Important to a high-quality diet. In the PURE study, most of the  members consumed rarer than the recommended five daily portions of fruits and vegetables, and mean vegetable intake was lower than the recommended 3 daily servings in all economics regions except HICs. In 2015, worldwide fruit and vegetable intake was assessed to be lower than the average observed in our study. Earlier estimates were mainly based on the qualitative surveys, smaller then the dietary tools, or household surveys. These dietary tools are short lived questionnaires in which an structured list of food items is absent and as few as one question might be used to estimate the ingesting of a particular food type.

Hunger and under-nutrition remain highly prevalent in many LICs and MICs,35 and nutrition plans in these countries often prioritise meeting was minimum energy intake over diet quality. The unaffordability of fruits and vegetables might be a large fence to achieving these nutritional targets. World-wide, 1·7 million yearly deaths are projected to be related with the low fruit and vegetables  intake, 36 and many populations are incapable to  the meet the dietary recommendations.

Our results show that increasing the cost of  the fruits and vegetables virtual to household income was associated with  the reduced consumption, highlighting the needed  for the  rules that they  expand afford ability and availability of these foods, which might  be improve the diet quality of many populations, especially in LICs and LMICs. All other authors corresponding the study, collected data in their individual countries, and provided comments on drafts of the report.


Note: This work is partly presented 9th International Congress on Nutrition & Health February 20-21, 2017 Berlin, Germany


Extended Abstract Pages: 1 - 2

Nutrition and Health: Taurine deficiency can cause visual loss by photoreceptor and ganglion cell degeneration: Role in glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy- Serge Picaud-Vision Institute

Serge Picaud


Taurine is a free amino-sulfonic acid mostly provided by nutrition, which is present in huge amounts in the central nervous system. In retina where it signifies nearly half of the free amino-acid content  Although more than 30 years ago. taurine reduction was found to trigger photoreceptor degenerat in  the cats fed with a taurine-free diet. the mechanism of this taurine want still remains enigmatic. The effect of taurine on photoreceptor survival was  the next confirmed in monkeys and in rats by administering an inhibitor substrate of the taurine transporter (Tau-T) and finally realised in mice by knocking out the taurine transporter. Taurine also looked to play a major role in photoreceptor development. Recently was established that the retinal toxicity of the antiepileptic drug vigabatrin, is caused by taurine depletion. Vigabatrin-treated rats and mice were found to exhibit lower plasmatic taurine absorption and taurine supplementation reduced the observed photoreceptor degeneration and the consecutive disorganization of the photoreceptor layers. However vigabatrin treated patients, the visual contraction is not only attributed to  the photoreceptor degeneration but also to  the retinal tumour cell (RGC) loss the RGC layer even appears as the main site of retinal damage.

Taurine Improves the Survival of Purified RGCs in Culture

To determine if taurine can affect directly to the RGC survival, it was applied on pure adult rat RGCs in the culture medium. The cell spotlessness of adult RGC culture was first evaluated by immunolabeling the RGC culture with two specific markers.


That most cells were immunolabeled with RGC markers NF-200 whereas a very few cells are positive for macrophage marker. taurine is a strong antioxidant and an osmotic regulation particle that requires Na+-dependent approval use to its cellular activities, we  are inspected whether RGCs express the taurine transporter (Tau-T). RGCs were purified and used directly after the purification step (no culture) to measure the Tau-T expression level in newly purified RGCs. These data specify that RGC could generate the taurine uptake both in vitro and in vivo. GuanidinoEthane Sulfonate in RGC cultures. Interestingly, addition of GES with taurine significantly inverted the protective effect is used by taurine (+59%) on pure RGC cultures.

Taurine Reduced RGC Death in NMDA-treated Retinal Explant

Taurine was previously shown to prevent  the glutamate excitotoxicity in neurons. We therefore discovered if taurine could also defend RGCs from glutamate excitotoxicity. Taurine can therefore partially avoid RGC losses from glutamate excitotoxicity. To determine the  taurine could affect RGC existence in vivo, it was supplemented to the drinking water of DBA/2J mouse, a legalized genetic model of pigmentary glaucoma. Indeed, old animals were showing an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) compared to C57BL/6J mice, taken as control. No clear modification of Tau-T immunolabeling was observed in DBA/2J mice as compared to C57BL6/2J in the ganglion cell layer (data not shown). These results show that taurine supplementation partly prevented to the  RGC degeneration due to an elevated IOP in DBA2/J mice.


Our previous experiments on vigabatrin-treated animals had suggested that taurine reduction can cause RGC degeneration. Here, we provide evidence to the taurine  that can also promote the survival of adult RGCs in a pure and Clean culture. This result demonstrates a direct neuro protective action of taurine on RGCs, which is consistent with the taurine-elicited and resistance to  the hypoxia in an preserved RGC cell line. The specific expression of the taurine transported  in freshly purified rat RGCs (not cultured) advises that an intracellular mechanism they involved in taurine protective action. This theory was validated here by the loss of taurine neuro protection found in presence of taurine carrier inhibitor in GES. As a reported in the immortalized RGC cell line taurine neuro defence of RGCs could happen by reducing the intracellular calcium levels by preventing the opening of mitochondrial perviousness transition pores. Taurine was also shown to be needed for the translation of mitochondrial DNA.

In all our animal tests taurine supplementation increased by the two fold the plasma taurine concentration among although the starting concentration was different in mice and rats. upcoming studies will have to explore how the retinal taurine concentration is related to both this the transporter expression and circulating plasma concentration level in retinal endothelial cells. In humans, taurine supplementation has already been considered for the treatment of  the various diseases and no human toxicity or undesirable side effects have been reported even at doses as high as 6 g/day. In fact, low doses (1.5 g/day) were already start to increase more than 2-fold the taurine plasma absorption in human subjects.


RGCs were isolated from retinae in adult Long-Evans rats (8-week old) with an immune criticizing technique, according to the protocols before described in young rats and adult animals. RNA was take out from freshly purified RGCs (not cultured), liver or kidney, full retina of Long-leaving rats, using the RN easy plus mini kit (Qiagen, Courtaboeuf, France). Reverse transcription were then made using the Super Script II (Invitrogen) incubation firstly at room temperature for 10 min, then at 42°C for 1 hour and finally at 70°C for 15 min in presence of Random Hexamer. Taurine was directed per by its addition into the drinking water for 4 months from 8- to 12–month old in DBA/2J mice, a genetic animal model for pigmentary glaucoma.

Immuno staining was performed on cryosections mice or rats eye cups by means of using anti-Brn-3a monoclonal antibody. RGC quantification depend on the POU4F1 (Brn3a) immune labeling because strong association was reported between POU4F1-immunopositive RGCs and retrogradely dye-stained RGCs, as early as 3 weeks and  after the initial RGC lesion. In addition, POU4F1-immuno positive RGCs signify the majority of the RGC population (more than 75%) POU4F1/DAPI-positive RGCs were calculated from the whole vertical sections scanned with Digital Pathology System Nanozoomer (Hamamatsu, Massy, France) by 2 independent investigators unaware of the experimental groups. To evaluate the RGC thickness, the RCG numbers was normalized to the length of the retinal section measured with NDP-view software (Hamamatsu).


Note: This work is partly presented at 9th International Congress on Nutrition & Health February 20-21, 2017 Berlin, Germany


Extended Abstract Pages: 1 - 1

Nutrition and Health 2018: Resolution of infantile intestinal pseudo-obstruction in a boy- G Angsten- Uppsala University

G Angsten

Abstract: Intestinal pseudo-obstruction in children is considered by bowel dilation, abdominal pain, and bowel failure, leading to opposite growth and advance. In most cases abdominal pseudo-obstruction is considered to be chronic condition (CIPO), and treatment is parenteral nutrition. The CIPO diagnosis is suspected to be incorrect in anecdotic cases of resolution.  The intestinal morphology in pseudo-obstruction is under revision, and is currently descriptive and quantitative rather than diagnostic, but it is traditionally disconnected into neuropathies, myopathies, or combinations of them. The aim of this report is to present a well-documented case of resolving infant intestinal pseudo-obstruction.


The boy F.M. was born at period (40 weeks) after a normal pregnancy, birth weight 3450 g and birth length 50 cm. He stood the first child of a strong mother, and he was breastfed start with spontaneous passing of meconium within the first 36 h after birth. His first six weeks in life were normal, after which he developed progressive chapters of vomiting several times a day and abdominal swelling. He had pain and his stools were alternately hard or wet. A regime with a milk-free formula was tried for two months without any development of his symptoms. He was then referred as the section of pediatric surgery at our university hospital at five months of stage due to failure to prosper. A plain radiograph of the abdomen exposed massive bowel dilatation and a contrast enema suggested Hirschsprung's ailment with a transition zone located to sigmoid colon. However, the following rectal pressure biopsies confirmed presence of ganglion cells and absence of nerve hypertrophy. Exhibiting all signs of bowel obstruction, he was subjected to semi-emergent explorative laparotomy at 5 months of age.


Pathologist's report on the full width biopsies stated fibrosing myopathy, most pronounced in the slight bowel, interstitial Canal cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia, and signs of limited neuron degeneration in both the large and small bowel. There were more mast cells in the fibrosis between muscles films in the small bowel, but there were no signs of inflammation. The mucosa and submucosa were regular in all biopsies.

Metabolic balance

At 1.5 years, a metabolic balance education was done because of poor growth. Among blood tests, concentrations of e.g. hemoglobin, platelets leukocytesaspartate aminotransferasealbuminbilirubin, sodium, potassiumcreatininealkaline phosphatase and thyroid stimulating hormone and acid-base-balance, were measured. Urine and faeces were composed during three days for analysis of potassium, sodium,  and chloride as well as fecal fatty acids and trace elements. The mother reserved a diary over his oral food intake, and the dietician calculates to intake of calories. The basal metabolic rate was measured in a Deltatrac device with a pediatric mixing respirometer. The boy's total energy intake and it loss per day and calculated lower and higher, respectively, compared to those expected at his age. The dietician improved his oral energy intake, and a new HPN was composed. The lipid emulsion was changed to a structured mixture of MCT/LCT supplemented with carnitine. The boy's oral intakes continue to be poor, but after 6 months he had grown 6 cm in height and increased 3 kg in weightiness.




He was therapeutic with oral ranitidine, 60 mg daily ursodeoxycholic acid, 50 mg 3 times daily and vein metronidazole (20 mg/kg) as a monthly bolus to reduce enteral bacterial overgrowth. He was vaccinated against pneumococci. biochemical and Haematological parameters were usual apart from constantly low leukocyte counts, which were further reduce by frequent episodes of viral infections and some bacterial septicaemias and a bone marrow surgery showed a slightly reactive marrow.


Note: This work is partly presented at 19th International Congress on Nutrition & Health April 12-14, 2018 | Amsterdam, Netherlands


Extended Abstract Pages: 1 - 2

Nutrition and Health: PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE PULP OF AFRICAN STAR APPLE- Onimawo I A- Ambrose Alli University

Onimawo I A


African Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidum), an original plant is an eatable tropical fruit, which is categorized as a wild plant and belong to the family Sapotaceae. fruit which is known as “Agbalumo” by the Yorubas and the Igbos call it “Udara” is periodic and glaborous when ripe, ovoid to subglobose, pointed at the apex and up to 6centimetres long and 5cm in diameter.This fruit  skin or peel is orange to golden yellow when ripe and pulp within the skin may be orange, pinkish, bricked or light yellow .The fruit grows naturally in the forestry habitat of parts of Africa covering from Sierra-Leone through Guinea, Sudan to East African Countries such as Kenya, Uganda. It is spread in all forest types in Southern Nigerian and also in compounds and outlaying farms in most villages, in parts of South Western Nigeria. The tree mostly flowers between the months of April and June and fruits between December and March Fruits generally are not only consumed fresh but also used to produce jam, stewed fruit, jellies, marmalade, syrup and numerous types of soft drinks. It is also used for medical purposes. The seed and leaves in pharmaceuticals. Some of the trees are also valuable for decoration as an ever green broadleaf plant (Islam, 2002).

Chemical Analysis

They fruits were separated into two shares .One portion was used for the determination of the moisture and ascorbic acid contents.  The other portion was dry in hot air mixing oven  at 650C to a constant weight for (18-24h).The dried samples were ground into powder using an electric mixer with steel edges and stored in screw covered containers at 4-6 o C. Proximate composition was determined by standarde procedures (AOAC, 2000). The energy value was considered using the water factors of 4, 9, and 4 for protein, fat and carbohydrate respectively. Total alkaloids was determined by the spectrophotometric method of Shamsa et al. (2008) whereas saponin composition was estimated using the gravimetric method. The Total Soluble Solids (TSS) for the pulp was determined in Degree Brix using a hand Refractometer (Alago, Tokyo model Leica 10431) with a scale of 0-50 degree Brix. This anthrone method as modified by Kumar et al.(2012) was used with glucose average curve serving to estimate the absorption of total sugar in the sample.

Titratable acidity was a determined by titration to pH 8.1 with 0.1 M NaOH solution and calculated as grams of citric acid per 100 g of sample (AOAC, 2000). The Total Soluble Solids (TSS) for the tissue was resolute in Degree Brix using a hand Refractometer with a scale of 0-50 degree Brix.

The colorimetric process of AOAC (2000) process was approved by which measures the absorbance of 620nm of the colour that results from the reaction between vitamin A and SbCl3 .


The pulp had considerable concentrations of some minerals. High absorption of potassium (346.17mg/100g) and a lower level of iron (2.90mg/100g) were observed in the pulp.  This agreement with the report of Adepoju (2009) who asserted that C. albidum fruit pulp was in heightiest in potassium, calcium, and zinc, phosphorus, manganese and copper. The Chrysophyllum albidum variations can be good source of potassium, phosphorus  and calcium which are required for electrolyte balance, development of strong bones and teeth .Anti-nutrients such as phytate and oxalate were found to be  the low in the pulp of the seed. However saponin was found to be quite high (9.38g/100g). Adepoju and Adeniji (2012) had former reported a phytate range of for some Chrysophyllum varieties which were however lower than that observed in this study. The fruit pulp of Chrysophyllum albidum can be invented to contain low levels of some anti-nutritional factors like phytate and oxalate, and consequently the adverse effects of these antinutrients would be minimal upon the comsumption of large quantity of the fruit. The fruit limit higher amount of phytonutrients like flavonoids which has been known to play the key role of antioxidant that aid in the searching of  the free radicals. Hence, the fruit pulp could be considered to be very nutritious (Takruri and Dameh, 1998), and its consumption should be encouraged. Vitamin C is highly complex to a lot of conditions such as heat, light, oxygen, pH. This education shows that the African Star Apple has an average value of 40mg/100g which is advanced than the 12mg/100g testified by Dauda (2014) for Chrysophyllum juice. Vitamin A is known to serve as an antioxidant, possesses an anti-aging activit and  enhance good vision. That the pulp is ironic in vitamin A (246.33mg/100g) is a good quality of the African Star Apple.

CONCLUSION: Consumption of African star apple is encouraged

Note: This work is partly presented at 9th International Congress on Nutrition & Health February 20-21, 2017 Berlin, Germany.

Extended Abstract Pages: 1 - 2

Euro Nutrition 2018: Overweight and Obesity among Adults Aged 18-45 Years Residing in and around Giyani Town in Mopani District of Limpopo Province, South Africa- Motadi S A-University of Venda

Motadi S A



Historically, overweight and obesity were considered problems of the affluent countries, but and is progressively affecting developing countries like South Africa. In South Africa, obesity is basically driven by environmental changes such as urbanisation, accompanied by the cultural modernisation which promotes the acceptance of an unhealthy lifestyle plus unhealthy eating habits and decreased physical activity. obesity and overweight are still related with a sign of good health as well as the affluence, today this perception has radically changed on the basis of evidence that  the obesity and  the overweight are associated with a wide range of serious health problems and increase the  risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 ,hypertension, diabetes and high serum triglycerides which are important causes of death.

In several developing countries and obesity has recognized itself as a public health anxiety with many communities having higher occurrence, particularly among those of higher social economic status. The highest rate of overweight and obesity among the adults in sub-Saharan Africa is found in the South African women (42%), though the combined rate of both overweight and obesity is 69.3%.In their review on low and middle income countries reported that South Africa was ranked as the country with the third prevalence of physical inactivity.

Methodology: The study was conducted in the Mopani District, which is one of 5 municipal districts of the Limpopo Province. Mopani district’s economy is the predominately rural-based on the district was selected due to its huge development of modern shopping centres with all the well known chain supplies and presented which could lead to lifestyle changes.

Definition of Overweight, Obesity, Hypertension, Diabetes, Hyperlipidaemia and Body Fat Percentages: Overweight was well defined as 25-29.5 kg/m2 and obesity was well defined as BMI>30 kg/m2 [23]. A glucose level between to  6.0-6.9mmol/L was measured as moderate while glucose level of >7mmol was considered high Hypertensive range was defined as a Systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg and Diastolic blood pressure of >90 mmHg though systolic blood pressure of 130=139 mmHg and Diastolic blood pressure of 85-89 mmHg was considered as a prehypertensive range. Hyperlipidaemia was defined as total fat of >7 mmol/L while 5.2-7 mmol/L was measured borderline high.

Ethical Considerations: Provincial Department of Health Research Committee. The study was performed in the accordance with the ideologies of the Declaration of Helsinki (2008), Good Clinical Practices and the laws of South Africa.

Discussion: The aim of the study was to be determining the occurrence of overweight and obesity among the adults aged 18-45 years exist in and around Giyani town in Mopani District of Limpopo Province, South Africa. The result of the study was revealed that the prevalence of overweight and obesity was 18.1% and 20.5% respectively. However, the prevalence was lower when looking at provinces with Limpopo having 24% and 32.6% compared with 16.3% and 11.5% for females and males, respectively Though, the prevalence was lower when looking at  the provinces with Limpopo having 24% and 32.6% compared with 16.3% and 11.5% for females and males, respectively. The high occurrence of overweight and obesity in the current study may be clarified by the fact that the males are eating fast food daily and weekly combined (40%) while still have a low percentage of overweight obesity compared to the females. The consumption of the fast food may be improved by meals that cost less than R50 in various fast food openings which the public regards as cheap and convenient.

Results show that the females had advanced body fat percentages compared to their male counter parts, exceeding the recommended optimal body fat of 31-36% .Maybe the scientific explanations for females having a higher fat percentage may also be due to changes in hormones, hormone receptors and enzyme concentrations. Concurrently, Whitney and Rolfes stated that fat accumulation is higher in females than in males, due to vital body fat deposited in the mammary glands and pubic region in preparation for child bearing. Another factor that the might donate to females having a higher fat percentage than their male counterparts, may be the use of hormonal contraceptives. The high occurrence of overweight and obesity specified by BMI values and the fat percentage of the female participants in line with the high prevalence of waist circumferences above the normal values of 88 cm for women. Only a small portion of the male participants had been greater than 102 cm waist circumference.

The association between BMI and metabolic diseases among the adults was additional explored in this study. The results were indicated that, diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia had a positive association with BMI and WC, which is steady with previous studies. One possible explanation for this is that BMI is very extremely correlated with WC. The risk of metabolic diseases can be more accurately predicted by WC after adjustment for the effect of BMI. The results further presented that people with BMI above the normal and very high WC have a higher to risk of metabolic diseases.

Conclusion and Recommendation: A high occurrence of both overweight and obesity exists between adults in urban areas of Giyani. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the current study was in over than nationally and provincially. The high prevalence could be a consequence of dietary changes that have been observed in South Africa, from low fat diets to typical westernised high fat diets and market liberalisation which makes  the people access fast food due to the market globalisation which leads to take change in dietary patterns. Nutrition education programs on the consequences of  the overweight and obesity and the ingesting of fast foods should include to be  importance of dietary diversification of meals, specially the inclusion of fruits and vegetables and the reduction of food that contain with high fat content and hidden fats. Physical activity should be presented at school level as this is known to prevent overweight and obesity which delays appearance of non communicable disease.

Note: This work is partly presented Joint Event on Global Public Health Congress & Annual Congress on Nutrition & Healthcare October 18-20, 2018 Paris, France.

Extended Abstract Pages: 1 - 2

Euro Nutrition 2018- Barriers to neonatal hearing screening in Pakistan-Nazia Mumtaz-Al-Nafees Hospital

Nazia Mumtaz


Pakistan is an emerging country ranked as the six crowded country in the world with a significant part of its population suffering from to hearing impairment beset with late identification to hearing loss (HL) more often seen in the age group of 19-24 months 48% equalled to 22% at 0-6 months. This is compounded by a fragile health care system which is not responsive enough to address the health problems of the people let alone pledge curative or management of the programs for hearing impaired children. The same has been point out by the  Tucci D et al. in their study and determined that “high prevalence of HL in developing world was due to a variety of factors, including lack of widespread inclusive immunization programs and medical care, and inadequate funds for intervention once HL is identified” Neonatal hearing screening (NHS) is a public health care initiative to identify and detect infants born with  the impaired hearing from birth to one month of age to identify the new borns with hearing loss. The purpose of NHS of new borns is to notice infants consuming hearing loss (HL) so as to appreciably bring down to the age of identification of HL in children for intervention to take place by six months of age in order to the provide better speech language development, education and quality of life 4 NHS is known in industrialized countries. However, different barriers have played negative role to stop the introduction and success of the programs in low and central income countries.



This examining descriptive study was employed to purposive sampling technique and qualitative parameters was conducted in the Islamabad over a period of 18 months from June 2015 to January 2017 and  following approval of institutional research ethics committee. This was done as brand new hearing screening is required at the national level and for this policy needs to be expressed for enactment of legislature. Stake holders of  the disability policy and  the others were excluded from the study meanwhile disability policy concerns with  the children in future years, when hearing and speech disability has manifested. Meeting guide was developed and tested with the  policy maker bureaucrat (civil servant) to determine and how discussion was led by the formulated queries in the interview guide. It contained easily comprehendible queries with the flow modified and  the rearranged in a sequence including policy cover, legislative cover, fiscal resources, NHS in Pakistan ,linkage between external donor agencies and health care programs and awareness through social network and health. Further, the probes of each domain were built in to the related sections of the interview guide, which served to the steer the discussion into the domain areas without leading the respondents.



The thematic analysis of the data collected during in depth interviews with the policy makers revealed the themes that emerged within each domain of NHS and the fences to NHS. The outcomes drawn from the thematic analysis were Planning, Governing, Awareness, Funding, Size building (medical and technical), Administration, Policy development including Legislature Evaluation and Sustainability; The themes and connections of these themes to the emerging characteristics in the interviews. 



Thematic analysis conducted to explore the Barriers and Priorities accorded to the neo-natal range screening at the government health policy level in the current study was consistent with other studies. In the current study, targeting the health policy makers, they discoursed that in Pakistan on account was non-availability of funds for NHS complemented by following remedial and restoration program, NHS programs are  the unlikely to see the light of the day. 

It was worried repeatedly by the health policy makers that in order to the  market NHS the media awareness needs to be create which is only possible through the sensationalizing the negative influence of HI on society on the pattern of how external donor activities were sponsoring campaigns for the  communicable and non-communicable diseases like Dengue, Polio and Hepatitis and AIDs. In an Indian study by Baxipatra D, one block was identified as disability unresponsive attitude of the society and therefore the Laws and regulations however stringent can accomplish little unless there is a perceptible shift in the outlook of the public to the HI population unless if the media through its power of sensationalism and glamour makes a conducive atmosphere for NHS legislation by the positively influencing policy makers or legislators.

The absence of UNHS in Pakistan can be partially be credited to  the lack of interest on the part of the policy makers leading to non enactment of legislature in this particular field. 

Except for the area of Sindh, the central governments and the other3 provinces have not legislated on NHS. In the USA as of 2012, 44 states have been passed legislation related to the NHS. A lack of integrated, holistic, national based on method to NHS coupled with the limited outreach of the healthcare structure and low occurrence of hospital births aggravates the fragile health care system.



Lack of awareness about the lifelong social and the financial impact of HI to an individual remains a difficult policy level barrier to the introduction of NHS in Pakistan and loom in the shape of the dire lack of financial resources or allocation by the central government towards the health sector impacting upon initiation of NHS programs. Furthermore lack of availability to updated and reliable data as to the amount of persons suffering from HI from birth is a stimulating policy level the barrier as is also the dearth of research on prevalence and the economic fallout of HI. Policy makers are not sensitized to characteristic the costs borne by a HI person from the birth and incurred in case of subsidies extended by the state. One evident barrier to priority accorded to the NHS at governmental health policy level is that HI unfortunately remains an invisible disability, needful a media blitz and the ensuing commotion of peripheral benefits accruing from the international health donor organizations.


Note: Joint Event on Global Public Health Congress & Annual Congress on Nutrition & Healthcare October 18-20, 2018 Paris, France

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