
Journal of Trauma & Treatment

ISSN: 2167-1222

Open Access

Volume 10, Issue 2 (2021)

Editorial Note Pages: 1 - 2

Bipolar Illness in Adults

Annybal kilob

Bipolar turmoil is an on-going or rambling (which means happening once in a while and at unpredictable stretches) mental confusion. It can cause strange, regularly outrageous and fluctuating changes in state of mind, energy, movement, and fixation or core interest. Bipolar confusion here and there is called hyper burdensome problem or hyper despondency, which are more established terms. Everybody experiences typical high points and low points, however bipolar confusion is extraordinary. The scope of state of mind changes can be extraordinary. In hyper scenes, somebody may feel glad, peevish, or "up," and there is a checked expansion in movement level.

Editorial Note Pages: 1 - 1

Brain Hemorrhage

Steven Philippe

Trauma is the most common cause of ICH, and CT of the head is the initial workup performed to evaluate the extent of acute traumatic brain injury. MRI is increasingly being performed in the emergency department for the evaluation of traumatic brain injury, and MRI has been shown to be more sensitive than CT in the detection of small foci of intracranial haemorrhage or axonal injury.

Awards 2020 Pages: 1 - 1

Awards announcement for Nursing Research 2020 scheduled at Tokyo, Japan during 26-27 October 2020


Conference Series LLC pleased as host to invite you to the 51st World Congress on Nursing Research & Practice Nursing (Nursing Research 2020) in Tokyo, Japan during October 26-27, 2020. This year the conference will focus on the theme “Exploring the Challenges and Excellence in Nursing Research”.

Awards 2020 Pages: 1 - 1

Outstanding Scientific Contributions and Achievement Awards 2020 Annual Cardiology

Joseph Stephen Alpert

This Expert Level Scientific Award is given to the renowned scientific personnel who have contributed their services with a passion, dedication and commitment for the human development and distinguished experts who have made significant, sustained and continuing contributions in the field of Annual Cardiology. It is considered as the most esteemed award of the entire conference. His/hers contribution could be long-term, cumulative or single, particularly insightful, experimental, applicable, or interpreted ideas. This prestigious award could be given for the nominee who had demonstrated significant, independent contribution in their selected area of research with a min of 20+years of experience in Cardiology and productively engaged in respective leading edge technology. The achiever of the award must have completed MD or PhD, or equivalent. The recognition of the award will be taking into consideration for the independence of thought, originality and significance of discovery, and impact on his/her area of research. Eligible nominees can upload their Research Portfolios online with their latest 10 publications, landmarks obtained during their research.

Market Analysis Pages: 1 - 1

Accelerating Health Care to Accuracy and Accessibility

Terry M. Rauch

This 7th International Congress on Trauma, Critical Care and Emergency Medicine which is scheduled during July 20-21, 2020 | Florence, Italy featuring the topic “Accelerating Health Care to Accuracy and Accessibility" gives a great chance to share views, exchange knowledge and establish research collaborations & networking.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations: 1048

Journal of Trauma & Treatment received 1048 citations as per Google Scholar report

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