
Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism

ISSN: 2165-7912

Open Access

Huria S

Amity School of Communication,
Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

  • Review Article
    Research on an Insight into Facebook usage Habits and Marketing
    Author(s): Huria SHuria S

    The research project grabs one of the most central veins of the businesses – Marketing. Well, we have seen a lot of marketing since we were little kids till we have grown up. Everything we see in our day to day world is marketing. This marketing can be marketing of products, services, events, people, and information, anything. It is the key to money for every business eventually because; this is the only way in which people come to know about the business, their product/service, etc. and so can the businesses sell and earn money. While penning the summary down, the very aura of the research objectives stormed up in my mind. Here is a typical snapshot of the very flesh and bones of the project. The whole story sets in motion from the topic of the research project that is; “An Insight into Facebook Usage Habits and Marketing” The topic very well stands as a mirror to t.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000276

    Abstract PDF

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