Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome,
via A. del Portillo 200, Rome
Case Report
Ovarian Carcinoid Tumor with Nodal Metastases: Case Report
Author(s): E.V. Cafà, Roberto Angioli and Paolo ScolloE.V. Cafà, Roberto Angioli and Paolo Scollo
Primary ovarian carcinoid tumors are very rare, they represent less than 0.1% of all ovarian cancers. The insular type is the most common, followed by the stromal, trabecular and mucinous types. A woman of 47 years old presented with lower abdominal pain, ultrasound evaluation revealed a voluminous pelvic mass on the right side. The patient underwent debulking surgery, it was diagnosed a carcinoid of the left ovary with prevalent trabecular and partly cribriform and insular pattern. Our patient had periaortic lymph node metastases, in this respect there is no evidence of involvement of lymph nodes for primary ovary, especially in the trabecular form, except for intestinal and pulmonary carcinoids. Therefore, this is the fi rst case of mixed primary ovarian carcinoid, particularly in predominantly trabecular form, with lymph node metastases, as described in the literature... Read More»
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