Antonio J Criado
Professor, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at the Complutense University of Madrid
Professor, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at the Complutense University of Madrid. He is a scientific collaborator of research institutes: United States Army Research and Standardization Group (London, England) and United States Air Force European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (London, England), Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements (Geel, Belgium ), Fraunhofer Institute für Chemische Technologie (Pfinztal, Deutschland), Institute for Transuranium Elements (Karlsruhe, Deutschland), Institute for Advanced Materials (Ispra, Italy), DECHEMA (Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie eV) (Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland) , the Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) (Spain), National Nuclear Waste Company (ENRESA) (Spain),