
Veterinary Science & Technology

ISSN: 2157-7579

Open Access

Volume 12, Issue 7 (2021)

Research Article Pages: 1 - 5

Cross sectional study on the Prevalence and Identification of Mange Mites on Cattle in and around Nekemte Town, Easter Wollega Zone, Oromia Regional State, Western Ethiopia

Abriham Kebede, Shafi Hirpa

A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2014 to April 2015, with the objective of determining the prevalence and identification of species of mange mites in cattle in selected areas of in and around Nekemte town. A total of 384 cattle were examined for the presence of mange mites. The study involved both clinical and laboratory examinations of skin scraping samples from skin of the animals. Of the total 384 cattle examined, 86 (22.40%) were found to be infected with mange mites. The most commonly encountered mange mites were Sarcoptes (15.10%), Demodex (5.47%), and Psoroptes (1.82%). Statistically insignificant variations were observed among two age categories (young and adult), even though the highest prevalence was observed in young, 49(22.69 %) while the lowest, 37 (22.02 %) in the adult cattle. However, there was a statistically insignificant variation detected between Gender (P>0.05) even if it was higher in female, 72 (23.00%) than male, 14 (19.72 %), but statistically significant variations observed among body condition score (x2= 44.4667; p<0.05), while the highest prevalence were observed in poor body condition score 31 (57.41%) than the moderate 15 (15.31%) and good 40 (17.24%) body condition score. Likewise, there was statistically significant variation detected among the different sites of infestation (p<0.05). The frequent sites of mange mite lesions were on the shoulder, neck, face, ears, tail and leg. To reduce the high prevalence and impact of mange mites on cattle appropriate and strategic control measures; extension service aiming at creation of awareness about the importance and control of mange mite for smallholder farmers is needed. Therefore, strategies have to design by professionals, regional governments and farmers to fight diseases of cattle.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 5

Participatory Epidemiology of Cattle Diseases in Arba Minch Zuria District, Gamo Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia: Particular Focus on Lumpy Skin Disease

Edget Abayneh,Yebelayhun Mulugeta

A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2019 to April 2020, in which participatory appraisal methods were applied to
validate Arba Minch zuriya district farmers’ existing veterinary knowledge on Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and to determine their
perception on rank, morbidity, mortality and seasonality of the disease. The participatory methods used were matrix scoring, proportional
piling, pair wise ranking, seasonal calendars and clinical observation. A total of 48 informants were included in the study to collect in-depth
information. Accordingly, it was indicated that LSD was a much known disease by its “nodules on skin” clinical manifestation. Ranking using
proportional piling based on the impact on livelihood revealed that LSD was the fifth most important disease prioritized in all kebeles
(W=0.638; P<0.05). The study also showed that the relative prevalence rate (PE-morbidity) of LSD in all age groups was 4.75%. The Agespecific
incidence showed that LSD had the highest incidence in calves and lowest in adult. The results of current study also revealed that
LSD had 2.15% case fatality rate (PE-fatality). Mortality rate in different age groups indicated that LSD had the highest mortality in calves
and lowest in adult. The analysis of matrix scoring indicated that skin lesion was most important sign for LSD (W=0.370; P>0.05).
Seasonal calendar indicated that the incidence of LSD was found to be high during short rainy season (Bone) than long rainy season
(Balgo)(W=0.771; P>0.05). Thus, the concordance between informant groups, veterinary literatures and research works had proven that Arba
Minch Zuria district farmers are knowledgeable about LSD. Hence, it is recommended that disease control intervention measures in the
area should appreciate community involvement and should consider LSD as it was one of the important diseases and listed in all kebeles

Research Article Pages: 1 - 3

Comparative Performance of Buffalo Calves Fed on Whole Milk and Calf Starter

Abdur Rahim, MK Rahman, M Sarkar, A Rahim, R Nandi, MM Hasan, RC Debnath

The study was conducted to assess performance of Calf starter on buffalo calf rearing. The study was conducted at Monpura of Bhola District and Baufol of Patuakhali, Bangladesh during Januray, 2020 to June, 2020. A total of 30 buffalo calves of about 6-10 days of age were selected randomly from study area and divided in two groups; having fifteen (15) calves in each. Calves were maintained under uniform managemental condition except milk feeding. The calves were weighed initially just after birth and 15days apart thereafter by a platform digital balance. Each calf was weighed in the morning before feeding. Analysis of variance revealed that FCR of the values of control group (5.37) was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of treatment group (4.09). Variable costs to raise buffalo calves during 75 days of experiment were higher in treatment group (Tk. 10089 ± 2840 than control group (Tk. 8830 ± 401). Results considering for daily weight gain and FCR, it indicates that overall performance, calf starter group was found better than the conventional ration.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 4

Helminthiasis in Small Ruminants of different Ecoclimatic zones of Nepa

Swoyam Prakash Shrestha*, Puja Bajracharya, and SP Shrestha

Livestock farming is one of the important agriculture sectors in Nepal. Small ruminant production especially goat and sheep have become an additional source of income for most Nepalese people. However, the production of these livestock has been decreasing due to the occurrence of gastrointestinal helminth infection. This study was performed to determine the overall prevalence of specific GI helminth parasites from the collected fecal sample of small ruminants from four different eco-climatic zones of Nepal i.e. Rasuwa, Rupandehi, Syangja, and Kavre. A total of 274 fresh fecal samples were collected and were placed in a zip-lock poly bag to which few drops of 10% formalin soaked in cotton was added to safeguard the sample. The qualitative fecal examination was carried out by different methods i.e. using differential flotation methods for nematodes, cestodes, and using sedimentation methods for trematodes. Examination of the fecal sample revealed that among 274 samples, 72 (26%) was found to be infected with various gastrointestinal helminth parasites. Altogether six different types of helminth parasites were found. Infection of Trichuris sp was found highest i.e. 12.04% and infection of Strongylus sp was least i.e. 1.09%. The prevalence of mixed infection was 0.72%. The comparison between the prevalence of helminth parasites among four different areas of Nepal showed the highest occurrence of GI helminth in Kavre (33.86%) followed by Rasuwa (26.60%), Syangja (21.87%), and Rupandehi (19.98%). The presence of various species of gastrointestinal helminths within small ruminants is an important cause of morbidity and loss of production. From the study we can conclude the need of effective and quantitative parasitic examination on more farms in large scale for betterment of health and increase productivity of the animal.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 3

Mercury Contamination of Fish, Cattle and its Public Health Impacts: A Review

Hordofa Noto

Mercury is a toxic element and its type, dose and rate of exposure determines the level of toxicity. Bacteria can transform mercury into methylmercury, a highly toxic form of mercury. Contamination of water, soil, foods, and environment by mercury is matter for both animals and humans. Contaminated fodder and water with mercury is the main source of mercury in animal products. Humans acquire the mercury poison mainly through intake of fish and animal source foods contaminated with mercury. Animals poisoned by mercury exhibits abnormalities of central nervous system, coordination of movement and visual aberration. Generally, accumulation of mercury not only has pernicious effect on the cattle but also on the population who is consuming contaminated milk and meat with mercury.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 5

Antigenic Characteristic and Immune Response of Host to Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Ephrem Shimelis

Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is the contagious viral disease of mammals and causing severe economic loss in susceptible clovenhoofed animals. It is categorized as list “A” disease according to OIE disease classifications. It is the causative agent of a highly infectious zoonotic vesicular disease that infects lung epithelial cells in respiratory tract of cloven-hoofed livestock including: sheep, goats, cattle and pigs. FMDV replication associated viral protein expression induces endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and unfolded protein response (UPR), in turn inducing autophagy to restore cellular homeostasis. The disease is characterize by fever, vesicular lesions and erosion in the mouth and on the tongue, muzzle, feet and teats and cause great economic losses in the affected countries and they involve an extensive threat for rapid and wide spreads. The virus enters a new susceptible animal either orally or via the respiratory tract (especially cattle). Aerosol transmission is the major means of animal-to-animal spread within premises.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 3

Poultry Production and Marketing in Borana Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Dirriba Mengistu, Belay Biru

Poultry production has become the most popular particularly as a business sector, which can be kept and managed by family as an immediate source of income. Owned to these facts, this study was conducted in Borana zone with the objectives of assessing the prevailing poultry production system and its marketing system in Borana zone. For addressing this target, 125 sample households were drawn following two stage-sampling procedure followed by simple random sampling techniques to withdraw sample. In data collection, checklists and questionnaires were used to collect information from market actors, producers, and intermediaries enriched with secondary data information. Generally, the study assure that poultry production and introduction of exotic breeds become increasing without the characterization of the local breed. In fact, as the other agricultural activities, shortage of improved breeds and market problem were messing the existing production system. Thus, this study briefly argues the characterization of local breed for further breed improvement and popularization.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 6

Small Intestinal Helminthes of Sheep and Goats Slaughtered at Bishoftu Elfora Export Abattoir, Ethiopia

Getu Hurisa , Lama Yimer

Helminthes have been recognized as a major constraint to both small and large-scale small ruminant production in developing countries. A
cross- sectional study was carried out in sheep and goats from November 2016 to April 2017 to identify the species and to estimate the burden
of small intestinal helminthes parasites of sheep and goats in Bishoftu ELFORA export abattoir, with the objectives of evaluating the current
status of helminthes. The study animals were 230 small ruminants in which 105 sheep’s and 125 goats slaughtered in Bishoftu ELFORA
export abattoir. The study revealed that an overall infection was 83.5% and among the samples from sheep 105 (87.6%) and 100 (80%)
from goats were detected positive for helminthes parasite with a no statistical significance (p >0.05) between the sheep and goat. It also
statistically significant differences (P<0.05) among the risk factors of age and origin considered in relation to the prevalence of Intestinal
helminthes. Three species of parasites namely Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Bunostomum trigonocephalum and Moniezia expansa were
found infecting intestines of both sheep and goats. In the current study, a high infection with helminthes parasite was observed in small
ruminants during the study period affecting health of those animals and appropriate control measure should be instituted

Research Article Pages: 1 - 6


Dereje Abera, Adugna Fetene, Ahmedin Beshir, Yilkal Kebede, Yitbarek Getachew

Trypanosomosis is protozoan disease that causes serious economic losses through reduced production and productivity in livestock sector, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa including Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Gomma district southwestern part of Ethiopia to determine the prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis using buffy coat technique. Types and population of trypanosoma vectors in area were also described. Accordingly, 384 cattle were tested and among the animals 15 (3.9%) were infected with the one or more trypanosoma species that included Trypanosoma vivax and Trypanosoma congolense. Body condition of the animal showed significant association (P<0.05) with trypanosome infection. Relatively higher prevalence (8.8%) was seen in animals with poor condition than that of those with good (1.4%) and medium (1.14%) body condition. Host factors like age and sex were not associated with infection rate. The mean PCV values of parasitologically negative (26.49%) animals were higher than that of positive ones (23.53%). A total of 175 tsetse flies were collected and the density of Glossina species was 1.458 fly/trap/ day. Based on this assessment two species of tsetse flies including Glossina morsitans and Glossina tachinoides were recorded from the area. The present study revealed that prevalence (3.9%) of trypanosomosis and apparent tsetse density in the study area was somewhat lower in comparable with nearby districts. This may be due to vector control programs practiced in the area. Therefore, further controlling of trypanosomosis and its vector control and prevention strategies should be strengthen and continued.

Review Article Pages: 1 - 6

Bacterial Protein Secretion with Particular Emphasis to Toxins

Yitbarek Habtamu, Jaleta Shukab, and Fanos Tadessef

Bacterial cells must transport proteins across their membranes for the biogenesis of membranes and cell walls, motility and nutrient
scavenging and uptake, and is also involved in pathogenesis and symbiosis. The translocase is an impressively dynamic nanomachine that is
the central component which catalyses trans-membrane crossing. This complex, multi-stage reaction involves a cascade of inter and intramolecular
interactions that select, sort and target polypeptides to the membrane, and in addition, transport through the outer membrane
requires ATP or other sources of energy to promote the movement of these polypeptides across or their lateral escape and integration into
the phospholipid bilayer, with high fidelity and efficiency. Here, the review addresses the structure and function of the translocase
nanomachine and different mechanisms of protein secretion and their transport. The general secretion Sec and twin arginine translocation
pathways are the bacterial secretion systems most commonly used to transport proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane. Often, Sec or Tat
systems transport unfolded and folded proteins first to the periplasmic space in Gram negative bacteria, where they are processed to obtain
their final three-dimensional structure, before being transported across the outer membrane. There are different path ways in which some
are sec dependent and others sec independent. Secretion types II, IV, V and VII are sec-dependent pathways while others like type I, III and VI
pathways are sec-independent. Secreted proteins can play many roles in promoting bacterial virulence, from enhancing attachment
to eukaryotic cells, to scavenging resources in an environmental niche, to directly intoxicating target cells and disrupting their functions.
Therefore, the study of protein secretion systems will be an important focus in the field of bacterial pathogenesis, and virulence for the
characterization of various bacterial pathogens.

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