
Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine

ISSN: 1948-593X

Open Access

Ashraf U Mannan

Institute of Human Genetics, Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany.

After finishing BSc (Biochem) from University of Delhi in 1995, He was selected among over 5000 students into Integrated PhD program in IISc, Bangalore. After finishing MS from IISc He obtained a scholarship in 1999 from DFG in the scheme “Graduiertenkolleg” to perform PhD in Germany. He finished his PhD thesis in Jan 2003 and obtained best thesis award “summa cum laude” from University of Goettingen. After finishing PhD, He pursued research in field of Neuroscience and established as independent group leader. For outstanding contribution in field of neurological disorder; HSP, He was awarded Tom Wahlig Förderpreis in 2005.

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