Research Article
Biosurfactant; Lipopeptides; Solid state fermentation; FTIR; Production and extraction
Author(s): Gunjan Gautam, Vishwas Mishra, Payal Verma, Ajay Kumar Pandey and Sangeeta NegiGunjan Gautam, Vishwas Mishra, Payal Verma, Ajay Kumar Pandey and Sangeeta Negi
The current work is enlightened about a cost effective bioprocess using one factor at a time approach for the production of bio-surfactant through solid state fermentation. A fungal strain Penicillium chrysogenum SNP5 isolated from grease contaminated soil was reconnoitered for the production of bio-surfactant. Various physiochemical parameters i.e., substrate composition, nitrogen supplements, extraction media and pH were optimized in order to optimized the production in terms of emulsification index and oil displacement assay. Maximum oil displacement area produced using grease waste and wheat bran (1:1 w/w), waste cooking oil and wheat bran (1:1 v/w) as a substrate were 3.5 cm and 5 cm, respectively. Whereas, considered values for emulsification activity with oil and diesel were 43% and 22% during optimization of substrate composition. Variable ratios of grease waste and wheat bran.. Read More»
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