
Oral Health Case Reports

ISSN: 2471-8726

Open Access

Volume 5, Issue 1 (2019)

Research Article Pages: 1 - 4

Salivary Gland Tumors - An Institutional Experience

Selvam S

Introduction: Salivary gland neoplasm represents the most complex and diverse group of neoplasm of the head and neck. Their diagnosis and management are complicated by relatively infrequency. The parotid gland shows 64- 80%, the submandibular glands showed 7-11% and the remainder being distributed between the sublingual (1%) and the minor salivary glands (9-23%) throughout the oral cavity.

Aim: 1) To assess the frequency of salivary gland tumor based on tumour type and anatomic location. 2) To correlate gender and age in different tumour type. 3) To correlate the location of benign and malignant tumours.

Materials and methods: A retrospective study was done in the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology from the period of January 2006 to December 2017, data was collected from the archives maintained in the department of Oral Medicine. Details of the patient include age, sex and site of the tumour were obtained and confirmed with histopathological study.

Results and Discussion: Chi square test was applied to find out the distribution of malignant and benign tumours. The prevalence of salivary gland tumors in our study was 0.3%, and the benign: malignant ratio was 1:2.2, with mean age of occurrence

Conclusion: This study was a single institutional experience where analysis of 32 SGTs was carried out. Malignant tumours were more compared to benign. Among benign tumours pleomorphic adenoma was the most common type. Among the malignant salivary gland tumors mucoepidermoid carcinoma was the most common followed by adenoid cystic carcinoma then ex pleomorphic adeno carcinoma followed by low grade polymorphous adeno carcinoma.

Research Article Pages: 1 - 4

Evaluation of Oral Microflora in Obese and Non-obese Humans from District Faisalabad

Abkar F, Rahman SU, Naveed A, Rasheed H and Mehfooz SA

Obesity is accumulation of excessive fat in an adipose tissue that leads to deleterious effects on the body. The oral microbiota may have a correlation with the obesity. Present study was performed to correlate oral microflora and obesity. A total of 100 saliva samples were collected, 50 from obese and 50 from non-obese individuals. The samples were processed according to the standard protocol for DNA extraction through GeneJet Genomic Purification Kit. The extracted DNA were proceeded to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing. The bacterial species (Selenomonas noxia) was identified in 93% of the obese individuals at the level >1.05% of the total salivary microbiota. Capnocytophage gingivalis was identified in 89% of obese median while Actinomyces gerenseriae and Treponema socranskii were present in 71% and 79% of the obese individuals respectively. Some of the bacterial species from all these phyla were recovered in both obese and non-obese individuals, however above-mentioned bacteria were only detected in obese. The overall research evidenced the presence of different oral microflora in healthy and obese individuals. These results support the correlation of oral microflora with the obesity.

Case Report Pages: 1 - 4

Management of Multiple Gingival Recession Defects in Aesthetic Zone with VISTA Technique: A Case Report

Saket K, Rekha SM and Sushama RG

Gingival recession is a common condition which involves apical migration of the gingival margin leading to exposure of the root surfaces. The condition has a multifactorial etiology and is commonly associated with trauma caused by inappropriate brushing technique and damage caused by periodontal disease. If not managed, the exposed root surface can become prone to development of root caries, hypersensitivity and can also compromise the patient aesthetically when the defect sites are present in the aesthetic zone. This report describes a case of multiple gingival recessions treated with minimally invasive VISTA (Vestibular Incision Subperiosteal Tunnel) technique in the aesthetic zone.

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