Claudio Nicolini
Nanoworld Institute Fondazione EL.B.A. Nicolini, Largo Piero Redaelli 7, Pradalunga (Bg), Italy
Claudio Nicolini was born in Udine, Italy. He received doctoral degree physics from the University of Padua, in 1967. After serving as Adjunct Professor at the University of Bari, he moved for 16 years to the United States, and was originally at Brown University, MIT, and BNL. He received several awards and prizes and has authored more than 460 publications in international scientific journals (SCI), 32 patents (WPI) , 27 books and Series Editor in Bioelectronics (Plenum) and Nanobiotechnology (Pan Stanford). His main scientific activities concerned cancer research, biophysics and nanotechnology, pioneering world-wide chromatin structure-function, bioelectronics and nanobiotechnology.