Hermann Ehrlich
Institute of Experimental Physics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany.
He received PhD in 1984. He served as a postdoctoral researcher at Max-Bergmann Centre of Biomaterials, Institute of Materials Science in Dresden, and after Habilitation in Biomaterials at Christian-Albrecht’s University in Kiel he held a W3 Heisenberg full professor position at Institute of Experimental Physics at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. he held professor position in “Biomineralogy & Extreme Biomimetics” at the Institute of Electronic- and Sensormaterials at the same university. Using biochemical, cellular, molecular, and analytical approaches, he and his co-workers, for the first time, discovered and characterized chitin and novel hydroxylated collagen in the skeletal formations of marine sponges.