Research Article
Perception, Knowledge, and Practice of â??Reflective Learning and Writingâ?? Among Interns in Academy of Medical Sciences, Pariyaram
Author(s): AK Jayasree and Binoo DivakaranAK Jayasree and Binoo Divakaran
Background: Since we are moving towards competency based medical education, reflective practices are becoming relevant. Before introducing these new education systems, it is better to assess the perception, knowledge and practice of reflective learning among graduates. Hence the study was planned with following
Objectives: 1. To understand the perception about reflective learning and writing among interns. 2. To assess the knowledge about reflective learning and writing among interns. 3. To evaluate the practice of reflective learning and writing among interns.
Material and methods: A cross sectional study was designed. Study population included all the interns (72) worked in Academy of Medical Sciences during study period. A semi-structured interview format was used to collect data. Likert scale was used to score the an.. Read More»