Addis Continental Institute of Public Health,
P.O. Box 7233, Addis Ababa
Research Article
Unmet Need for Family Planning Among Women in HIV/AIDS Care at Antiretroviral Treatment Clinic in South Ethiopia: A Challenge to
Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission
Author(s): Mekdes Daba Feyssa, Yemane Berhane Tsehay and Amare Worku TadesseMekdes Daba Feyssa, Yemane Berhane Tsehay and Amare Worku Tadesse
Background: Pregnancies in HIV positive women may or may not be desired. Family planning methods can be provided as an option to avoid undesired pregnancies. However, the prevalence of unmet need for family planning methods and its determinants among reproductive age women in HIV/AIDS care is not well known. This research assessed the prevalence and determinants of unmet need among HIV positive reproductive age women in HIV/AIDS care at Hawassa referral hospital, Southern Ethiopia.
Methods: A quantitative cross sectional study was done on HIV positive reproductive age women in HIV/AIDS care antiretroviral treatment (ART) clinic Hawassa referral hospital. Married or cohabiting with partner women, who were sexually active one year prior to survey, were included. A total of 658 women were studied. Data were entered and cleaned using computer software. Logistic .. Read More»
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