
Arts and Social Sciences Journal

ISSN: 2151-6200

Open Access

Articles in press and Articles in process

    Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

    Laser vision correction (lasik) in the United States

    Stephen N. Joffe

    Laser Vision Correction (LVC) is an elective, self-pay and safe surgical procedure to correct myopia and hyperopia. Since FDA approval 25 years ago, there have been a progression of technological improvements leading to better outcomes and LVC is now one of the safest surgical procedures. A potential pool of 50 million patients, 6000 trained ophthalmic surgeons regularly treat in over 1000 centers. Treatments remain low from an earlier peak of 1.4 million to less than 800,000 over last 10 years. The factors preventing patients undergoing surgery have not changed and include the cost and fear of laser surgery. The latter is overcome by word of mouth referrals and positive social media messaging. Patients can be “in and out” in less than two hours with a rapid recovery, minimal postoperative restrictions and have 20/20 vision within 24 hours. Laser vision correction and especially LASIK, remains the treatment of choice for myopic and hyperopic patients wanting to remove their dependency on glasses and contact lenses.

      Review Article Pages: 1 - 5

      A Significant Assessment on Indian Animation

      Ananda Karmakar*

      Indian animation is an influential facade in the modern world. Today where animation industry is developing continuously and becomes a beyond the imagination, the Indian animation is considered being navigator of the world animation, abundant passions and mandate creative exercises with the latest technical support which is recommended for achieving the position. The Indian animation industry is influencing not only the film industry and core animation field but also every single sector in the society. With this significance, Indian animation is being served in the world industry. Continuous journey through 2D, 3D animation and visual effects also including traditional animations have been encompassing the domain with unbeatable performance. However, the industry made own path through its constant effort where establishment might be very straggled full. This paper is a deep study on that gradual formation and development of Indian animation by providing valuable data and information.

        Research Pages: 1 - 8

        The Effects of the use of Atm Banking Services on Customer Satisfaction in National Financial Credit (Nfc) Bank Bambili Branch

        Wacha Roosevelt Wacha*

        This research study was carried out to obtain the effects of the use of ATM banking services on customer satisfaction. Research on the use of ATM banking services on customer satisfaction remains unrepresented and is a growing area of interest. It further offered a controversial topic that ATM holders could engage in to further make sense of the different negative and positive effects of ATM use that exist and how these directly influenced responses to gendered phenomena. It therefore elicited significant constructions of results and hence was used as a vehicle to further insight into the nature of awareness about the customer services offered by ATM points to account holders, effectiveness of ATM service on account holders and the relationships between ATM services and customer satisfaction. This was achieved using a sample of 40 ATM users of National Financial Credit bank, Bambili branch. Through this method, the effect of the use of ATM banking services on customer satisfaction was analyzed. Data was analyzed using STATA 10. The results were understood as almost three quarters of the respondents rated the services offered by an ATM to be effective with withdrawal as the main service offered by ATM, followed by checking of balances, while the statement/mini statement of account came third and Cash or cheque deposit came last. The finding further depicts that more than half of the respondents were satisfied by the services offered by the ATM. This study sheds light on the awareness that ATM services results in customer satisfaction in the society and as a view point for banking industry by showing how quality services offered by ATM service points are essential and its relationship to customer satisfaction. The researcher recommended that more inclusive study be made taking into consideration the disabled. A larger sample could also be carried out to see customer’s perception concerning ATM banking services. The researcher also recommended that the bank should check the ATMs regularly to fix irregularities.

        Review Article Pages: 1 - 6

        Turning Point in the Development of British Colonial Social Welfare in Zanzibar, 1940-1963

        Mkubwa Shaali Ali

        This article examines the experience and influence of the British welfare interventions in Zanzibar. It elucidates the origins and implementation of the British colonial development and Welfare Act of 1940 and presents this legislation as an important landmark in the development of social welfare. The article employed qualitative approach and utilized archival and oral testimonies. This article argues that, while the British colonial development act of 1929 proved to be of limited significance, the introduction and implementation of colonial development and social Welfare Act of 1940 marked a significant turning point in the development of social welfare in Zanzibar. This was characterized by major developments in education, medical and health facilities as well as improvements in urban housing. The paper also maintains that although the provision of colonial social welfare services followed the traditional approach of focusing on urban areas, to some extent rural communities benefited from the services.

        Review Pages: 1 - 9

        The Power of Koyta: It?s Implication to Other Harmful Cultural Practices in the Dassanach Ethnic Group

        Yohanes Mekonnen

        Although it is well known that bride price payment is a harmful cultural practice prevalent in dassanach ethnic group, yet, there is little understanding of its effects on other harmful cultural practices. To improve this, the study explores the hidden powers of bride price (KOYTA) payment to cause other harmful cultural practices. It also investigates reasons of practicing bride price payment. The study employed qualitative approach. The data were gathered from purposively selected interviewees specifically, using convenience sampling technique. The data obtained via interview has been cross checked and validated using focus group discussion and key informant. Thematic qualitative analysis technique has been employed to analyze the data. The study found that bride price payment, directly or indirectly, caused other harmful cultural practices such as inter-ethnic conflict, polygamy, early and forced marriage, abduction, school dropout, female genital mutilation and others. It also investigated that the participant articulated the causes of practicing bride price as it is a source of income, a sign of prestige and a preservative of family. It was revealed that bride price is a deep-rooted cultural practice with almost all participants supporting its continuity. However, recent commercialization has changed the practice and its cultural relevance is less clear in present time. Although bride price provides protection, respect, and acknowledgement of women within marriages, the paper argues that the practice caused other harmful cultural practices mentioned above. This study highlights the need to intervene on possible mitigation of the negative impacts of bride price so as to mitigate other harmful cultural practices at large. Therefore, intervening on bride price is a ‘’one size fits all’ ’ intervention on other cultural practices since other HCPs directly or indirectly caused by it.

          Research Article Pages: 1 - 8

          The Power of Koyta: It?s Implication to Other Harmful Cultural Practices; In The Case of Dassanach Ethnic Group

          Yohanes Mekonnen Abebe*

          Although it is well known that bride price payment is a harmful cultural practice prevalent in Dassanach ethnic group, yet, there is little understanding of its effects on other harmful cultural practices. To improve this, the study explores the hidden powers of bride price (KOYTA) payment to cause other harmful cultural practices. It also investigates reasons of practicing bride price payment. The study employed qualitative approach. The data were gathered from purposively selected interviewees specifically, using convenience sampling technique. The data obtained via interview has been cross checked and validated using focus group discussion and key informant. Thematic qualitative analysis technique has been employed to analyze the data. The study found that bride price payment, directly or indirectly, caused other harmful cultural practices such as inter-ethnic conflict, polygamy, early and forced marriage, abduction, school dropout, female genital mutilation and others. It also investigated that the participant articulated the causes of practicing bride price as it is a source of income, a sign of prestige and a preservative of family. It was revealed that bride price is a deep-rooted cultural practice with almost all participants supporting its continuity. However, recent commercialization has changed the practice and its cultural relevance is less clear in present time. Although bride price provides protection, respect, and acknowledgement of women within marriages, the paper argues that the practice caused other harmful cultural practices mentioned above. This study highlights the need to intervene on possible mitigation of the negative impacts of bride price so as to mitigate other harmful cultural practices at large. Therefore, intervening on bride price is a ‘’one size fits all’’ intervention on other cultural practices since other HCPs directly or indirectly caused by it.

            Hypothesis Pages: 1 - 2

            The Chinese Loan and its Impacts on African Economy: A Strategic Solution or a Potential Trap?

            Ghazali Bello Abubakar*

            DOI: 10.37421/2151-6200.2025.16.641

            With its vast and rapidly growing economy, China has emerged as a crucial partner for countries across the globe, particularly in Africa. The Chinese African partnership extends beyond mere diplomacy, encompassing bilateral lending and development projects. Currently, certain African countries, such as Uganda, are already experiencing the adverse effects of these loans, with assets such as Entebbe International Airport being put at risk. Numerous low-income African nations are grappling with the daunting challenge of meeting their debt obligations, and this situation is likely to worsen in the years to come. This paper aims to examine the potential risks associated with the debt burden on African nations. It will also explore the challenges they may face in repaying the loans. However, it highlights some of the infrastructural developments attained through the loans. It concludes that despite a relative decline in the scale of Chinese lending to Africa between 2000 and 2020, these loans have the potential to both facilitate economic development in Africa and entangle the continent in a form of enslavement. Interdependence theory is used to discuss the findings of the paper.

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